• 有些老年人适应他们社会中不断变化角色地位可能痛苦的。

    Adjustment to their changing role and position in society can be painful for some old people.


  • 中世纪欧洲,放逐严厉的刑罚因为人们身份是以社会角色地位界定的。

    In medieval Europe, it was the worst punishment possible, because people's identities were defined by their role and place in society.


  • 外部空间遥望地球画面,从一个特殊视角展示了我们宇宙中的角色地位,是如此渺小而又美丽

    This view of our planet shows how Earth looks from the outside, illustrating a special perspective of our role and place in the universe.We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.


  • 外部空间遥望地球画面,从特殊视角展示我们宇宙中的角色地位,是如此渺小而又美丽

    This view of our planet shows how Earth looks from the outside, illustrating a special perspective of our role and place in the universe. We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.


  • 那么妇女怎么看待她们的社会地位社会角色的呢?

    How do women feel about their status and role in society?


  • 具体来说就是说扩大它们八国集团中的参与,增强它们在国际货币基金组织世界银行世界贸易组织中的地位角色

    This means increasing their role in the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation, as well as enlarging participation in the Group of Eight leading industrial nations.


  • 综合了解印度家庭妻子角色后,关于女性社会地位,我们得到许多感悟

    Understandings of the Indian family and a wife's role more generally give huge amounts of insight to the status of women.


  • 相反,他在竞选活动中则是从女性角色领导地位施政纲领出发来争取女性选民。同2004年乔治•布什提倡的,并十分奏效的“安全妈妈”颇为类似

    The campaign is instead pursuing women through broad arguments of character, leadership and policysomething similar to the appeal to “security moms” that worked well for George Bush in 2004.


  • 印度文化关于女性所扮演角色女孩社会地位观念,童根深蒂固(Gupta, 2005,第3)。

    Child marriage is deeply embedded in ideals about the role of women and the status of girls in Indian culture (Gupta, 2005, p. 3).


  • 基础上,探讨主体性体育运动中的地位作用以及在体育运动中所担当的角色所产生本质力量

    Based on this, we approached the position and function of man's subjectivity and the strength from man's role in sports.


  • 随着老舍研究日渐深入,作品中的形象特别是女性形象价值得到不断提升不断重建而有的形象价值的地位却动摇了,因此导致角色价值的互换

    Deepen day by day with what Lao She study, image especially women value of image of works promote and rebuilt constantly, some image status of value that have waver, cause role exchange of value.


  • 学习型领导角色学习型领导者学习型组织中所具有、与其社会组织地位义务要求相一致领导行为模式

    The role of studying leaders is a kind of leaders' behavior mode that is compatible with the status of society, organization and the obligation of leaders in studying organization.


  • 这个技能包含角色地位管理规则礼仪上的礼节步骤

    Role and status management as well as rule and procedure etiquette concerning formality are involved in this skill.


  • 除了亚里士多德情感品格理论我们也会分析身份地位社会角色一系列因素对论证说服力影响

    We also analyze the influence of the status, position, social role, etc on persuasive power of argumentation, in addition to Aristotle's theories of feelings and character.


  • 本文针对形势辅导员人才培养中的地位作用辅导员角色定位提出自己看法

    Aiming at the position and role of counselors in the personnel training under the new situation, the views on college counselors' role definition are presented.


  • 这种特征性别地位、性别角色性别气质构成

    Gender status, gender roles and gender qualities constitute the features.


  • 影响医患门诊互动的语言外部因素主要个:一医患目的关系,二是医患角色关系权势关系方面的不对称地位

    Goal relationship between doctor and patient and their asymmetrical positions in role relationship and power relationship are the two principal factors affecting outpatient medical interviews.


  • 一个有些地位财富年轻人刚刚大学校门解放出来,为了世上崭露头角,决定将自己的装扮成那种被称作浪荡子的角色

    A young fellow of some rank and fortune, just let loose from the university, resolved, in order to make a figure in the world, to assume the shining character of what he called a rake.


  • 警察角色意识就是警察地位作用形象理解掌握自觉性、准确性、倾向性的总体反映

    Police role consciousness is the reflection of correctly, truly understanding and grasping of police status, function and image.


  • 社会变革不仅改变了妇女少女地位使她们生活舞台上扮演了不同角色青春期的少女们参与到新兴的亚文化形式之中。

    Social change also brings not simply different positions for women and girls, but different relations to life stages, and adolescent girls are participating in new subcultural forms.


  • 产业集群不同企业地位角色作用差异

    There are diversities of positions, roles and functions among different firms within the industrial cluster.


  • 青春期仪式地位角色权利、基本权利义务法律定义所取代。

    Ceremomies for adolescence have also been replaced by legal definitions of status roles, right, privileges and responsibilities.


  • 虽然过去几十年里妇女在争取社会地位更多平等方面取得很大的进步,但是她们在家里角色没有得到多大的变化。

    Although great strides have been made in achieving social status and greater equality for women in the past decades, their role in the family remains basically uncharged.


  • 角色原则要求主持人必须明确自己节目中的地位作用“自我定位”、“非我表演角色转换三个方面明确“你是谁”。

    This principle requires the Anchor to understand his status and function in the program from three aspects: "self-orientation", "nonego performance" and "roles conversion".


  • 包含媒介受众角色身份地位观念意识

    It contains the concept of role, identity and sense of the media to the audience.


  • 期货市场现货市场扮演价格发现角色,且期货市场在价格发现中处于主导地位

    Moreover, both spot and futures markets play important price discovery roles and the futures market is more dom...


  • 国际货币方面合作历史不是很集中,但是中国其他富裕的产油国已经有足够理由美元主导地位秩序下降过程中扮演重要角色

    The history of international co-operation on currencies is patchy. But China and the oil-rich Gulf states have ample reason to play their part in an orderly decline of the dollar's dominance.


  • 国际货币方面合作历史不是很集中,但是中国其他富裕的产油国已经有足够理由美元主导地位秩序下降过程中扮演重要角色

    The history of international co-operation on currencies is patchy. But China and the oil-rich Gulf states have ample reason to play their part in an orderly decline of the dollar's dominance.


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