• 本文从解读传统价值论入手,论述了社会价值论实质实现形式。

    The paper discusses the essence of the axiology and the way to realize it.


  • 我们合格的的超声医师内科医生解读传统2d特殊3d4d胚胎图像进行过额外的训练

    Our certified sonographers and board certified physicians have additional training in interpreting traditional 2d, or specialized 3d and 4d fetal images.


  • 牟宗三对“太虚即气”诠释不仅提出了重新理解张载哲学性质必要同时也启发我们寻找解读传统智慧的别种可能

    Mou's interpretation not only proposes the necessity of reinvestigate the character of Zhang Zai's philosophy but also seek some different possibility to interpret traditional intelligence.


  • 我们问题证据传统象征意义作者生平参照使解读更具说服力方式呈现出来

    What we are asking for in that question is evidence, a set of references to the conventions of symbolism, or to the author’s biography, laid out in such a way as to make the interpretation compelling.


  • 我会简单一下,休息再详谈,对罗马传统解读保罗神学论文

    I'm going to do this quickly and we can talk about it maybe more after the break, but the traditional interpretation of Romans was that this was Paul's theological treatise.


  • 如此两个角度解读对于更好地理解传统学,以及比较近现代刑法理论中的类似学理仍然具有一定的积极意义

    Interpretation of the two aspects have an important influence of better understanding to traditional jurisprudence and the similar theory of modern criminal law.


  • 其次通过一系列批评实践解构形而上学解读文本指导作用从而消解传统诗学

    Secondly, through a series of critical practice, it deconstructed the instructional function of metaphysic in reading the text, thus deconstructed the traditional poetic.


  • 东方传统文化而言,并不需要逻辑方式解读生命答案,人的身心合而为一,心随自然,从而达到内心自由

    In traditional Oriental culture, there is no need for a logical way to interpret the answer of life. The human body and mind are into one to achieve inner freedom.


  • 颠覆传统拍摄模式拒绝简单摄影复制专业视角解读新人情感记录精彩瞬间

    Subversion of the traditional shooting mode, the photographer refused to simply copy to every professional perspective on the new interpretation of the emotional, record your moments.


  • 本文试图通过回顾西方自然法思想传统通过道德关系探讨,来论证解读罗尔斯公民不服从理论

    This thesis tries to justify and interpret the civil disobedience theory of Rawls by reviewing the tradition of the western natural law thoughts, and discussing the relation between the moral and law.


  • 就霍桑作品作为的“意义”而言,传统解读,它必然确定的“所指”“中心意义”,比如的作品表现人的原罪就是最典型的一种说法。

    "Hawthorne's works", as a signifier, according to the traditional interpretation, must have a determinate signified or meaning, and "the original sin" presented in his works is a good case in point.


  • 影响受众解读文本的宏观因素中,文化传统时代变迁最核心它们是受众心理特征和行为结构的有力构造者。

    The researches show that traditional culture and new phenomena work together to shape audience's psychology and behaviors during their interpretation of the news text.


  • 80年代以来围绕传统哲学原理教科书体系框架理论内容问题,国内哲学界很多学者都在致力于对“本真马克思解读

    Since the 80's, having revolved the system frame and the theory content of the traditional philosophy textbook, very many domestic philosophy scholars are devoting to Marx philosophy "are candid".


  • 取代传统早餐时间现在消费者一天任何时间都可早餐点心,重新解读在家做早餐点心的创作烹制方法

    Instead of traditional breakfast meals and times anymore, consumers are now having breakfast at all times of the day, reinterpreting breakfast foods in creative ways and cooking at home.


  • 再者,相信自己数据解读认知,不要一味依赖他人观点传统观念

    Another is trusting one's own interpretation and perception of data, rather than always relying on the views of others, or the conventional wisdom.


  • 通过对2008年北京奥运会标志内涵解读论述现代设计师立足本土文化挖掘传统文化精髓,并将其融入现代设计意义

    Through understanding the connotation of the logo of Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, this paper discusses the significance of introducing traditional Chinese culture into modern logo design.


  • 问题关键在于我们如何现代语境解读应用传统文化符号

    The main problem is how do we understand and express our traditional culture symbol under the modern society.


  • 对于体现这种意图艺术作品来说,采用中国传统美学术语解读也许更为恰当

    For the artworks that manifest such intent, perhaps using traditional Chinese aesthetics to interpret it would be more appropriate.


  • 传统观点认为,“文案只是单纯从事文字撰稿的人,文案的一个错误解读

    Traditional viewpoint believed, "article" only is a copywriter simply engaged in writing draft, which is a wrong explanation to "article".


  • 话说,如果哈特理论置于传统自然法学语境下,我们可以从中解读出它自然法学理论存在一致的地方。

    In other words, we can read the coincide between the Hart theory and the natural law theory if we put the Hart theory under the context of the traditional natural law.


  • 病理学突变小鼠之病理学执行解读已经扩展并超出传统病理学范围

    The role of the pathologist in the practice and interpretation of the pathology of the genetically altered mouse has expanded beyond its traditional boundaries.


  • 文章根据传统意象意境对应取例,进而引申到对人物形象乃至俗成借代之象所创意境的观照,试图对古诗词艺术手法作出定向的文化解读

    Based on the traditional corresponding contrast between images and conception, the article tries to explain the means of artistic expression of ancient poems for a better understanding.


  • 该诗难以解读的根本原因在于思想容量大和传统理性艺术表现手法。

    The main reason for this is that it has a Large capacity in ideas and artistic manifestations against tradition and reason.


  • 运用文献资料、归纳分析研究方法,将太极拳理、拳中的”掷传统文化和现代文化之中予以解读

    By literature, summary and analysis, the author analyzes the "mind" in the theory of Taijiquan through researching it in the traditional and modern culture.


  • 残雪小说的意义不像传统小说那样清晰明确单纯太多空白,存在多种解读的可能性。

    Canxue's novels which are different from clear, explicit and monotonous traditional novels have so many blank places that can be explained by many ways.


  • 历史层面解读几点传统文化中常被提到女性观念“。男尊女卑”并非自古“就天经地义”;

    This article tries to let us understand some female views often mentioned in the traditional culture from the point of history.


  • 对姚斯思想传统解读,主要是将思想归结一种文学学方法

    The traditional understanding of Jauss thought attributes his thought to Iiterature theory approach.


  • 保持历史文化街区空间秩序。实现人们街区传统文化的解读通过适应现代生活的后续利用历史文化街区注入新的活力

    People should keep the block's space in order so as to better understand its traditional culture. And it can be filled with new energy through reuse from modern life.


  • 保持历史文化街区空间秩序。实现人们街区传统文化的解读通过适应现代生活的后续利用历史文化街区注入新的活力

    People should keep the block's space in order so as to better understand its traditional culture. And it can be filled with new energy through reuse from modern life.


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