• 严格说来所有模拟变信号

    Strictly speaking, all signals are analog time-varying signals.


  • 本文提出一种新的信号有效值精度采样原理

    A new precise sampling principle of true effective value for the alternating signal is proposed in this paper.


  • 带宽说明仪器某一频率范围响应信号能力

    Bandwidth describes the instrument's ability to respond to time varying signals over a range of frequencies.


  • 提出了基于时基短时傅里叶分析和处理信号技术

    Measuring and analyzing technology based on variable-time-interval Fourier transform was dealt with for vehicle accelerating noise signal.


  • 型高炮系统测试中,信号信号信号两种。

    In the testing of a certain antiaircraft artillery servo system, the signals needed to be measured are time-invariant signal and time-varying signal.


  • MFCC进行相对(RASTA)滤波可以突出信号对听觉感知影响

    The influences of rapidly changing signals to human perception can be stressed by filtering the relative spectra (RASTA) for MFCC.


  • 针对火灾探测过程中的光电探测器输出微弱信号设计个微变信号提取放大电路

    A new circuit has been designed and developed for picking up and amplifying the weak signals of a photoelectric detector in fire detecting system.


  • 第三章里,主要研究了频率时信号频率信号线性调频信号定位算法。

    Chapter 3 considers location of a stationary target with time-varying emitting signal, such as frequency hopping signal and linear FM signal.


  • 本文阐述电压信号发生基本原理,探讨了发生器实发信号与设定信号之间关系

    In this paper, the basic principle of generating voltage flicker signal is described and the relationship between the actual generated signal and the given signal is discussed.


  • 波形跟踪信号实时提取所需的信号参数和信号处理要素本文研究主要理论技术

    Through single waveform, following the instantaneous change signal's changing and timely collecting signal's base process factors are main theories and technique of this paper.


  • 搭建实验系统,改善系统比、提高信号分辨率增强信号处理能力方面进行实验测试

    By experiment, data is tested in the areas of improving signal to noise ratio, ameliorating signal resolution, and enhancing the processing capacity of the transient signal.


  • 内燃机曲轴轴承所受到的冲击信号是非平稳信号传统诊断方法难以进行故障的早期发现诊断。

    Vibration signals borne by different main bearing clearances are not stationary and time variant. It is difficult to early detect and diagnose by means of traditional methods.


  • 热释电探测器信号检测器件,根据原理,研制新的激光训练系统完全解决直射问题

    Pyroelectric detectors depend upon alternating signal, based on which a new kind of laser training system was developed, and the problem of direct light was solved.


  • 火灾探测系统常常因为光电探测器输出信号微弱不能工作。文中介绍为此设计的一个变信号检测电路

    A new circuit has been designed and developed for picking up and amplifying the weak signals from a photoelectric detector in fire detecting system.


  • 作为一种日益获得广泛应用信号处理技术,小分析具有良好局域化特性适应信号分析

    As a new technique of signal processing, wavelet analysis has excellent characteristics of time frequency localization and is suitable for analyzing time varying or transient signals.


  • 小波分析一种日益获得广泛应用信号处理技术它具有良好的时-局部化特性,因而非常适于分析瞬态信号

    Wavelet analysis, as a new technique of signal processing, possesses excellent characteristic of time-frequency localization and is suitable for analysing the time-varying or transient signals.


  • 典型的R LC振荡放电电路中,引入5 5 5基电路和水银继电器作为控制电路,设计阻尼正弦瞬变信号发生器

    In typical R-L-C resonance circuit, the 555-time-circuit and mercury relay are used as control unit. A damped sinusoid source is designed. It has been proved that the source satisfies our request.


  • 方法不仅能够电压变信号进行不失真包络检波而且能够精确地检测电压闪变信号时间包络信号频率分量及其幅度

    This method not only can achieve the distortionless envelope detection of voltage flicker, but also can detect the time, frequency and amplitude of the signal accurately.


  • 然而语音信号一个平稳过程因此适用周期信号、瞬变信号或平稳随机信号标准傅立叶换不能用来直接表示语音信号

    But voice signal is an instable process, so standard FT that fit to the period signal and stable signal can not be express the voice signal directly.


  • 理论分析实验结果表明,干涉仪输出幅度频率与施加压电陶瓷上信号电压幅度和频率有关,且在一定的条件范围内良好的线性关系

    Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the amplitude and frequency of the output light intensity are linearly related to that of the sinusoidal signal voltage applied on PZT.


  • 同时针对天然气管道泄漏检测一具体工程实例采用方法管道发生微小泄漏时所产生的缓变信号进行了分析,仿真实验验证方法有效性适用性

    And at the same time we applied this method to the leak detection of gas pipeline. The simulation is presented to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the method.


  • 小鼠自发性发作时心跳不稳定暗示大脑心脏信号扰乱了

    When the mice had epileptic seizures, their heart beats became even more erratic - suggesting the signals from their brains to their hearts were disordered.


  • 理论上这种装置电子信号转换隐形眼镜瞬息万的信息展示使用者有点电影里字幕

    In theory, the device converts electronic signals into ever-changing displays projected onto the contact lens and visible to the wearer, perhaps like a movie subtitle.


  • 现实生活一样,靠近交通信号时,它有时会绿灯,让你必须快速决定穿过或停下。

    As in real life, the traffic lights sometimes turn from green to yellow as you approach them, forcing a quick go-or-stop decision.


  • 这一第一阶段开始于明年,届时将阿拉木图卡拉干达州阿斯塔纳安装信号传送器。

    The first stage of this transformation begins next year with the installation of transmitters at Almaty, Karaganda and Astana.


  • 太空里通讯却伴随着特殊的电信号因此需要一个储存转送系统以保证通讯过程一步不会信息丢失。

    Space communication happens in distinct jumps, and requires astore and forwardsystem that can retain information at each step in the process.


  • CPU负荷增长尽管(写)事务没有日志个数没有日志文件同步往返信号传输时间延长。

    When the CPU load goes up, the time taken for a log file sync round trip can increase even when the number of log file syncs and the volume of redo log generated doesn't change.


  • 余震发生40分钟后,当地居民汉中天气了,刮起了大风手机信号一度中断。

    About 40 minutes before the aftershock, local residents said the weather in Hanzhong City became overcast and high winds began to blow. Mobile communication was in failure for a while.


  • 干扰噪声:种干扰,一处任意持续的干扰,使信号模糊减少

    Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.


  • 干扰噪声:种干扰,一处任意持续的干扰,使信号模糊减少

    Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.


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