• 通过家长角色形成原因分析思考,研究者分别家长教师学校提出建议

    By analysis and thinking about the role formation reason to the parent, researchers put forward a suggestion for parents, teacher and school respectively.


  • D1LP R中,角色对应一些访问权限不同角色形成一个角色,树中一个结点对应权限包含所有子结点对应的权限。

    In D1LP-R, a role encapsulates some rights, different roles can be organized as a role tree, and the rights of each role contain all of its sub-roles.


  • 专家表示可能儿童产生影响,他们性别角色身份理解正在迅速形成

    Experts say this can have an impact on young children whose understanding of gender roles and identity are rapidly forming.


  • 没有什么简单单一因素决定一个给定地点是否会成为热带草原,部分因素似乎热带草原的形成扮演着重要角色

    There is no simple or single factor that determines if a given site will be a savanna, but some factors seem to play important roles in their formation.


  • 超新星残骸以重元素填充宇宙空间压缩星际气体促进恒星形成因而星体演化过程扮演重要角色

    Supernova remnants play an important role in stellar evolution by enriching space with heavy elements, and triggering new star formation by compressing interstellar gas.


  • 希望改变这种普遍看法需求的作用只是形成文档仅需IT组织特定角色的人关心行了。

    I hope to change the common perspective that requirements only serve to formalize documentation and are just of concern to a particular role in an IT organization.


  • JSP技术最终(也是值得称赞)的目标尝试应用程序开发过程中形成清晰定义角色

    A final (and admirable) goal of JSP technology worth mentioning is that it seeks to establish clearly defined roles in the application development process.


  • 其他人 的意见形成了一关于妇女安置生活恢复中的角色声音报告,为项目设计实施提供了参考依据。

    Mrs. Ma’s input led to a report on women’s role and voice in resettlement and compensation that will guide the design and implementation of the Wuhan project.


  • 包含能够对抗种淀粉样蛋白(beta -amyloid)抗体许多阿滋海研究者都认为这种淀粉样蛋白疾病形成中扮演关键角色

    It contains antibodies against a protein called beta-amyloid, which many Alzheimer's researchers believe plays a pivotal role in the progression of the disease.


  • 因此Listportlet形成用户交互相关联四种不同角色

    Thus, the List portlet surfaces four different roles associated with user interaction.


  • 认为到底黑洞最初星系形成过程扮演什么样角色仍然不清楚的。

    I think it is still unclear whether black holes play any role in the formation of the first galaxies.


  • 美国考虑多数关注于婚姻角色以及健康社会形成传统家庭角色

    Much American debate focuses on the role of marriage and the traditional family in fostering a healthy society.


  • 开始努力形成一个聪明非洲形象其他领导人而言,则扮演主人角色

    He began to cultivate an image as the wise man of Africa, playing host to other leaders.


  • 那些扮演棘轮角色因素可以阻止这种毁灭帮助生命沿着进化的道路形成更高的复杂性

    Factors that acted like ratchets could prevent that destruction, helping move life along its evolutionary pathways toward greater complexity.


  • 传统角色生活数千,为现代男人女人留下了形成大多数人际关系问题误解电路

    Hundreds of thousands of years of living in traditional roles has left modern men and women with brain circuitry that causes most of our relationship problems and misunderstandings.


  • 早先研究表明暗物质对婴儿宇宙形成居功至伟,它们本身扮演可见物质聚合星系的引力核心角色

    Earlier work had suggested that dark matter seeded the early universe, acting as nuclei around which visible matter clumped into galaxies.


  • 信息吸收后并融入过去经验中,形成一个将来使用丰富联想网络这方面,我们认为快速动期扮演重要角色。”他们《国家科学研究院学报》说。

    "We propose that REM sleep is important for assimilating new information into past experience to create a richer network of associations for future use," they told PNAS.


  • 相似地恒星气盘大小寿命此相关行星形成效率, 主要取决于恒星发源地内动态交互作用扮演角色

    Similarly, the size and longevity of stellar disks, and thus the efficiency of planet formation, depend crucially on the role played by dynamical interactions in the stellar womb.


  • 天文学家认为土星卫星光环的形成扮演重要角色

    Astronomers believe that Saturn's moons play a fundamental role in sculpting its elaborate ring system.


  • 事实上只是容器可以一个幻想念头感觉来填满然后形成角色情景故事

    He is really only a vessel meant to be filled by a dream, a fantasy, an idea, a feeling, that later become characters, situations, a story.


  • 现在似乎一个合适的时间重新评估数学教育理论形成我们学科未来已经扮演角色它所扮演角色

    It thus seems an appropriate time to reassess theory in mathematics education, the roles it has played and can play in shaping the future of our discipline.


  • 父母站立圣地拒绝指头形成意味深长的角色反转

    Sansa's refusal of Littlefinger in this same sacred place her parents once stood was a poetic role reversal.


  • 接受那些我们不能计算机的,形成我们能做什么的一个鉴定中扮演着必不可少的角色

    Accepting what we cannot do with computers plays an essential role in forming an appreciation of what we can do.


  • 确实许多人相信调控方面变化处于物种形成核心可能在人祖先的进化历程扮演了一个重要角色

    Indeed, many think that regulatory changes are at the heart of speciation and may have played a large role in the evolution of humans from their predecessors.


  • 经济法调整长期交易形成的有机经济组织角色组织协调关系角色相互之间的协调关系。

    What the economic law regulates is the coordinated relationships of each role and its organization inside and among these roles, which has been formed by long term transaction.


  • 由于MEL - 28蛋白整个细胞分裂过程中一直DNA粘附一起,科学见因此相信核膜形成早期扮演关键角色

    Because MEL-28 remains attached to DNA during the entire process of cell division, the scientists believe it plays a crucial role early in the formation of the envelope.


  • 由于MEL - 28蛋白整个细胞分裂过程中一直DNA粘附一起,科学见因此相信核膜形成早期扮演关键角色

    Because MEL-28 remains attached to DNA during the entire process of cell division, the scientists believe it plays a crucial role early in the formation of the envelope.


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