• 如果尚未采取访问调查机会我们再次邀请提供意见

    If you have not already taken the opportunity to access the survey, we again invite you to provide your opinions.


  • 本文开展了一验证翻译目的论在对外宣传资料翻译过程中的适用性访问调查

    This paper conducts a research of interview to test whether the Skopos Theory is applicable to the practical translation process of publicity-Oriented translation.


  • 本文开展了一项验证关联理论翻译网络新闻实际翻译过程中的适用性访问调查

    This paper conducts a research of interview to test whether the relevance-theoretic accounts on translation are applicable to the practical translation process of online news.


  • 他们总共访问调查了1341名1635之间经常性夜间外出寻找乐子的年轻人

    In total they interviewed 1,341 young people aged between 16 and 35 who regularly go out to enjoy themselves at night.


  • 美国国家健康访问调查结果显示,2008年下半年超过20%的美国家庭使用无线业务

    In the second half of 2008, more than 20% of U.S. households had only wireless service, according to a National Health Interview Survey.


  • 通过文献资料问卷调查访问调查等方法对我国职业排球俱乐部教练员情况进行调查分析。

    By means of literature data, questionnaire and coaches interview, the authors surveyed and analyzed the conditions of the coaches from the professional volleyball clubs in China.


  • 本文运用研究方法主要系统科学方法、文献资料比较分析法访问调查法、问卷调查法。

    This article USES research methods are: the system of scientific methods, literature and data, comparative analysis, interviews, questionnaire survey method.


  • 研究延边城市社区体育为主要对象,运用文献研究、访问调查、问卷调查数理统计方法进行研究

    This paper mainly concentrates on Yanbian City Community Physical Training Study by documental investigation, interviewing, inquiry form filling, statistical date, etc.


  • 使用试验记录,试验成员司机访问调查以及日记文件对此领域所有无关或者异常值作日常调查

    All outlying or unusual values should be investigated daily in the field using test records, test crew and engine operator interviews, and log forms.


  • 天野之已经国际原子能机构理事会报告伊朗之行包括访问调查重点之一帕尔军事地点

    Yukiya Amano said he reported to the IAEA's board about his trip to Iran that included visiting the Parchin military site that has been a key focus of the investigation.


  • 北京市区公共汽车站采用拦截访问调查了解调查营养知识和补铁态度及与其相关影响因素

    To understand the knowledge level of iron, attitude of iron supplementation and the association factors, a street intercept survey method was carried out at the urban bus stations in Beijing.


  • 采用文献调研、问卷调查访问调查、数据统计分析法等,了解我国田径运动后备力量培养现状存在的问题。

    Through using the method of questionnaire and logical deduction, this paper made investigation on age structure, distribution, training condition and technical level of our reserve force.


  • 采用文献调研、问卷调查访问调查数据统计分析法等,了解我国田径运动后备力量培养现状存在问题

    By using the method of document, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics, the author tries to find out the current situation and existing problems of reserve in athletics in China.


  • 经验总结访问调查基础上,对沈阳体育学院体操普修技术课教学实践教学文件“规范度”历史和谐成因现实矛盾的原因等问题进行了研讨。

    By using the method of investigation, this paper analyzes the reasons of realistic contradiction and harmony between the teaching practice and teaching file in Shenyang Physical Education Institute.


  • 正如苹果公司几位安全专家主张的,强迫苹果公司编写软件联邦调查访问某 iPhone指令,树立起一个令人不安的先例。

    As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.


  • 正如苹果公司几位安全专家主张的那样,强迫苹果公司编写软件联邦调查访问iPhone 的指令,树立起一个令人不安的先例。

    As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the F.B.I. access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.


  • 据一项调查,最常见的社交媒体活动是访问朋友的主页,阅读他们的新闻,并对他们的帖子发表评论。

    According to one survey, the most common social media activities are visiting friends' pages, reading their news, and commenting (评论) on their posts.


  • 小组通过观察访问调查用户家人要求他们保留不同欧洲国家通话记录

    She and her team based their research on observation, interviews, surveys of users' homes and asking people to keep logbooks of their communications usage in several European countries.


  • 这些国家采取了挨家挨户的调查包括入户访问血液检查

    These countries undertook neighborhood surveys involving family interviews and blood tests.


  • 然而这些个体中仍然有个显著比例虽然数量不多)保留一种极度警醒症的状态,并且因为要求创伤回忆或者“闪回”调查访问而感到痛苦

    However, a small butsignificant percentage of such individuals, however, remain in a state ofhyper-vigilance, and are distressed by the visitations of traumaticrecollections or "flashbacks".


  • 可以建立基于客户调查(engagement),由IBM托管CAT工具提供访问ID

    Engagements can be set-up to allow client based surveys with IBM hosting the tool and providing access ids.


  • 同意回答他的非隐私的、简短的小调查的时候,那个电话访问员就是这个技巧。

    The telemarketer used this when I agreed to answer a brief impersonal survey.


  • 同意回答非隐私的、简短的小调查的时候,那个电话访问就是这个技巧。

    The telemarketer used this when I agreed to answer a brief impersonal survey. He then dragged it on with endless amounts of "just one more question, Sir!"


  • 研究学者们开展了多项研究,包括了调查访问将近2000名儿童青少年

    Researchers conducted four different studies that included surveys and observations of nearly 2,000 children and adolescents.


  • 调查访问1012名女性发现家庭主妇学历女性在职女性认识X光造影检查。

    Housewives and also those of a lower education were more aware about mammograms than working women, the survey of 1,012 women found.


  • 这些中的多数从未这些地区进行过客观调查即便他们访问这些地方,他们也能力评估景观过程

    Most of these people have never conducted objective investigations in such areas, and even if they visited the sites, they would not be able to assess the landscape processes.


  • 调查人员印度200所学校进行随机访问发现有半数学校访问没有教学活动

    In random visits to 200 primary schools in India, investigators found no teaching activity in half of them at the time of visit.


  • 最新盖洛普调查中,44%的受访问者都他们看好辩论获胜,30%的人说辩论结果将影响他们的投票。

    In a new Gallup poll, 44 percent of the respondents said they expected me to win the debate, and 30 percent said they could be swayed by it.


  • 最新盖洛普调查中,44%的受访问者都他们看好辩论获胜,30%的人说辩论结果将影响他们的投票。

    In a new Gallup poll, 44 percent of the respondents said they expected me to win the debate, and 30 percent said they could be swayed by it.


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