• 认为零售体验次这种浪漫经历,”Ms.

    I think there’s a real opportunity in retail to be able to romance the experience again, ” says Ms. Liebmann.


  • 零售数据模糊的,但是国际数字出版论坛认为零售市场批发市场两倍

    Retail numbers are hazy, but IDPF suggests that it would be about double the wholesale number.


  • 可能认为零售希望看到消费者他们消费卡遗忘了厨房砧板冰箱上。

    You would think that retailers would be all too happy to see consumers let the CARDS waste away on cork boards and fridges nationwide.


  • 许多政策制定者坚持认为消费者支出强大的经济催化剂因此零售商店稀缺是经济表现不佳一个促成因素

    Many policy makers insist that consumer spending is a strong economic catalyst and, therefore, a paucity of retail stores is a contributing factor to low-performing economies.


  • 我们认为处于萌芽阶段的趋势实际上始于零售航空公司酒店旅游供应商而且无疑还将进一步发展。

    This trend, which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further.


  • 我们认为老年人迁移建筑医疗保健领域就年轻人创造了许多就业机会,更不用说旅游业零售和餐饮业中了。

    We think of this as an old person's migration, but it created many jobs for the young in construction and health care, not to mention tourism, retail and restaurants.


  • 时装零售陷入困境,因为大多数认为他们可以推迟购买衣物

    Fashion retailers are in trouble, since most people think they can put off buying clothes.


  • 认为就是为什么没有一家网站可以击败网上零售之王亚马逊的原因。

    I think that's why no one has been able to knock Amazon from the top spot in online retailing.


  • 许多局外人认为我们的砖砖瓦瓦的视频零售业务因为市场升级科技进步而失败

    Most outsiders were convinced that our bricks-and-mortar video retail business would be killed off by market shifts and technological advances.


  • 埃森哲公司零售银行的一项调查认为每位客户收益低于危机前标准

    An Accenture survey on retail banking suggests that profit per customer remains below pre-crisis levels.


  • 零售分析师们认为通过外包美国服饰无力扩张

    Retail analysts also doubt that American Apparel will be able to expand without resorting to outsourcing.


  • 而沃尔玛这样零售行业老大的做法认为会促使这一进程的进展

    Having a retailer the size of Wal-Mart lead the way is expected to speed up the process considerably.


  • 银行已经游说反对修正案零售认为修正案是亲消费者利益。

    Banks had lobbied against the Durbin amendment, while retailers touted the changes as being pro-consumer.


  • 他们认为数据表明零售存在囤积行为,而一理由也是玛雅·瓦蒂之流的政客物价上涨现象较为偏爱的解释。

    They believe this is suggestive of the "hoard in g" that politicians like Mayawati love to blame for higher prices.


  • 他们认为数据表明零售存在囤积行为,而一理由也是玛雅·瓦蒂之流的政客物价上涨现象较为偏爱的解释。

    They believe this is suggestive of the "hoarding" that politicians like Mayawati love to blame for higher prices.


  • 第一附录介绍教育Mindstorms 套件零售之间差别认为篇附录不是非常有用的。

    The first appendix describes the differences between the educational Mindstorms set and the retail version, and I don't think this appendix is very useful.


  • 谈到面临倒闭连锁书店杂志零售博德斯 (Borders)时,思普林认为不会对“未来”集团造成重大影响因为并非集团运作的核心业务。

    Spring added that the imminent collapse of book chain and magazine retailer Borders would not have a "dramatic effect" on Future, as it was not a major seller of the company's titles.


  • TwomeyTheSimsOnline作为接口典型,他认为未来所有公司都会用到它们涉及领域包括零售客户服务B2B广告

    Twomey used The Sims Online as an example of the sort of interface all companies in the future will be using, in fields including retail, client services, B2B and advertising.


  • 认为这会阻碍LEDTerryRoberts,Design达拉斯零售咨询公司营销总监

    "I don't think it's going to stop LED lighting, " said Terry Roberts, president of Merchandising by Design, a Dallas-based retail consulting firm.


  • 通过同ebay联姻,贝宝达到了临界质量”,贝宝现在就是说服更多在线零售接受自己成为支付手段,贝宝的总裁RajivDutta这样认为

    Having achieved "critical mass" through its ties to eBay, the job for PayPal now is to persuade more online retailers to accept it as a form of payment, says Rajiv Dutta, PayPal's President.


  • 然而零售咨询公司HL集团创立人之一hamilton South认为奢侈品零售业的未来或许并非线上销售而是电视销售。

    However, Hamilton South, a founding partner of HL Group, a retail consultancy, thinks the future of luxury retail may not be online but on television.


  • 今年德意志银行收购柏林银行,首都一家短小精悍的银行,Noris银行,一家面向低收入人群零售银行。 但收购备受争议观点认为德意志银行买贵了。

    This year the bank bought, and arguably overpaid for, Berliner Bank, a smart bank in the capital, and Noris Bank, a down-market retail bank.


  • 下一个目标零售餐饮业认为这些行业中客户应该销售中的商品进行投票)。

    Next I'll tackle retail and restaurants (where I say customers should vote on what is sold).


  • 这家巨人零售人力部门主管苏珊·钱伯斯认为销售规划,“招募能够应对复杂销售规划的人才永远不嫌多。”

    Susan Chambers, head of the giant retailer's "People" division, says that in merchandising, for instance, "you can't hire enough talent that can deal with the merchandising complexity."


  • 如果回头看看那些权威是怎么的,他们认为苹果真是疯了会涉足零售

    If you go back and look at what all the pundits said, they all thought Apple was crazy to get into the retailing business.


  • 这家消费电子零售认为可以音乐服务带来一些特别内容,现在它的计划终于大白于天下。

    The electronics retailer thinks it can do something special with the music service though and now those plans will see the light of day.


  • 去年电视采访中电子书籍巨型零售以较高折扣出售纸质的行为表示哀悼,认为“从长远出版业灾难”。

    In a television interview last year, he lamented that e-books and heavy discounting of printed books by big retailers were “a disaster in the long term” for the publishing industry.


  • 三井不动产认为几十年来日本零售中间建立起来的声誉该公司又一个优势

    Mitsui Fudosan believes its reputation among retailers in Japan, which it has built over decades, is another advantage.


  • 征税法案得到许多传统实体零售的支持,包括沃尔玛塔吉特,它们认为网购免税提供它们网上竞争对手不公平优势

    Its levy is supported by many bricks-and-mortar retailers, including Walmart and Target, which argue that exemption from the tax hands an unfair advantage to their online rivals.


  • 因为很多消费者认为需要保护小型零售免受来自大型零售连锁店的激烈竞争,《折扣法》一直到战后仍然有效。

    The Discount Law lived on beyond the war years because many consumers saw a need to protect small shopkeepers from large retail chains.


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