• 2008年年底触摸平板电脑界面专利程序全面实用及时载有合理的(基本模型

    The late 2008 patent app for a multitouch tablet interface is thorough, practical, timely and contains a plausible (if basic) mockup .


  • 需要考虑Web应用程序如何平板电脑运行,元素(比如触摸)如何启用

    You need to consider how your Web applications behave on tablets and consider how elements like touch are enabled.


  • iPad平板电脑乔布斯坚持下依赖触摸导航-尽管行业分析师表示企业用户特别需要一个手写笔

    The iPad tablet, at Mr. Jobs's insistence, relies on only touch-screen navigation - even though industry analysts said business users, in particular, would want a stylus.


  • 多点触摸界面iPhone里最大亮点来自平板电脑原型研发团队

    The multi-touch interface was perhaps the biggest innovation in the iPhone and it came from a team developing a prototype tablet.


  • 一种简陋的、离子交换的方式这种材料可能开创了纤耐磨触摸手机触摸平板电脑

    In its humble, ionic-exchange way, this stuff has made possible the new era of thin, scratch-proof touch phones and touch tablets.


  • 华硕优化了平板电脑界面使可以使用标准指示笔同时成为触摸屏,以便响应人类手势动作。

    ASUS has tweaked the tablet interface so that you can use a standard stylus but also made it a touch screen that responds to human hand gestures.


  • 平板电脑智能手机同样方式用户交互使用触摸作为主要输入设备

    Tablet computers are larger than a smart phone but interact with the user in much the same way, using a touchscreen as a primary input device.


  • 分析人士微软使视窗系统的用户界面平板电脑触摸电子设备更加匹配,还做出更多努力。

    Analysts said Microsoft needs to do much more to make the Windows interface better suited to touch-screen devices such as tablets.


  • 过去十年里微软为设计平板电脑系统做出了很多努力,然而,桌面开始菜单以及其他重要的功能嵌入触摸有效性方面他们却没有成功过

    Microsoft has been taking stabs at tablet PCs over the last decade. The company failed at its attempts to effectively adapt the Windows desktop, Start menu and all, to touchscreens.


  • 类似智能手机触摸屏式平板电脑(iPad)这些移动式电脑过去年里重大飞跃

    Mobile computers in the form of smartphones and touchscreen tablets (like the iPad) have taken a big leap forward in the past four years.


  • 戴尔这样设备制造商着要进入触摸平板电脑市场苹果已经凭借iPad多点触控产品在此市场引起轰动

    Device makers like Dell are clamoring to break in to the touchscreen tablet market, where Apple has made a splash with the success of its multi-touch iPad.


  • 他认为这项目(它的成果就是iPhone)更为重要(2005年),所以平板电脑开发暂停了一下,让多点触摸界面先用在手机尺寸的屏幕

    That project [what was to become the iPhone] was far more important [in 2005], so he put the tablet development on hold while the multi-touch interface was adopted for a phone-size screen.


  • 星期三苹果发布iPad款轻量级的配有9.7英寸触摸平板电脑便携式设备集成了上网,电子书,电影音乐播放的功能。

    Apple on Wednesday launched the iPad, a lightweight tablet with a 9.7-inch touchscreen display that brings together web surfing, books, movies and music in an easy-to-carry device.


  • 她说,“机器人坐在孩子课桌上,孩子使用平板电脑手机启动通过触摸屏幕控制移动并且通过机器人发声。

    So, it sits at the child's desk in the classroom and the child uses a tablet or a phone to start it, control its movement with touch, and talk through it.


  • 享受更加丰富多彩的图像通过触摸平板颜色电脑移除错误灰尘-全自动

    Enjoy more colorful images by touching up flat colors! Remove errors and dust at the PC - fully automatically!


  • 经过几个谣言兴奋(至少是技术人员),苹果公司可能在1月27日星期三公布最新力作——触摸平板笔记本电脑

    AFTER months of rumours and mounting excitement (from techies, at least) Apple is likely to unveil its latest gizmo on Wednesday January 27th.


  • 一个是可以真画刷画画的触摸屏(数字色彩),较大还能iTunes改变音乐那样改变画作,比如传说中的苹果平板电脑iTablet

    On larger devices – such as Apple's rumoured iTablet – it could change art in the way iTunes changed music.


  • 触摸模式下机器人用于一个平板电脑复杂任务

    In the touchscreen mode, the robot can be used like a tablet PC for more complex tasks.


  • 这种桌子模样平板电脑自然手势以及触摸做出反应。

    This table-like tablet computer responds to natural hand gestures as well as touch.


  • 专门设计Android设备包括中高端手机和平板电脑具有清晰图形和直观的触摸界面开发。

    It has been exclusively designed and developed for Android devices including medium to high end phones and tablets, with crisp graphics and an intuitive touch interface.


  • 然而绝大多数金融机构所提供平板电脑网上银行体验仍然差强人意。这些应用便于操作,触摸组件效果并不好。

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of institutions offering online banking for a tablet result in a poor user experience which is hard to navigate and do not provide any touch use components.


  • 数量上来看触摸产品用量最大少量文本终端平板电脑用于控制系统中。

    Seeing from the Angle of quantity, the touch green product is the most consumable and a few amounts of text terminal and tablet computer are applied to control system.


  • 微软惠普联手大家展示平板触摸电脑,此款电脑先于谣传苹果机的发布

    Microsoft and HP have teamed up to introduce a SLATE computer ahead of Apple's much rumoured device launch.


  • 相机连接平板电脑可以只是什么平板触摸,但靠近做。

    Small cameras attached to a tablet PC can pick up not only what a person is doing on the touch-sensitive screen of the tablet, but what he or she is doing near the tablet.


  • 习惯智能手机平板电脑PCAP触摸优势,用户喜欢使用商业工业设备相同经历

    Users accustomed to the benefits of PCAP touchscreens on smartphones and tablets will enjoy the same experience using commercial and industrial equipment.


  • 习惯智能手机平板电脑PCAP触摸优势,用户喜欢使用商业工业设备相同经历

    Users accustomed to the benefits of PCAP touchscreens on smartphones and tablets will enjoy the same experience using commercial and industrial equipment.


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