• 开发单个框架之前,请足够的时间来定义精炼这个框架列表最好添加图片之前直接故事置于计划文本中。

    Spend enough time defining and refining the frame list before you start developing the individual frames: it is best to get the story straight in plan text before adding the images.


  • 德黑兰经常断掉国家宽带尤其是游行计划时候,如果不行的话,它就让上传图片视频的速度变得超级

    Tehran frequently throttles the country's bandwidth, especially when protests are planned, to make uploading video or images painfully slow, if not impossible.


  • 比如如果目标出版一个小说最后就是(出版商版面设计计划图片,标示等等的时候之前)校订并且提交最后草稿

    If your goal is to publish a novel, for example, the last thing you'll need to do (before the publisher does the layout and design, printing, marketing, etc.) is edit and submit the final draft.


  • 现在时候我们回顾一下之前计划概念设定来看看——哪些需要使用纯粹xhtmlcss,哪些需要使用到原来的图片

    Now it’s time to review the concept and plan out which elements can be created in pure xhtml and css, and which parts require the use of images.


  • 图片记忆或者唤起感觉,气氛场景。所以计划阶段想一想怎样收获是哪记录模板等等,这些都会你收集到相关信息知识

    It is helpful to give some thought in the planning phase to how you want to harvest - what kind of records, templates etc. will help you gather the relevant information or knowledge.


  • 计划最多20分钟超过10个幻灯片使用图片图表没有要点贝里

    Plan on 20 minutes maximum with no more than 10 slides, and use pictures and diagrams, not bullet points, Berry says.


  • 计划允许文本信息语音通话视频图片以及自动定位信息

    The plan will enable the transmission of text messages, voice calls, videos and photos, as well as automatic location information.


  • 附上喜爱食物包装的喜爱颜色彩带,你喜爱的玩具小册子图片目录度假计划嗜好

    Attach packaging from favorite foods, streamers in your favorite colors, and brochure or catalogue pictures of your favorite toys, holiday destinations, and hobbies.


  • 孩子睡觉时间制定一个计划然后孩子分享最好书面图片形式呈现

    Make a plan for bedtime and then share it with your child, preferably in written or picture form.


  • 准备手写日志,制作一个电子表格图表图片布告板上使计划步骤更具体

    Make your plans and progress concrete by keeping a hand-written journal, completing a computer spreadsheet or covering a notice board with graphs or pictures.


  • 这些图片根据单词语义关系排列组合因此研究者说,这项计划探索了视觉语义相似性间的关系。

    The images are arranged based on the semantic relationship between words, and thus, according to the researchers, the project explores "the relationship between visual and semantic similarity."


  • 我们今年秋天计划中国。每晚为搜救幸存者图片故事哭泣

    We are going again in the fall, and I cry every night as I read the stories and see the pictures from each day's search for survivors.


  • 所有雅典电子化抗议图片中,欧盟国际货币基金组织欧洲央行委员会希腊债务动态不可持续,外汇交易计划,为市场提供了轰动性的新闻素材。

    Amidst all the electrifying images of protests in Athens, the ec, IMF and ECB commission provided its own sensational new by concluded that Greece's debt dynamics are not sustainable.


  • 所有雅典电子化抗议图片中,欧盟国际货币基金组织欧洲央行委员会希腊债务动态不可持续,外汇交易计划,为市场提供了轰动性的新闻素材。

    Amidst all the electrifying images of protests in Athens, the ec, IMF and ECB commission provided its own sensational new by concluded that Greece's debt dynamics are not sustainable.


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