• 就连长期以来将电池替代能源视为威胁公用事业公司,也开始学着接受这种技术认为它们是有利的,不是破坏性的。

    Even utility companies, which have long viewed batteries and alternative forms of energy as a threat, are learning to embrace the technologies as enabling rather than disrupting.


  • 国家认为典型适当的社会行为一个国家中可能视为古怪不当甚至粗鲁的行为。

    What's considered typical or proper social conduct in one country may be regard as odd, improper or even rude in the other.


  • 生物物理学家亚历克斯·扎沃龙科夫认为衰老视为一种疾病

    Biophysicist Alex Zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease.


  • 这种方法问题在于某些用户这种分析活动视为一种侵入其他用户则认为他们权利决定如何组织归档他们电子邮件

    The problem with this approach is that some users see such examination as an intrusion, and others feel that how they organize and archive their e-mail is up to them.


  • 知道怀疑观点的人这些成绩提出异议,我们认为准确可靠的,我们应该视为我们努力提高挑战,”接着说

    "I know skeptics will want to argue with the results, but we consider them to be accurate and reliable, and we have to see them as a challenge to get better," he added.


  • 但是如果不再锻炼身体认为活动而是将视为生活方式,在日常生活中不经意有益健康选择相对容易些。

    But if you stop thinking about exercise as an activity, and instead think of it as a lifestyle, it's easier to make healthy choices throughout the day.


  • 尽管无神论者将讷尔默达视为一位女神认为美丽只能人类规模微型水坝来装饰

    Atheist though he was, he saw the Narmada as a goddess whose beauty should be decorated only with micro-dams on a human scale.


  • 这些疾病视为导致死亡几种原因;而营养不良被认为一种助长因素

    Those illnesses were seen as the causes of death; malnutrition counted as a contributing factor.


  • 马丁内斯认为弗格森地位弟子巩固起来。而弗格森也将弟子视为对抗宿敌(利物浦主帅贝尼特斯)的忠实盟友

    Martinez believes that Ferguson's position is strengthened by a group of disciples whom the Scot cultivates as loyal Allies against his enemies such as the Liverpool coach, Rafael benitez.


  • 美国国内银行如果认为欠债只是短期的,不会将持有的大量国债视为呆账

    Domestic Banks would not have to classify their sizeable holdings of Treasuries as non-performing if they thought the default short-lived.


  • 认为,《框架公约视为一项公平工具

    I believe that the Framework Convention can also be viewed as an instrument of fairness.


  • 政客们,尤其是移民感到恐慌政客们,通常视为一个相同的现象来谈论,认为移民出于类似的原因离开他们的故乡

    Politicians, particularly those most alarmed by immigration, often speak of it as if it were a homogenous phenomenon, in which migrants leave their homelands for similar reasons.


  • 印度将瓜达尔视为中国连环计划一部分认为中国随后会将环绕印度的孟加拉国、缅甸斯里兰卡巴基斯坦一连串港口占据,以包围印度

    It regards Gwadar port as part of China's so-called string of pearls, a chain of ports in Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka and Pakistan that New Delhi thinks is designed to encircle India.


  • 曾经一度认为艾德·米利班德哥哥更可怕,现在他们大卫视为更大威胁

    Having once feared EdMiliband more than his brother, they now see David as the bigger threat.


  • 罗斯·格兰特医生认为哈利伏地魔战斗视为自身精神世界各方面内在冲突

    Harry's battle with Voldemort can be seen as an internal conflict between aspects of his own psyche, Dr. Rosegrant notes.


  • 间谍无人机视为警方未来不过批评家表示关切,认为它们可能成为令人担忧的“英国老大哥”的延伸。译注:《老大哥》是英国非常收欢迎的娱乐节目。

    Spy drones are considered the future of policing, although critics have voiced concerns that they could be a worrying extension of Big Brother Britain.


  • 认为我们采取行动唯一一种方式就是,那些阻碍行动人士是否视为不仅错误而且不道德

    The only way we’re going to get action, I’d suggest, is if those who stand in the way of action come to be perceived as not just wrong but immoral.


  • 实际上认为草率幼稚的;我认为仅仅这个例子来说可以视为一个盲点

    Actually, I think it is sloppy and childish; but I also think that, if it were only this instance, it could be looked on as a blind spot.


  • 尽管认为公共交通视为最佳选择其他追求舒适度车主可不这样想。

    Although he still views public transport as the best option, Che said that it isn't the case for many other car owners who pursue comfort.


  • 天文学家最新发现了一认为迄今为止地球最为相像的行星,而且被视为可能成为人类未来的居住地。

    A planet more like Earth than any yet discovered has been identified as a potential future home for mankind.


  • 认为大多数美国人不会4月份伤亡人数视为伊拉克局势再度恶化

    And he does not believe most Americans will see the April casualty figure as an indication the situation in Iraq is deteriorating again.


  • XDE模型具有 .mdx扩展名文件VisualStudio 2005简单地视为各种未被承认类型的文件并且认为它们将不会任何形式发生改变

    The XDE models (files with .mdx extension) will simply be treated by Visual Studio 2005 as miscellaneous files of unrecognized type and they will not be altered in any way.


  • XDE模型具有 .mdx扩展名文件VisualStudio 2005简单地视为各种未被承认类型的文件并且认为它们将不会任何形式发生改变

    The XDE models (files with .mdx extension) will simply be treated by Visual Studio 2005 as miscellaneous files of unrecognized type and they will not be altered in any way.


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