• 泰勒脚低射,把入网

    Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net.


  • 精彩凌空抽射,将

    He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.


  • 直飞

    The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net.


  • 这个小孩会要求房间遮住眼睛然后回来一下两个盒子中的哪个包含一个隐藏

    The child was asked to go to the corner of the room and to cover his or her eyes before coming back and guessing which of two large boxes contained a hidden ball.


  • 这项研究表明之间摩擦系数增加导致获得更多动能

    This study showed that an increase in the coefficient of friction between the ball and the foot caused the ball to acquire more spin.


  • 抢先踢出接触良好而且幸运的是向远

    I hit it early, made good contact and thankfully it went into the far corner.


  • 鲁尼,扬鲁尼,鲁尼顺势打出一脚弧线转向弗里德尔做出了世界级扑救

    Rooney rolls it to Young, who stops it for him and then Rooney curls towards the near post but is denied by a good Friedel save.


  • -使不同孔径穿过透镜(镜面上发射)的光线不能聚焦同一

    Spherical Aberrationcauses light rays passing through a lens (or reflected from a mirror) at different distances from the optical center to come to focus at different points on the axis.


  • 这个飞碟呈六形状通过绳索连接由悬挂这个囊体直径约20英寸(6米)。

    This disc is hexagonal in shape and was suspended from a ballon by cable, which ballon was approximately twenty feet in diameter.


  • 为了要开始游戏物体放在一个架之内

    To start the game, the object balls are placed in a triangular rack.


  • 这种情况接触某个时候外圈,作为一个受压单列接触轴承

    Under such conditions the balls contact the inner and outer rings only at one point, as in an axially loaded single-row angular contact ball bearing.


  • 进攻进行得很流畅,很干脆跑动切入。

    The triangle was running smoothly, with crisp passing and off-the-ball cuts.


  • 拐子享有一个独一无二的戏剧性设置沿悬崖一侧飙升

    Cape Kidnappers's enjoys a. E-of-a-kind dramatic setting as the holes play along side soaring cliffs.


  • 检查是否任何四个相交的任何有形

    It checks whether or not any of of the ball corners has intersected any of the visible bricks.


  • -使不同孔径穿过透镜镜面上发射)的光线不能聚焦同一

    Spherical Aberration -- causes light rays passing through a lens (or reflected from a mirror) at different distances from the optical center to come to focus at different points on the axis.


  • 高程测量高差进行差改正

    Elevation difference by trigonometric leveling shall be corrected by spherical aberration.


  • 走向时,已经想好了踢向哪个

    As I walked towards the spot I had already decided in what corner I would kick the ball.


  • 班克斯在混乱中设法移动整个身体向扑去,即将反弹入网时,奇迹般的将捞回

    Banks somehow managed to scramble across from his near post and launched himself at the ball, miraculously scooping it over the bar for a corner just as it bounced before the goal line.


  • 拜纳姆什么时候回来?是不是每个人都希望看到湖人加入季后赛7场赛的竞争?尤其是加索尔本赛季还37适应三进攻复杂体系。

    And when Bynum returns? Will anyone want the Lakers in a seven-game playoff series, especially after Gasol has had 37 games to acquaint himself with the complicated offense?


  • 螺栓节点钢管一种形式简洁便于施工钢塔

    Triangular steel pipe tower with bolted spherical joints is the kind of steel tower which is simple in style and convenient for construction.


  • 拿到一个破发点不可思议的正手压线,而且正在上。

    I get a breakpoint, and he play an incredible forehand down the line on the corner.


  • 第一到达安妮人宽阔绿色喉咙深处缩小

    The ball diminishing well down the broad green throat of the first at Cape Ann.


  • 走向点的时候我已经决定踢向那个

    As I walked towards the spot I had already decided in what corner I would kick the ball.


  • 讨论了头铣刀进行曲面加工时共振安定界限的预测方法,重点分析向方向共振安定界限影响

    An algorithm has been developed to predict stability lobes in ball end milling to investigate the influence of normal direction angle at cutting point on the stability.


  • 翼状胬肉纤维血管组织结膜侵入透明单纯切除术后具有很高复发率

    Pterygium is a triangular sheet of fibrovascular tissue that invades the clear cornea from the bulbar conjunctiva, and has a high recurrence rate after simple excision.


  • 接触推力轴承高速运转作用离心力旋转力矩可能会导致道内滑动

    When angular contact thrust ball bearings operate at high speeds, the centrifugal forces and gyratory moments acting on the balls may cause them to slide on the raceways.


  • 接触推力轴承高速运转作用离心力旋转力矩可能会导致道内滑动

    When angular contact thrust ball bearings operate at high speeds, the centrifugal forces and gyratory moments acting on the balls may cause them to slide on the raceways.


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