• 特尔爵士的儿子伊恩:“许多年来父亲努力奋斗证实喷气式飞机技术可行的。 英国皇家空军对此缺乏兴趣很沮丧,并且怀疑他的脑子有问题这更加深了他的伤害,但惠特尔的设计图触发了德国的灵感,建造德国版本的喷气式飞机。

    Whittle's son Ian said: 'For many years, my father battled to prove that his idea for jet engine technology was attainable.


  • 每个星期一休息日更多时间博客上为了更高收入更加努力

    That extra day a week allowed me to spend more time on the blog and helped ramp up my efforts to increase my income.


  • 学业上成功很有成就感喜欢冲劲十足的朋友一起努力同时乐于后进生”一起玩,看来他们更加真挚忠诚

    While I do enjoy accomplishing my academic goals and working with this highly motivated group of friends, I also enjoy "the losers," who to me seem much more sincere and loyal.


  • 看到自己英语上的进步变得更加自信了,也了解,只要努力向前,机会无处不在

    I couldn't be more thrilled by my improved English, confidence and new opportunities to jet-set around the world!


  • 努力开始迈开可以快乐步伐时,更加能够使其他人更快乐了。

    When I put in the effort to take the steps that will make me happier, I'm far better able to make other people happier too.


  • 更加坚信pseudo必须努力尝试避免发生命名冲突

    This reinforced my belief that pseudo has to try hard to avoid clashing with names used by anything else.


  • 家乡那里的他们努力工作家乡变得更加的富裕美丽

    I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


  • 未来更加努力学习盲人增光添彩更多耀眼金星

    In the future, I will be more efforts to study, for the blind Zengguang luster, so that even more dazzling Venus.


  • 人们不断建设自己他们努力自己生活更加的美好然而在这里居住多久

    People in constant construction of his own their homes, their efforts to make your life more beautiful. However. We can still living here long?


  • 有些地方愚蠢弄丢在坚持努力踢球,努力自己更加自信。

    I think I lost the ball in stupid areas sometimes but I just carried on working hard and carried on being confident.


  • 不是确定对于工作心态当下」,一旦努力完成目标后,总是让我更加忙碌去进行设计

    Young: Not really sure, I am just happy to work on the project in the first place, if we finish or not, it kept me busy for the moment.


  • 更加努力的,看到成长

    I will work harder and make you see I grew up.


  • 有人不到或者不该做,这些更加激励了的斗志让我加倍努力才有了今天的成绩。

    People are trying to tell me I can't do it or I shouldn't do it but it made me work extra hard to get where I am today.


  • 最后假如回到童年,不会竭力为自己谋幸福——仿佛人生唯一目标;与之相反更加努力——他人幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, try still harder to make others happy.


  • 如果一直努力使自己演讲更加轻松的话,分享一下能够你保持平静几个秘诀

    So I'd like to share some tips that will make you appear calm while you are working at expanding your comfort zone.


  • 他们有着很好的关系但是必须努力自己更加领导力

    I have great relationships with everyone on this team, but I've had to work to be more vocal.


  • 未来更加努力父亲骄傲男孩

    I will try harder in the future to be a boy that my father could be proud of.


  • 应该努力自己像这样更加坚持不懈。

    I would try to make a little consistency this way.


  • 最后不会竭力为自己谋幸福——似乎人生惟一目标;与之相反更加努力他人幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I will try still harder to make others happy.


  • 给了很深的感触,知道体力劳动换来的钱太难了,所以以后更加努力学习。所以才今天的生活

    So i decided to learn more , and should study harder and harder, so i have my happy life now.


  • 到现在还是感谢那个成长了那麽多,能够更加积极向上努力的你。

    Just because of that, I can't even skype with vince tomorrow, really hate it!


  • 最后假如回到童年,不会竭力为自己谋幸福——似乎人生唯一目标;与之相反更加努力他人幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were boy again, try still harder to make others happy.


  • 参加这次比赛感到快乐看到自己不足今后更加努力相信每个人都最棒

    Taking part in this competition makes me feel very happy. I also find my shortages. After this I will work harder. I believe, all of us are the best.


  • 参加这次比赛感到快乐看到自己不足今后更加努力相信每个人都最棒

    Taking part in this competition makes me feel very happy. I also find my shortages. After this I will work harder. I believe, all of us are the best.


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