• 改变发生

    Make the change!


  • 随着时间推移树立榜样以及提供资源改变发生

    But the example you set and the resources you provide will make a difference over time.


  • 一切都发生改变鲍勃接管该部门,那个部门按时完成的项目不多

    This changed everything. When Bob took over, the department could count only a few on-time projects.


  • 想一想如果祈求主你知晓了恶劣态度,错误的行为,过激的反应,那么看似水火不容的纷争发生什么改变

    What would change in the dynamic of this disagreement if you asked God to expose the extent of your own bad attitudes, actions and responses?


  • 这样方式事情发生改变的,保证

    Such an approach will change things. I promise you.


  • 琴弦装备颤音系统可以同时改变音高尽管会吉他稍微跑调很少会发生一次中断

    The Strat’s spring-loaded tremolo system, which could alter the pitch of all six strings at once, may have caused the to guitar to go out of tune a little, but you rarely saw one break.


  • 自己认为正确当时说道什么事也没发生自从改变主意

    "I did what I thought was right," he said then, and nothing has happened since to change his mind.


  • 三星做到了,大部分归功于李健熙——一个喜欢事情发生变化无穷的魅力,“改变除了妻子孩子之外的人和事”,1993年曾这样劝诫手下的经理

    That Samsung could is in large part due to a cult of personality around Mr Lee, who likes to keep things shaken up. "Change everything but your wife and children," he exhorted managers in 1993.


  • 现在我们时间熟悉他们然后沟通发生改变

    Take time to familiarize yourself with each of them and your communication will be transformed!


  • 你的孩子表达你的,那种无条件的爱,那种无论发生什么都不会改变爱,会尽早他们建立一种积极健康关系

    Showing our kids love, unconditional love, the love we have for them NO. MATTER. WHAT. has allowed us to establish a positive and healthy relationship with them early on.


  • 认为价格骤降拥有台大屏幕电视突然成为可能时,想法发生改变

    He believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility forme.


  • 同样重要的还有告诉学生他们学到的这些技术发生变化为了学生现实世界保持竞争力,他们将不得不这些技术一同改变

    Equally critical is teaching that these technologies will change and that, for students to stay competitive in the real world, they will have to change with these technologies.


  • 有一定强度坚持锻炼身体状况发生改变关键

    Intensity and consistency is the key to getting your body to change.


  • 如果没有胆量这样那么不要再说改变世界因为员工根本不想这种事情发生看起来只是个傻瓜而已!

    If you don't have the guts to do it, then please stop saying you are going to change the world. Because your people simply won't let it happen, and you are going to look like a fool.


  • 一个微小改变只是,“没有什么好坏,这只是发生了而已如此而已这个改变需要实践,令人惊讶,结果惊呼

    It's a tiny change - all you have to do is say, 'That wasn't good or bad, it just happened, it just is.' it's tiny, but it takes practice, and amazingly, it can knock you on your ass.


  • 到了年底趋势发生改变,油价出现下跌评论指出零售商们对此反应缓慢,没有消费者完完全全地尝到一甜头。

    By the end of the year the tide was turning as the oil price slumped, but critics claimed that retailers were slow to pass on the full benefits.


  • 但是我们个人所任何微小的事情不会这一事实发生改变吗?

    But surely any little thing we do as individuals won't make a difference right?


  • 生活花些时间展现怜悯之心我的性格自我价值发生改变

    Taking time to show compassion in my life has made a difference in my character and who I am.


  • 但是由于经济形势窘迫,这种每个孩子拥有自己领地潮流或许发生改变

    But the trend toward each child having their own domain may be changing due to economic constraints.


  • 也许在你看来这样的错误很明显就是这种意识的偏差很多赌徒认为概率发生改变

    This may sound obvious, but this bias has caused many agambler to lose money thinking the probabilities have changed.


  • 有时候别人大谈特谈而不发表任何看法,也使别人一天发生巨大改变

    Sometimes just talking about things without being judged can make a world of difference to someone's day.


  • 每天都会有一个地方发生改变有时候这些变化会你吃惊。

    Each day brings a new change or two, and it can sometimes feel like it's hard to keep up.


  • 有一定强度坚持锻炼身体状况发生改变关键坚持下去的时候,你不会相信什么发生

    Intensity and consistency is the key to getting your body to change. When you remain consistent, you won't believe what will happen.


  • 女性获得教育使她们更多就业机会,就业范围也更大,传统男女性别分工发生改变

    The educational gains for women are giving them greater access to a wider range of jobs, contributing to a shift of traditional gender roles at home and work.


  • 一点正在发生改变因为HTML5正在完善网页框架,网络应用更快

    Amirzada said that this is changing, however, as HTML5 improves on the infrastructure of the Web and makes applications faster and more functional.


  • 如果这样方式认可搭档,(不管),没有意愿他们发生改变,那你就有了思想安宁

    If you agree to your partner in this way, as he or she is, without any wish to have him or her change, you have peace of mind.


  • 如果这样方式认可搭档,(不管),没有意愿他们发生改变,那你就有了思想安宁

    If you agree to your partner in this way, as he or she is, without any wish to have him or her change, you have peace of mind.


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