• 几年有人盗取了内一个账户。身为计算机管理员沃格尔教给内森选择容易辨识密码

    A few years earlier, someone had hacked into one of the boy's accounts, so Vogel, a computer administrator, taught Nathan to choose passwords that couldn't be easily guessed.


  • 某些情况下需要网络计算机管理员获得许可才能登录访问计算机文件

    In some cases you may need to get permission from the network computer's administrator to log on and gain access to files on the computer.


  • 委托涉及管理员(以及计算机)负责各个配置内容方式

    The delegation relates to the way in which administrators (and computers) are responsible for the configuration and contents of the various domains.


  • 用户节点——理想情况下集群计算机节点应该接受外部连接应当管理员通过管理服务器访问

    User nodesIdeally, the compute nodes of a cluster should not accept external connections and should only be accessible to system administrators through the management server.


  • 如果其中任一个命令失败联系系统网络管理员确保计算机正确地配置

    If either of these commands fail, contact your system or network administrator to ensure that the machine is correctly configured.


  • 先是在波恩大学学习计算机科学,后来我做了超过18的系统管理员

    I studied computer science at university Bonn and am working as sysadmin since more than 18 years.


  • 为了删除这些组件首先必须是所使用计算机管理员

    In order to remove these components, you must first be the administrator on the computer you are working on.


  • 无论UNIX 计算机调整多么对于条件优的;如果条件发生了变化,UNIX管理员必须相应地进行调整

    No matter how well tuned a UNIX box is, it's optimized only for a set condition; if the condition changes or is replaced, the UNIX administrator has to adjust accordingly.


  • 建议父母关闭计算机管理员权限这样孩子们就不能安装恶意软件改变系统重要配置

    We advice that parents should to turn off the administrative right to the computer, so that they don't install malicious program or change any important configuration in the operating system.


  • Windows管理员互动模式(光驱安装)安装系统缺省计算机名称对于用户来说没什么意义。

    For Windows administrators who perform an interactive installation (where you boot from the CD), the default computer name is less than intuitive.


  • Tivoli桌面——Tivoli环境下,桌面系统管理员管理网络上的计算机环境。

    Tivoli desktopin the Tivoli environment, the desktop that system administrators use to manage their network computing environment.


  • 需要管理员登录本地计算机用户提供正确权限,以便域用户运行Windows服务

    This consists of the domain administrator logging in to the local machine and providing the correct rights for the domain user to run the Windows service.


  • 这会服务器计算机帐户进行身份验证(将计算机添加常规Windows 服务器管理员可进行相同操作使用管理员帐户)。

    This authenticates the machine's account on the server (domain administrators adding machines to regular Windows server domains do the same thing, but with the domain Administrator account).


  • 不知怎地两人就弄到了公司计算机管理员密码,用此密码他们得到了公司的内部账号文件(至于如何取得管理员密码的细节艾伦没有在书中提及)。

    Allen doesn't go into detail about how they got the password.


  • 工作流管理员可以创建任务这些任务或者可以依次运行可以同时计算机并行运行。

    Workflows enable the administrator to create tasks that can run either in sequence or in parallel across multiple computers at the same time.


  • 作为管理员应该能够某个指定计算机生产干净地分离出来,以便其应用这些更改

    As an administrator, you need the ability to take a given machine cleanly out of production so you can apply those changes.


  • 计算机生产中移除之后管理员可以应用维护

    Once the machine is removed from production, maintenance can be applied by the administrator.


  • 系统管理员联系,以便清楚如何登录特定计算机

    Check with your systems administrator to find out how to log in to a specific computer.


  • 使用清单3中所示类似解决方案网络管理员通常会考虑下一步的“水平方向的”增强大量类似计算机检索这类报告

    Network administrators equipped with a solution like Listing 3 frequently think next of a "horizontal" enhancement: retrieval of such a report from dozens or thousands of similar machines.


  • 系统管理员需要不停计算机另一计算机但是对于开发人员其他用户来说,通常需要登录到不同的计算机以实现关键应用程序远程访问

    Systems administrators bounce from one computer to another each and every hour, but it's common for developers and other users to log in to require remote access for a critical application.


  • 如果系统管理员,并且所管理AIX系统是在所大学计算机科学专业某个班级使用,那么您可以每位学生创建一个系统WPAR

    If you happen to be an administrator for an AIX system used in a university computer science class, you can create a system WPAR for each student.


  • 一个虚构的故事,然而的系统管理员/计算机安全生涯,这些事情却的的确确地发生

    This is a fictional account, yet just about everything that happens in it is something I've seen take place at one time or another during my sysadmin/computer security career.


  • 工具可以帮助系统管理员问题限制适当组件开发人员可以计算机很容易地重现分析结果

    This tool can help system administrators assign issues to the appropriate component where analysis results can easily be reproduced by developers on their machines.


  • 图书管理员计算机科学家称之为元数据

    Librarians and computer scientists call it metadata.


  • 我们常常发现有经验管理员自己计算机用专门的目录存储他们编写脚本

    We quite commonly see skilled admins with directories for scripts they have written on their machines.


  • 管理员禁用删除服务器上计算机帐户

    Domain Administrator can disable or delete the computer account for this server.


  • 管理员只需声明不能继续使用指定计算机WebSphereExtendedDeployment虚拟化系统会自动适应声明。

    The administrator simply declares that a given machine can no longer be used and the WebSphere Extended Deployment virtualization system ADAPTS automatically.


  • 管理员扩展指定用户计算机登录注销时运行的脚本。脚本用户上下文中运行

    Administrators use this extension to specify scripts that are run when the user logs on or off the computer. Scripts run in the user's context.


  • 管理员帐号登录打开活动目录用户计算机控制台选择用户容器

    Log on with the new administrator account, open the Active Directory Users and Computers console, and select the Users container.


  • 管理员帐号登录打开活动目录用户计算机控制台选择用户容器

    Log on with the new administrator account, open the Active Directory Users and Computers console, and select the Users container.


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