• 这个过程中,也得到了言传身教

    Along the way, he taught me too.


  • 老太爷的言传身教早已使他儿子获益无穷。

    The son HAD well profited by the precept and example of the father.


  • 做到言传身教

    Can you practice what you preach.


  • 有没有言传身教走向美好生活呢?

    There under in my words and deeds toward a better life?


  • 家庭方面注重言传身教物质精神重视

    The family:the emphasis on words and deeds, physical and spiritual Qi attention;


  • 孔子博学总是通过言传身教教育学生们

    Confucius was knowledge and he always taught his students by his words and behaviors.


  • 当然这样做的有效的方法以身作则言传身教

    Of course the best way to achieve this is by example.


  • 他们言传身教写作将要写作提供了有益的启示

    This is an inspiration to the persons who are engaged in writing and who will take up writing as their career.


  • 以前大多数人言传身教使相信理想改变将来知识改变命运

    Has the ideal change future to have the knowledge change destiny.


  • 家庭教育关键在于父母言传身教,父母的行为影响青少年行为的形成

    Parents'behaviour affects the form of juveniles'behaviour. School education can not be successful completely without coordination of good family education.


  • 网络教学过去不能现在不能、将来永远不可能取代教师言传身教基本作用

    The network teaching in the past can't, now can't, also never may replace the teacher's basic function of "the speech spreads the body to teach" in the future.


  • 最后篇社论献给一个非凡的女人,她言传身教,使我们学会全新视角世界

    I dedicate this, my last editorial, to an extraordinary woman, who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes.


  • 也许过滤、关闭程序是为了在家安全上网程序无法取代见多识广言传身教父母位置

    Don't rely on a program to do your job! Filtering and blocking programs can be a part of your Internet safety plan at home, but they don't take the place of an informed and involved parent.


  • 正因为这些努力以及学校其他教师言传身教,自己的教师职业道德水平很大提高

    Because of these efforts, as well as other old school teachers teach by precept and example, teachers' occupation moral level has been greatly improved.


  • 就是的上的弟子言传身教。用他的行动向弟子们宣说:永远众生利益放到第一位。

    That is my master, teaches his students by his precept and his noble personal examples. Showing us always put the sentient beings' benefits before ourselves.


  • 孩提时,奥地利,深受所有爱护,接受父母言传身教人生最美好的时光

    When I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care of for me and I was nurtured by my parents, that was the best time of my life.


  • 领导老师社会事情往往没有经验需要有人言传身教

    With is the people said, entered row after going with a good leader good teacher, just enter society of people doing things tend to have experience and need someone to verbal instrution.


  • 父母言传身教以及他们各自良好学习生活习惯甚至一句鼓励的话孩子起着潜移默化的重要作用。

    Parents' teaching by personal example, as well as they respectively their good study, habits, even each encouraging word is influential on children.


  • 也许正得益与这种言传身教”,文化免疫力逐渐形成,所以南欧青年不会形成暴饮酒精饮料的危险习惯

    Perhaps this form of 'teaching by example' induces a kind of cultural immunity to the habit of risky single-occasion drinking amongst southern European youth.


  • 这项长期研究报告发表于《加拿大行为科学杂志》上。它考察了父亲是如何通过积极地言传身教影响子女成长

    Published in the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, the long-term study examined how fathers can positively influence the development of their kids through hands-on parenting.


  • 小时候生长封闭农村贫穷单调,也没有什么文化娱乐幼年教育90%都来自于我爸爸的言传身教

    I grew up in a village, a poor and closed-off world barren of cultural and entertainment life. 90% of my early education was from my father, from his words and deeds.


  • 许多世纪以来,瑜伽只是在极少数信徒言传身教中得以流传,而今美国快速流传,这让许多瑜伽感到很惊讶。

    Many yogis are amazed at how rapidly yoga?s popularity has spread in America, considering the legend that it was passed down secretly by handfuls of adherents for many centuries.


  • 保罗威廉姆斯将会作为老兵镇守后场,他们需要两个年轻球员让他们言传身教基德曾经他们做的一样。

    With Paul and Williams the veterans of the team, they will need a young protege or two to mentor just as Jason Kidd did for them.


  • 由于有了邵瑞荣老人言传身教,才儿女培养成了各行业专家人才以及孙儿们国内重点院校这样的希望之

    Thanks to Shao Ruirong old words and deeds, will train the sons and daughters have become experts in the industry professionals, and as grandchildren (domestic key universities) this rising star!


  • 老师我们成长的领路人,是我们的朋友,老师爱护我们言传身教我们受益终身,老师我们付出心血汗水,我们应该感恩老师。

    Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us, their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should Thanksgiving teachers.


  • 学徒种在实际生产过程中以言传身教主要形式技能传授方式,其本质是基于工作本位学习学生可以直接参与职业实践的学习方式。

    Apprenticeship refers to a system of learning a craft or trade from one who is engaged in it and of paying for the instruction by a given number of years of work.


  • 学徒种在实际生产过程中以言传身教主要形式技能传授方式,其本质是基于工作本位学习学生可以直接参与职业实践的学习方式。

    Apprenticeship refers to a system of learning a craft or trade from one who is engaged in it and of paying for the instruction by a given number of years of work.


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