• 它们在有关计算证明中应用非常

    It has many applications to calculations and proof of geometry.


  • 一般民事侵权行为相比垄断行为造成侵害有显著特殊性,因此垄断损失计算证明采用专家证言形式

    Since the notable particularities of antitrust violation compared with common tort behavior, the calculation and proof of the loss caused by an antitrust violation mostly rely on expert testimony.


  • 科学家他们的计算证明制动系统可靠性良好适用飞机火车工厂控制系统

    The scientists say their calculations have proved the brake system's reliability is so good it could be used to control systems in aircraft, trains and factories.


  • 此外,WolframMatthewCook证明了110规则计算等同于一个一般性图灵机

    Moreover, Wolfram, and Matthew Cook have proven that rule 110 is computationally equivalent to a universal Turing machine.


  • 事实证明这些逻辑思考例子计算机上实现其实并没有那么困难所有所需要只是一些定义良好的规则庞大的计算能力

    But it turned out that these examples of logical thinking are actually not so difficult for a computer to duplicate; all it takes is a few well-defined rules and a lot of computing power.


  • 公司现在必须能够证明客户计算系统可以满足审计人员法规条例遵从性要求

    Companies must now be able to demonstrate that their computer systems meet the requirements of regulatory bodies and the compliance demands of auditors.


  • 1986年,马,惠普考夫曼计算实验工作证明这些观点

    These ideas have been shown to work in computer experiments in 1986, by Farmer, Packard and Kauffman.


  • 证明计算强悍——可以远距离的庞大数据中心不是从电脑自身硬盘驱动器准备好软件信息

    It testifies to the power of cloud computing-the serving-up of software and information from big, distant data centers rather than from a computer's own hard drive.


  • 一方面计算提供商们比如amazonGoogle已经证明计算运营it系统有效率方式

    For one, operators of computing clouds such as Amazon and Google have shown that this is a far more efficient way of running IT systems.


  • 共同研究者Paul Kinsler博士研究证明设计使用自定视觉纤维理念使研究人员能够事件斗篷用信号处理计算过程中。

    Co-author Dr Paul Kinsler developed a proof of concept design using customised optical fibres, which would enable researchers to use the event cloak in signal processing and computing.


  • 两个区的实测重力资料计算分析对比证明改正格值受温度影响,重力资料精度有所提高

    Through calculating, analysing and comparing the real data measured in two regions, indeed, it is proved that precision of gravity data after temperature correction increased somewhat.


  • 通过传统仿形设计制造缺陷分析,提出计算辅助设计仿形靠模,实践证明,这是一种行之有效的方法

    Analyzing the traditional defects in the design and making of the profiling mould, this paper puts forward the computer aid mould design, a feasible method demonstrated by actual practice.


  • 实验计算结果证明激光能够干扰红外成像制导系统使命中概率大幅度下降

    The experiments and calculation results prove that the laser weapons can disturb the IR imagining guided system and make the hitting probability decline greatly.


  • 计算实例证明利用波浪预报切片理论相结合分析运输可行性方法可以得到满足工程需要分析结果

    It is indicated by calculated example that the feasibility analysis method combining precise forecast of wave and wind with strip theory can give satisfactory results for engineering.


  • 介绍极化编码相关检测原理基础上,利用理想编码信号实际数据进行计算仿真,仿真结果证明了此方法的有效性。

    On the basis of the principle of polarization coding and correlative detection, computer simulation is done for the ideal coded signal and real data, the results prove the effectiveness of the method.


  • 实验证明算法不但可以有效地克服标准遗传算法缺陷而且计算速度、精度算法稳定性得到了显著提高

    The research results show that the algorithm can not only overcome the shortcomings of SGA effectively, but also evidently improve the computing speed, computing precision and computing stability.


  • 计算模拟得到了好的再现结果,证明方法可行性有效性

    The feasibility and validity of this method is demonstrated by computer simulation and the reconstructed image.


  • 实验证明算法不但可以有效地克服标准遗传算法缺陷,而且计算速度、精度算法稳定性得到了显著提高

    The research results show that the algorithm can not only overcome the short comings of SGA effectively, but also evidently improve the computing speed, computing precision and stability.


  • 证明过程中主要应用分析中的压缩映象原理一些空间性质通过构造计算函数,来一个区间延拓整个空间

    We mainly apply the contraction principle in analysis and properties of some Spaces. By the computable functions constructed, we extend the solution from the internal to the entire space.


  • 计算结果证明狭义广义等效辐射截面系数计算立体金属目标的天线温度对比度可行的。

    The results proved that it was feasible to count the ATC of metal solid objects by using its special and general ERSC.


  • 给出了应用方法具体步骤通过模拟实际数据计算证明了该方法的有效性

    Specific steps of the method are given, and the effectiveness is proved by simulation and actual data calculations.


  • 通过模型试验计算结果实测值比较证明本文理论合理性有效性

    Through comparison between the calculated and measured results from model tests, the validity of present theory is verified.


  • 通过计算模拟实验证明这种方法移动障碍移动目标环境中能有效的实现机器人避碰导航。

    In the computer simulation experiment, this method can efficiently implement robot path searching in the dynamic environment with both moving obstacles and moving targets.


  • 通过推导计算实例证明,该驴头行程传动效率线性寿命满足设计要求

    By the derivation, calculation and illustration it is testified that the that of stroke, transmission efficiency, linearity and life time meet the design requirements.


  • 通过推导计算实例证明,该驴头行程传动效率线性寿命满足设计要求

    By the derivation, calculation and illustration it is testified that the that of stroke, transmission efficiency, linearity and life time meet the design requirements.


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