• 虽然其中一些国家中,旅游旅游业实体地位在很大程度上未被认可,但它服务最大一个组成部分

    One of the largest segments of the service industry, although largely unrecognised as an entity in some of these countries, is travel and tourism.


  • 美国这种习俗已经制度化:人们把它看成一项服务认可价格一部分

    In America, the custom has become institutionalized: it is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service.


  • 还有一些辅助服务模式正在开发过程其中许多将计费计量模式标准化,现在已受到企业认可

    Secondary service models are in progress, and many have standardized billing and metering models that have gained acceptance in all levels of business.


  • 他们仍然有希望服务达成一致从此处继续开展工作,从而开发一致认可测试模拟

    Hopefully they still agree on the service use cases, so they can start again from there, developing an agreed-upon set of tests and mocks.


  • 无论是要求过多老板难处客户还是吹毛求疵客户加深他们态度服务认可

    Whether dealing with a demanding boss, difficult client or finicky users, you have to impress them with your attitude and service.


  • 服务类似,很难得到一个大家一致认可体系结构定义

    Like services, it is difficult to find an agreed-upon definition of architecture.


  • 必须保证消息完整性(通过公证服务)才能在必要启用验证审核认可

    The integrity of the message origin needs to be guaranteed (for example, through notary services) to enable validation, auditing, and nonrepudiation when necessary.


  • 所有世界卫生组织会员国接受的世界卫生组织规章明确禁止本组织认可特定组织产品服务

    WHO's regulations, accepted by all WHO Member States, expressly prohibit the Organization from endorsing specific organisations, products or services.


  • 这个服务仍然处于初级阶段,刚刚开始获得认可

    It is still in its early phases and is just beginning to gain wider acceptance.


  • NIMH认可推荐任何商业产品流程服务。NIMH出版物不能用于广告商业宣传目的

    NIMH does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services, and publications may not be used for advertising or endorsement purposes.


  • NIMH认可推荐任何商业产品流程服务。 NIMH出版物不能用于广告商业宣传目的

    NIMH does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services, and our publications may not be used for advertising or endorsement purposes.


  • 首相认可观点更多的选择竞争成为提高公众服务的重点。

    The former prime minister came to endorse the view that greater choice and competition were essential to improve the public services.


  • 西南航空公司Zappos万豪酒店、亚马逊公司客户服务方面获得良好的口碑,客户对产品忠诚认可,进而能获取长久利润,也赢得了市场的份额。

    Companies that score high on the customer service scoreboard, such as Southwest Airlines, Zappos, Marriott and Amazon.com, earn customer loyalty that translates into long-term profits and stock gains.


  • 斯蒂芬AT&T公司大约有80%iPhone用户家庭计划中不会取消服务或者说AT&T公司通过他们业务已经接到了用户的认可电话。 斯蒂芬森说:“这些客户不容易流失。”

    Stephenson said about 80 percent of AT&T's iPhone users were either in family plans making it difficult to cancel service or had received their phone through their business.


  • 如果相同服务多个提供程序团队,则他们必须进行协调产生一个他们都认可模拟服务

    If there are multiple provider teams for the same service, they must coordinate to produce one mock service that they all agree upon.


  • 更改服务状态唯一得到认可方法就是使用操作链接对于事务类型请求,操作链接最好选择

    The only sanctioned way to change the server side state is to use action linksand for a transactional type of request, action links are the best choice.


  • 每个业务服务必须具有其所属的、进行了恰当记录被一致认可LOB

    Each business service must have a well-documented and agreed-upon LOB that owns the business service.


  • 就是接口起的作用,接口维护客户机服务认可所有过程声明数据类型

    This is where the interface comes into picture which maintains all the procedure declarations and data types that client and server agreed upon.


  • 采用ESB认可标准协议进行通信,这些标准协议用于公开服务用于与提供者通信。

    It only talks in the standardized protocols agreed for the ESB, both for exposition and also for talking to providers.


  • 作为服务参与遗留IT系统已得到一致认可实体属性数据发生变更时,需要开发外部处理步骤告知SOA

    When agreed entity and attribute data is changed in a legacy IT system that's participating as a service provider, extra processing needs to be developed to inform the SOA.


  • 某些情况下由于安装起来复杂,不得不请硬件工具供应商认可技术人员来操作这样公司为了使用该项服务额外多花钱。

    In some cases, an appliance vendor-approved technician must perform the installation because it is so complex, with customers having to pay extra for this service.


  • 渔夫琼斯可以卖掉,换成被认可货币的那种商品然后把“货币”卖掉,用来交换小麦鞋子铁犁娱乐或者其他任何商品或服务

    Jones will sell fish for the money commodity, and will then "sell" the money in exchange for wheat, shoes, tractors, entertainment, or whatever.


  • 音乐让我”手机是一种对于免费或者接近免费下载音乐服务认可

    “‘Comes with Music' is a recognition that music has to be given away for free, or close to free, on the internet, ” says Mr Mulligan.


  • 而且J2EE规范认可三种类型事务性资源JDBC数据库JMS消息队列服务其它通过JCA访问的事务性服务”。

    Moreover, the J2EE specification only recognizes three types of transactional resources -- JDBC databases, JMS message queue servers, and "other transactional services accessed through JCA."


  • 经过多年不懈努力产品服务得到广大顾客认可好评

    After years of unremitting efforts, products and services by the vast number of customer recognition and praise.


  • 国家相关规定专业代理记账服务认可的,企业聘用兼职会计则持相反态度

    Relevant state regulations on professional agent billing service is recognized, while part-time accounting for enterprises to take the opposite attitude.


  • WebSphereMQ认可惟一分组托管队列管理器服务本地定义的分组。

    The only groups that WebSphere MQ recognizes are those defined locally on the server where the queue manager is hosted.


  • WebSphereMQ认可惟一分组托管队列管理器服务本地定义的分组。

    The only groups that WebSphere MQ recognizes are those defined locally on the server where the queue manager is hosted.


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