• 由于杏仁核对我们感觉至关重要作用一发现或许可以解释为什么很多认为这些画作如此生动

    Since the amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings, that finding might explain why many people find these pieces so moving.


  • 首先他们解释说,如果给定变量影响幸福感方面发挥作用那么我们应该预期变量的任何变化观察到幸福感变化相关。

    First, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in affecting wellbeing then we should expect any change in that variable to correlate with the observed changes in wellbeing.


  • 我们手腕可以鞭子一样灵活移动可以投掷时起到加速作用,”解释

    "We have a wrist that can move like a whip, that can accelerate through throwing," he explains.


  • 我们每个领域挑选几个常见错误解释了相应解决方案如何作用

    We've picked a few of the most common errors from each, and explained what's happening along with the solution.


  • 本文中,我们首先展示如何各种模式粒子定义全局局部作用解释作用域将如何影响它们行为

    In this article, we'll first show how global or local scope is defined for various schema particles and explain how scope affects their behavior.


  • 我们不能排除文化和生物学上的基因相互作用可能性我们看到所有变化,都可以通过普通文化的进化解释,”里奇

    "We can't rule out the possibility that there was culture-gene interaction, but all the variation we see could be explained by plain cultural evolution," Henrich said.


  • 至少小时解释内皮细胞保护作用一氧化氮我们血管终极保护者

    I spend at least an hour defining the protective role of endothelial cells and nitric oxide functioning as the ultimate guardians of our blood vessels.


  • 我们知道大脑皮层对于解释面部表情颜色特征发挥绝对根本作用

    The other thing we know about the brain is that the cortex is absolutely essential for is interpreting the features such as that facial expression, color.


  • 格雷,“对于孕妇为什么容易流感以及为什么有些健康患病时会更严重有些人却只是小病一场,这些问题我们首次了可信的解释。”同时,它也解开了为什么疫苗对于有些人没有作用的谜团。

    "For the first time, we may be able to explain why pregnant women are more likely to get swine flu, why some healthy people get severe swine flu and others don't," Professor Grayson said.


  • 我们拉乌尔这种高度不寻常(在家族中独树一帜天然特征的保守解释是岛屿栖息地所带来的作用表现

    ZC: Our most parsimonious explanation for the highly unusual (autapomorphic ) nature of Balaur is that it represents a by-product of its insular habitat.


  • 第4我们解释过,控制器作用封装应用程序逻辑

    In Chapter 4, we explained that the role of the controller is to encapsulate your application logic.


  • 这份报道中我们解释一下两者区别说明各自什么样作用功能

    In this report, we explain the difference between the two and tell what kind of power each has.


  • 我们猜测可能某些遗传环境因素综合作用促成这种倾向降低了中脑多巴胺受体的活性。”Buckholtz解释

    "Our best guess is that perhaps there's some inherited or environmentally mediated predisposition to having lower midbrain dopamine autoreceptor availability," Buckholtz says.


  • 胚胎发育过程中,阿片类镇痛药物及其受体会起到生长调节素的作用或许可以解释我们研究发现”,研究报告著者CherylS. Broussard说道

    Opioids and their receptors act as growth regulators during embryologic development, which may explain our findings, ” said Cheryl S. Broussard, the paper’s lead author.


  • Eclipse输入代码的时候,经常看到条绿线虽然可以忽略,它似乎也没有明显作用,但是它还是值得我们几分钟来解释一下的。

    You'll see this green line often as you enter code in Eclipse, and while you can simply ignore it with no apparent effect, it's worth explaining now.


  • 第二我们应该简明易懂方式人们解释银行作用什么以及我们为什么需要银行。

    Second, we need to explain to people in a way they can understand what it is that banks do and why we need them.


  • 为了解释作用重载相互作用我们违反上述规则使用局部函数声明

    To explain how scope interacts with overloading we will violate this practice and use a local function declaration.


  • 下一步我们解释高速公路护栏安装原因波形护栏板有什么作用,为什么高速需要安装波形护栏。

    The next step we will explain the reasons for the installation of the highway guardrail plate, what is the role of the wave barrier plate, why need to install high-speed waveform guardrail.


  • 尼·亚菲耶尔解释称,由于一部电梯寿命25年左右我们可以认为就算大多数电梯的“关门不起作用的,开门按键是有效的。

    Penafiel explains since an elevator's lifespan is around 25 years, it is safe to say that a majority, if any, do not have a functioning 'close' button but the 'open' button works when it is pushed.


  • 他们试图描述我们生活中的经济实情试图解释经济是如何作用的。

    They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live, and to explain how it all works.


  • 我们未来,一个完整解释包括几个同时作用的因素。

    In all probability(our propobility), a complete explanation would involve several different mechanisms(magenisons) operating at the same time.


  • 一发现可视作为我们所提出解释光合作用反应中心电子转移方向性的设想提供间接实验支持

    This finding seems to be an indirect experimental evidence supporting our hypothesis proposed for understanding the directionality of electron transfer within reaction center of photosynthesis.


  • 我们相信这个框架第一全面耦合理论,用来解释离子固体里内应力电化学相互作用关系

    It is believed that this framework is the first fully coupled theory for the interaction between mechanical stresses and electrochemical activities in ionic solids.


  • 解释(自己的)行为时,我们倾向于把自己的成果归类内因不好的结果归于外因作用

    When explaining behavior, we tend to attribute our own good fortune to internal factors and negative outcomes to external forces.


  • 萨特这种分类绝对化我们启发也是巨大的,可以解释众说纷纭的艺术作用、功能问题。

    Of course Salter's opinion is a little too absolute, but we can still use it to explain the c…


  • 萨特这种分类绝对化我们启发也是巨大的,可以解释众说纷纭的艺术作用、功能问题。

    Of course Salter's opinion is a little too absolute, but we can still use it to explain the c…


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