• 这种期望些许不安

    And that is a bit uncomfortable for the Party.


  • 人民日报提出建设放心人民满意国际一流媒体”目标之后,采取的一项非常重要举措

    It's a very important move after the paper advanced which will build a first-class international media that can reassure the party and satisfy the people.


  • 社会已经决定反对摊牌了

    The socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.


  • 拒绝共和竞选席位的数次恳求

    She declined the Republican Party's entreaties to run for his seat.


  • 我们一些建议发表报告国家评判

    We have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the judge.


  • 保守计划采用一策略公用事业公司当地平均用电量用气量人们账单上

    The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on people's bills.


  • 私下里,托利幸灾乐祸地认为,过程可能会失去20个席位而且是以公平名义

    In private, Tories gloat that the process may take perhaps 20 seats off Labour and all in the name of fairness.


  • 讨厌听起来一样,但是真的希望国家能恢复元气

    I would hate to sound like one of those Tea Party people but I really do want my country back.


  • 我们我们之前就已长期存在,我们也在我们离开走得更远,也因此我们必须正确的

    The party was here long before us, and we want it to be here long after we have gone. We must do the right thing by it.


  • 但是他们可以共和他们内部起来

    But they can let Republicans take up the fight for them.


  • 自由压力下,他们开始试图大众重新理解这些,不再强调学校工作效率科技,而注重讲述基础东西

    At the pressure group Liberty, they are starting to try to realign public understanding of all this, away from efficiency and technology, towards much more fundamental stuff.


  • 上述这攻击常规歪曲事实的行为更加针对个人因此也更加人感觉不快

    These kinds of slurs seem much more personal, and therefore unpleasant, than the more routine distortions seen on both sides.


  • 论调非常想将尴尬的处境不只共和阻挠还有那些特殊利益团体,例如健保的保险公司

    That makes it tempting for him to blame his embarrassment now not only on Republican obstruction but also on the resistance of vested interests, such as health insurers.


  • 阿什克罗夫特共和同僚一起参与污蔑,因为认为这样将会打击怀特支持者卡纳州长以及密苏里赞成死刑制度的选民

    Ashcroft got his Republican colleagues to go along with the smear because he thought it would help him and hurt Whites supporter Governor Carnahan with pro-death penalty voters in Missouri.


  • 共和陷入这种困境一个原因就是运动

    One of the things that keeps the party in its straitjacket is the tea-party movement.


  • 贪得无厌这个弱点国会占多数席位共和尝尽苦头

    The Republican majority in Congress fell victim to the normal foibles of greed and lust.


  • 或许不会保守直接赢得下次大选,但是至少会给他们次机会

    That may not be enough for them to win the next election outright, but it puts them in with a chance.


  • 共和上次划分选区他们2002年轻松赢得州议院多数席位——总共150个席位当中赢得88个,可是在2008年,就只获得76个席位。

    The last map the Republicans drew secured them a comfortable majority of 88 of the 150 seats in the state House in 2002, but only 76 in 2008.


  • 共和对于同性恋婚姻反对态度不仅他们看上去自私而且毁掉他们争取年轻美国人支持机会

    The party's opposition to gay marriage not only makes them look mean-spirited. It is also destroying any chance Republicans have of regaining the support of younger Americans.


  • 德维尔潘先生,萨科奇先生开始加强移民关于安全的言论,有部分是为了获得国家前线的投票。这样的话,将会勒庞先生竞选更加困难

    Mr Sarkozy has been hardening his own anti-immigration and security talk, partly in a bid to woo National Front voters; as a result, he would give Mr Le Pen a harder contest than, say, Mr DE Villepin.


  • 现在,正是21世纪这些担忧——关于外界变化超出一般美国人控制的担忧——成为共和奥巴马落马紧要一枪

    It is these 21st century anxieties--anxieties about changes from outside America that seem beyond average Americans' control--that represent the Republicans' best shot at unhorsing Obama now.


  • 表明文化价值共和美国中产阶层占有强大的市场,表明共和需要这种文化优势匹配经济辩论

    That suggests that cultural values still give Republicans a powerful hold over middle-America — and also suggests that the GOP needs an economic debate that matches that cultural pull.


  • 他们布什共和幻灭的原因很多两个突出原因。

    There are many reasons why they have become disillusioned by Mr Bush's party, but two stand out.


  • 他们几乎毫无疑问科罗拉多德拉维尔以及内华达州赢得参议院竞选胜利,并且不会几个州积极分子凭借没有吸引力的激进候选人赢得胜利。

    They would almost certainly have prevailed in Senate races in Colorado, Delaware and Nevada as well had tea-party activists in those states not saddled the party with unappealingly radical candidates.


  • 家族银行四月份倒闭,这共和战略家们欢欣心惊并存,五味杂陈人一体。

    In April the bank collapsed, an event that filled Republican strategists with mingled glee and horror.


  • 杂货店老板女儿玛格丽特·撒切尔保守有钱人跌破眼镜,他们嘲笑同伴汽车修理工”。

    The triumph of grocer's daughter Margaret Thatcher put paid to her party's toffs who sneered at her cohort as "garagistes".


  • 另一个共和愿望控制税收裁减,该愿望乔治·布什提出,这会百万富翁亿万富翁受益

    Another Republican wish is to retain tax cuts introduced by George Bush that would benefit millionaires and billionaires.


  • 另一个共和愿望控制税收裁减,该愿望乔治·布什提出,这会百万富翁亿万富翁受益

    Another Republican wish is to retain tax cuts introduced by George Bush that would benefit millionaires and billionaires.


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