• 一小。”自言自语道。玛丽认为自己一定想起了什么

    "A bit of earth," he said to himself, and Mary thought that somehow she must have reminded him of something.


  • 手球比赛中发生的事情,一球员曾一度要求暂停比赛到场外更换手套,但是裁判员认为的手套没有湿到必须更换的程度,所以拒绝了他。

    I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough.


  • 认为,刀会让人联想起杀戮,在餐桌上使用刀太过暴力。

    Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and were too violent for use at the table.


  • 金赛同时代一些认为女性神经质反常不良心理一个标志——它令人想起“女性歇斯底里”诊断下的老女人。

    It was thought by some of Kinsey's contemporaries that it was a sign of female neuroticism and abnormal, unhealthy psychology -which is reminiscent of the ol '" female hysteria "diagnosis.


  • 都让人们想起了戈尔2000年布什辩论叹气的情景,许多认为,正是戈尔的叹气使败北

    The whole performance was reminiscent of Al Gore’s sighing in his debate with George Bush in 2000, which many people think contributed to his defeat.


  • 最后我们想起希勒尔·玛卡理论,他认为入睡伴随而来的一些我们不希望出现的非期望影像。

    Finally, we may remember that according to Schleiermacher the state of falling asleep is accompanied by the appearance of undesired imaginings.


  • 认为观点如果总是不自觉的想起某些事情,即使认为当时你正在应该的事情,那么也应该对它们投入你的热情

    I guess my point is... if something keeps coming back to you, even if you think you're doing what you "should do," pay attention to your obsessions.


  • 镇上的人们开始两具尸体来:一些维诺把尸体在了天井下面另一些人认为把尸体剁碎块海里去。

    The town started making conjectures about the bodies: some said that cervino had buried them under his patio; others that he'd cut them into strips and thrown them into the sea.


  • 现在来,埃里森认为产业一门时尚产业的看法不无道理

    In retrospect, Ellison was right that the cloud industry is a fashion industry.


  • 有人认为孔子倡导筷子超过食用刀具,刀具使人们屠宰场。

    Some believe Confucius championed chopsticks over knives, which would remind people of slaughterhouses.


  • 来,“有人认为自己能够控制世界期货他们的所作所为,给许多人造成了难以磨灭的伤害。

    "I think it was the anthropologist in me that was fascinated by this idea that people thought they could control a world commodity, " she recalls.


  • 在研究报告中,研究者认为进入新的环境可能造成大脑工作记忆混乱,所以无法当初房间原因

    In a report on their findings, researchers said that moving into a new environment probably clutters the brain's working memory, so that it cannot recall the original reason for entering a room.


  • 如今猛然想起认为我这一生这还重要的事。

    On a quick review, I don’t think that I have done anything more important in my life.


  • 现在来,当时认为电脑相亲不过一些流行一时花招

    Looking back now, he says that he considered computer dating to be little more than a gimmick and a fad.


  • 根据理论,他认为肖像画莎士比亚想法,是参观访问了《2006年伦敦的国家肖像画廊》里的“寻找莎士比亚”的展览刺激诱导下才想起的。

    Cobbe's theory that the portrait was the Bard was spurred by a visit to the Searching for Shakespeare exhibition at the National portrait Gallery in London in 2006.


  • 有人想起了1944年(失败的)阿纳姆大桥战役;有人认为此行动足以1900年(成功)解除梅富根胜利相提并论。

    Some evoked the (failed) battle of Arnhem bridge in 1944; others drew a parallel with the (successful) lifting of the siege of Mafikeng (then Mafeking) in 1900.


  • 耶鲁大学古生物学家安德鲁·希尔Andrew Hill)告诉科学》杂志:“我们认为露西一个世纪发现现在来,不算,我们的等待值得的。”

    "We thought Lucy was the find of the century but, in retrospect, it isn't, " palaeontologist Andrew Hill at Yale University told Science. "It's worth the wait."


  • 想起难得感觉认为弥足珍贵的时刻把对它的把握视为幸福

    Think of it, is a rare feeling, in my opinion are precious moments, I grasp it regarded as happy.


  • 认为我们应该没有被球员大面积伤病所困扰时我们比赛多么震撼

    Having followed the discussion in the comments section, I thought we should be reminded of how vibrant our game was, when we had no major injury worries.


  • 起先认为想法不可思议,想起来,我意识到说的话一些道理

    At first, I thought her ideas were crazy, but on reflection, I realize there was some truth in what she said.


  • 没有是听不到连队通讯网内容的,他们没有想到通知什么情况只是认为我对此无动于衷。

    Nobody had remembered that I couldn't hear the company net, and they didn't think to tell me what was going on, just figuring I had no comment.


  • 但是认为这种经历重要使我们想起食物来源以及食物自然界有着直接关系

    But he shows that the experience is important because it reminds us about the source of the food we eat and its direct relationship to the natural world.


  • 认为只是脑海中想起朋友才会那样快乐

    I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends.


  • 想起特里国王时候,你(一定)认为一位有着浑厚威严嗓音健壮肌肉的权威人物

    When you think of King Triton, you think of him as an authority figure with his booming, commanding voice and his rippling muscles.


  • ,炮组当时认为此事完全是个笑话,足以作为战争纪念,可战后聚会时想起移动草垛开炮而开怀大笑。

    He said the gun crew thought it was all a joke and for the remainder of the war and at postwar reunions they would get a laugh from remembering the time they shot at a moving haystack.


  • 一般市民比较认为名人代言人更易令我个人护理产品

    Comparing with the general public, I have association about the personal care product easily when I see the celebrity.


  • 一般市民比较认为名人代言人更易令我个人护理产品

    Comparing with the general public, I have association about the personal care product easily when I see the celebrity.


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