• 查看计算机屏幕显示积极参与遥感

    As you view the screen of your computer monitor, you are actively engaged in remote sensing.


  • 他们观看显示图像计算机屏幕开始

    They started out by looking at the computer screens which display the images.


  • 值得注意是,Pointcast网络使用一个屏幕保护程序来向用户计算机显示发送不断更新新闻广告

    Most notably, the Pointcast Network uses a screen saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers' computer monitors.


  • 显示通过12IBMThinkPad计算机输出投影到一个屏幕上而创建的,该屏幕安装一面假想的办公室墙壁上。

    The display is created by rear-projecting the output of 12 IBM ThinkPad computers onto a screen mounted in a pseudo-office wall.


  • 超声波扫描仪控制台(包含一台计算机电子设备)、视频显示屏幕、一个传感器(用来扫描身体和血管)所组成

    Ultrasound scanners consist of a console containing a computer and electronics, a video display screen and a transducer that is used to scan the body and blood vessels.


  • 字母单词输入以后它们显示阴极射线管屏幕并且存储计算机在主

    As the word and letters are entered, they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer.


  • 一连串显示计算机屏幕它们中的大部分随机的朝不同的方向移动

    A series of dots appears on a computer screen, most of which are moving in random directions.


  • 屏幕显示图像计算机必须给每个像素分配相应绿颜色比例的三项数值

    To generate the picture on a computer screen, the computer assigns every pixel three numeric values that correspond to the amount of red, green or blue in the color the pixel displays.


  • 计算机图像处理专家把这些昆虫动作制成影片,把它们快速移动大量的“群聚”制成数字化图像然后这些图像显示出来——不是显示一台计算机屏幕上,而是显示透明的护目镜里。

    A team of computer-imaging specialists filmed the creatures, digitised images of their scurrying and teeming, and displayed the imagesnot on a computer monitor, but on see-through goggles.


  • 接收端的计算机需要一个高品质显示屏幕用于临床目的经过测试清除

    The computer at the receiving end will need to have a high-quality display screen that has been tested and cleared for clinical purposes.


  • 计算机最有教学工具之一,所有功课以及所有的问题答案屏幕显示出来

    Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, no which all your lessons, questions and answers can be shown on the screen.


  • 自动绘制的首脑提供了一个可定制的后续透明显示计算机屏幕

    Automap provides a customizable heads-up transparent display across your computer screen.


  • 解决计算机显示组件问题例如计算机屏幕显示

    Fix problems with your computer's display components, such as the computer screen or video card.


  • 多媒体教学需要使用计算机屏幕截取图片制作课件,在教学过程中放大显示屏幕某个局部内容

    The teaching of computer multimedia often needs to use the images that are captured from computer's screen to make courseware, or to magnify some local content in screen during teaching.


  • 为了目的挑选了大学英语一部分生词构筑它们能够显示计算机屏幕关联词汇网络

    For this purpose a part of College English new words have been sorted out to establish a moderate network of their association words which can be shown on computer screen.


  • 液晶屏计算机屏幕显示测量电流波形

    The measurement results and waveform are shown on the screens of LCD and computer.


  • 系统集超声波计算机技术于一体,采用双通道台式工作方式,可屏幕显示型,还可对探伤结果进行分析存储

    It concentrates on the ultrasonic and computer technology, provides waves of working ways for two-passage on the screen, and analyses and records the results of testing.


  • 同时数字图形两不同方式计算机屏幕显示变形应力锯片张力处理提供可靠依据

    Moreover, it is able to display the strain and stress on the computer screen by means of number and graph, then provide reliable criterion for the tensional treatment of the saw blade.


  • 确定计算机屏幕显示多少信息设置水平垂直像素衡量

    The setting that determines how much information is displayed on the computer screen, measured horizontally and vertically in pixels.


  • 织机主要工作参数主轴转速、引经纱张力等能够计算机屏幕实时显示能够根据需要调节。

    The main parameters, such as the principal axle speed, weft ratio and warp tension can be real-time showed in the screen of computer and can be changed according to…


  • 同时可以计算机屏幕显示阶段图层相应的属性数据,可视性强

    Meanwhile, the coverages and their attribute can be shown in the screen, which strengthened the visibility.


  • 利用此算法计算机屏幕上以真实感三维图形方式显示数控加工过程结果

    It can be used to detect errors of NC programs visually from graphics display of process and result of NC manufacturing.


  • 面板可以计算机屏幕生成传统仪器面板相似的图形界面,用于实现测量结果显示波形采集等控制功能。

    It includes the design of Soft Panel and the program for waveform analyzing and processing. The Soft Panel can be directly generated on the computer screen.


  • 漫游软件作用上面各个子软件所生成漫游场景有机联系起来显示计算机屏幕

    Roaming software is the role of the child in all the above sub-roaming scenarios generated by the software organic link and display to the computer.


  • 所述的摄像模块图像数据缓存模块通过控制模块分别与多屏幕显示屏幕计算机通信连接

    Said video camera module and image data buffer module are respectively connected to the multi-screen display wall and computer via the main control module.


  • 然后客户端就会连接本地计算机,并且远端应用程序显示到本地屏幕被本地输入设备所控制。

    The client application or shell then connects to the local server, servicing a display and input session to the local user.


  • 文章论述了合理设置屏幕分辨率等参数文件形式保存还原计算机设置数据以及生成用于全屏显示程序模块方法,给出了完整用于全屏显示的程序模块实例

    The method to set the parameters of screen resolution appropriately, save and restore the data of computer setting in file, and generate the program module used in full screen is discussed.


  • 文章论述了合理设置屏幕分辨率等参数文件形式保存还原计算机设置数据以及生成用于全屏显示程序模块方法,给出了完整用于全屏显示的程序模块实例

    The method to set the parameters of screen resolution appropriately, save and restore the data of computer setting in file, and generate the program module used in full screen is discussed.


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