• 禅修中我们使用概念(真实概念)标记我们认知真实法。

    In meditation we use them (real concepts) as labels to help us recognise realities.


  • 但是不同真实世界的是,一个认知只限于电脑荧幕上文字

    Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen.


  • 一旦意识到自己没有处在真实危险中,你就可以梦中恶魔变成朋友,”而且这种认知持续醒着生活中。

    "Once you realize you are not in any real danger, you can turn and befriend that ogre, " and the insight you gain may carry over into your waking life, he says.


  • 真实情况看来认知激发有助于克服退行性神经损害痴呆相关影响然而不能消除

    What seems to be happening is that cognitive stimulation helps overcome the effect of the neurodegenerative lesions associated with dementia. It does not, however, make them go away.


  • 真实情况看来认知激发有助于克服退行性神经损害痴呆相关影响然而却不能消除

    What seems to be happening is that cognitive stimulation helps overcome the effect of the neurodegenerative lesions associated with dementia.It does not, however, make them go away.


  • 这样的情况扩展个全球的水平上的时候,或者认为找出什么真实的是首要的,况且我们认知是在一个神经盲带出发的。

    When it comes to such global-level events, you might think finding out what is true would be a top priority, especially as we start out neurologically blindfolded.


  • 一些照片中,如加油站就餐者公墓等发现了一种,这种美非常简单平常通常人们所忽视,非常真实很少为人所认知

    In his photographs of gas stations, diners and cemeteries he found a beauty so simple but commonplace it was often overlooked, so unspeakably true but poignant it was rarely acknowledged.


  • 躯体症状非常真实他们损害了生活质量可以导致临床上相关疾病可能需要心理治疗认知行为疗法

    Somatoform symptoms are very real; they impair quality of life, and can also cause clinically relevant disorders that may require psychological treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.


  • 许多专家认为这种人数的上升反映了孤僻认知上升以及孤僻症的广泛认同,并非人数的真实上升

    Many experts believe that rise reflects better awareness and a broadening of the definition of autism rather than a true increase in affected children.


  • 很多个体们发现他们对“感知标记消失感到很震惊随着现实他们认知真实的,他们深感不安

    Many individuals find the shock of realizing that their perceptual markers have disappeared, along with the reality that they assumed to be real, deeply disturbing.


  • 性体现人的认知过程中,作用于人客观世界自然、真实描绘语言象似性遍及诗歌各个层面,起到修辞的效果,帮助实现诗歌形意和谐的审美功能。

    Iconicity functions both in cognition and representation. As a rhetoric device, language iconicity is found in every aspect of poetry helping to create images and bring about harmony.


  • 错觉类似认知错觉蒙蔽了人们真实世界感受

    Similar to visual illusion, cognition illusion becloud one's feeling to the real-world.


  • 然而,不论何种处境,只要你认知正确真实利益会唯一目标

    Yet they are your only goal in any situation which is correctly perceived.


  • 萃取、抽象)这个字,一般认知真实相反, 而常被误解一点是它缺乏内涵

    The abstraction , generally as the opposite the real, is mostly misunderstood as absence of content.


  • 便是不同于真实世界一个认知只限于电脑荧幕上文字

    Unlike the real world, however, you knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen.


  • 无形真实:对超自然世界尤其上界神秘认知了解

    Invisible Truth, the: Awareness and knowledge of the supernatural world, especially the Supernal world and the Mysteries.


  • 影视剧历史认知意识叙事传播,并不是一个简单娱乐行为关系接受者主观真实的建立。

    Movie and TV drama is really not a simple entertainment behavior to narrate and communicate the history cognition and it is related to recipients subjective reality.


  • 能观之认知将想蕴的印象转化为真实栩栩如生、有层次立体的影像;这些来自智慧处于深层觉知的成果。

    Mind's Eye - Perception of noting mind converted into a real, vivid, dimensional picture of image; which comes from the merit of insight at deep awareness.


  • 整个世界在制造影像一个真实世界将要在我们认知时候脑后,不要再什么

    All the world is making images, a real world is forgotten when we about to recognize it. Never ask why.


  • 满足延宕过程中,影响儿童延宕行为因素,并不是实际呈现在儿童面前真实物品而是儿童内部认知表征过程。

    It was not the real objects the children faced but the internal cognitive representation that influenced the children's delay behavior during the delay of gratification.


  • 通过因子分析消费者认知应用,从而把握消费者对产品真实认知行为趋势

    The application of factor analysis in consumers awareness of calcium can hold consumers actual awareness of Calcium-based products and their behavior trends.


  • 本书展示了如何认识对象形体光线阴影通过对透视的认知使画作更为真实

    This book shows you how to consider the shape of an object, render light and shadow, and make your drawings more realistic by understanding perspective.


  • 柳贤美的作品结合了多样媒介,就是挑战观者视觉感官,以及真实认知

    Lot Notes Yoo Hyun Mi's works are a result of multiple media processes made to challenge the eye and the viewer's perception of reality.


  • 柳贤美的作品结合了多样媒介,就是挑战观者视觉感官,以及真实认知

    Lot Notes Yoo Hyun Mi's works are a result of multiple media processes made to challenge the eye and the viewer's perception of reality.


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