• 计算机窗口管理虚拟技术变形递归概念都是一些实际的叙事策略。

    Computer concepts such as Windows management, virtual technology, metamorphosis, recursion etc.


  • 架飞机机头机尾,全长107英尺,大小相当于一个可乘坐100名乘客商业客机计算机仪表占据了绝大部分内部空间只有几个窗口

    The plane is 107 feet from nose to tail-as big as a commercial jet seating 100 passengers, but with computers and instrument bays occupying most of the interior space and only a few Windows.


  • 通过接口看到DS4500执行操作,可双击计算机打开窗口

    To perform operations on a DS4500 seen through this interface, double-click the computer name to open a new window.


  • 安全软件能使远程计算机锁定”,以免考生开启未经批准窗口

    Remote computers are "locked down" with security software, to prevent unauthorised Windows from being opened.


  • 远在天边的计算机被专门安全软件锁定防止考生未经批准打开其他窗口

    Remote computers are "locked down" with security software to prevent unauthorised Windows from being opened.


  • 许多大型计算机应用程序一样,Netbeans使用许多不同窗口执行不同的任务

    Netbeans, like many large computer applications, USES a number of different Windows to let you perform different tasks.


  • 从新安装具有xforwarding设置(ssh - x)服务器本地计算机打开一个窗口

    Open a new window on a local computer from the newly installed server with xforwarding set up (SSH -x).


  • 需要发送大块数据计算机无需关心这个问题,因为这些计算机不会填满整个窗口,而正是这一问题的前提

    Computers that do not send large blocks of data do not need to be concerned about this, as they can never fill the large Windows that are prerequisite for the exploit.


  • 计算机视觉辨别GUI那些应该弹出窗口使得脚本编写容易了,并且只要一次,这些脚本就可以修改每天晚上运行

    Visually specifying both the GUI and the window it’s supposed to pull up makes writing the scripts much easier; and once written, they can be run every night without further modification.


  • 密码列表对于研究计算机用户使用密码的习惯提供了难得窗口

    The trove provided an unusually detailed window into computer users' password habits.


  • 最近这些年,我们机会窗口(windowsof opportunity)计算机windows。

    More recently we have Windows of opportunity and of course we have Windows on our computers.


  • 当然窗口管理器自选的,但是注意GNOME支持同一计算机运行两个实例

    The window manager is your choice, of course, but note that GNOME does not support running two instances on the same computer. Run the following command on the control node.


  • 窗口PARC发明MacintoshApple作为能够将多个不同活动同时放入计算机屏幕地方推广

    Windows were invented at PARC and popularized by Apple in the Macintosh as a way of fitting several different activities onto the small space of a computer screen at the same time.


  • 本文首先简述窗口系统计算机会议系统之间关系介绍了白板指针上述系统中的作用以及所应具有功能

    The abilities and functions of whiteboard and telepointer in computer conference (CC) system are introduced after a brief description to window system and its relationship with CC.


  • 可以运行信使垃圾邮件检查看看如果得到一个窗口弹出计算机

    You can run the messenger spam check and see if you get a window popup on your computer.


  • 查出问题并且窗口关闭预防损坏计算机

    A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


  • 对话定义两个个人之间会话计算机程序中对话是个与应用程序对话的窗口

    A dialog is defined as a conversation between two or more persons. In a computer application a dialog is a window which is used to "talk" to the application.


  • 计算机包括程序提供了一个展示窗口网格每个显示图像窗口收到相关相机

    The computer includes a program that provides a grid of display Windows, each of which displays an image received from the camera associated with that window.


  • 计算机名称安装过程中随意分配管理员可以通过使用初始配置任务窗口中的命令计算机名称进行修改

    The computer name is randomly assigned during installation. Administrators can modify the computer name by using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window.


  • 本文根据计算机网络窗口分析,得出了几个实用算法这些算法的复杂性低,精度较高

    According to the analysis of window flow control in computer networks, some applicable algorithms with lower computing complexity and higher computation accuracy are proposed.


  • 计算机模拟结果表明选择合适的窗口函数类型窗口参数利用STFT进行信号跟踪分析,可取得较好的效果

    Computer simulating results have shown that it is a good method to track and to analyze FH SS signal by using STFT if a proper window function with proper parameter is selected.


  • 通过模型承载试验计算机仿真理论上找出比结构的承载规律,进而窗口结构缩比试验提供科学依据

    The regular pattern of anti pressure has been found in theory by computer simulation, and offered scientific accordance for shrink ratio experiment of window.


  • 看到远程计算机屏幕一个可调整大小窗口可以控制远程电脑鼠标键盘

    You see the remote computer screen in a resizable window and can control the remote computer with your mouse and keyboard.


  • 现在,九成以上个人计算机采用窗口操作系统

    Today Windows runs on more than 90% of all personal computers.


  • 进入选择目录窗口您可以系统其它网络计算机浏览不同的目录。

    You will now be in the Select directory window in which you can browse to the different directory on your system and other PCs on the network.


  • 恼人弹出窗口恶意软件可以轰炸计算机弹出广告即使在线

    Annoying popups: Badware can bombard your computer with popup ads, even when you're not online.


  • 计算机改变我们学习方式世界各地孩子们提供了一个学习各种知识窗口

    Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world's knowledge.


  • 图形裁剪覆盖计算机图形学中较为热点研究问题,作者对此进行了深入的研究与实践提出了较为理想的圆形窗口“裁剪与覆盖”的计算机辅助设计算法

    Graphics clipping and covering is one of the key points in computer graphics field. After more study and practice, a new algorithm is give, which is for clipping and covering in circular window.


  • 图形裁剪覆盖计算机图形学中较为热点研究问题,作者对此进行了深入的研究与实践提出了较为理想的圆形窗口“裁剪与覆盖”的计算机辅助设计算法

    Graphics clipping and covering is one of the key points in computer graphics field. After more study and practice, a new algorithm is give, which is for clipping and covering in circular window.


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