• 陪审团无法裁定UmarIslam(31岁,生于伦敦东部Plaistow)在团伙成员担任角色不过犯有阴谋谋杀交替控罪。

    The jury was unable to reach a verdict about the role of Umar Islam, 31, of Plaistow, east London. However, he was found guilty of an alternative charge of conspiracy to murder.


  • 那么目前清楚的一点便是这一出现潜力强劲的角色

    What is clear is that there are new and potentially powerful actors in the region.


  • 作为全球第四经济体欧元核心德国全球需求再平衡需要扮演一个角色

    As the world's fourth-largest economy and the core of the eurozone, Germany has a role to play in rebalancing global demand.


  • 加德女士欧元应对债务危机过程中扮演重要角色不管私人观点如何,已经有为站不住脚的事情辩护了。

    Ms Lagarde has played a central role in forming the euro zone's response to its debt crisis, and whatever her private views, she has a public record of defending the indefensible.


  • 市场在上周四发出信号是,市场对欧洲央行作为欧元成员国最终贷款人角色并不抱任何信心

    Nevertheless, the market signaled on Thursday that it had no faith in the ECB's new role of being this sort of lender of last resort to its member nations.


  • 无论怎样,中国拯救欧元行动中扮演重要的角色,得大于

    Whatever its hold-ups, China has more to gain than lose by playing a bigger role in the euro zone's rescue.


  • 传统家庭角色重,厨房用作生活可能性越低

    The more traditional family roles are, the less likely the kitchen is to be used as a living area.


  • 系列以后文章讨论项目设置以及其他2个U CM开发人员角色操作交付活动重设工作基线。

    Future articles in this series will discuss project sets as well as the other two UCM developer role operations: delivering activities, and rebasing the work area.


  • 与此同时伦敦soho开了一家CentralPerk主题咖啡馆47演员詹姆斯渴望继续在屏幕上出演角色Gunther

    Meanwhile actor James, 47, who is in London for the launch of a Central Perk themed coffee shop in Soho, is keen to reprise his role as Gunther on the big screen.


  • 因为管理员管理员角色成员(geronimo - web . xml中定义),所以这个用户可以访问用户也可以访问管理员

    Because admin is a member of the administrators role, as defined in geronimo-web.xml, you can visit both the user and admin area as this user.


  • 读取方面使用中间内核缓冲可以允许内核缓冲应用程序不需要内核缓冲全部数据充当 “预读高速缓存readahead cache)” 的角色

    Using the intermediate buffer on the read side allows the kernel buffer to act as a "readahead cache" when the application hasn't asked for as much data as the kernel buffer holds.


  • IMF稳定欧元扮演重要角色,因此急需大量资金

    Should it be called upon to play a major role in stabilizing the euro zone, the I.M.F. needs more money, quickly.


  • 记得第1部分,把允许访问用户registered -users角色映射到了geronimo - web . xml文件中的registeredusers组。

    Remember in Part 1 that you mapped the registered-users role that grants access to the users area to the registeredUsers group in the geronimo-web.xml file.


  • 培育子女信仰家庭学校三方面都担当著非常重要角色

    Family, school, and the parish play important roles in nurturing our children's Catholic faith.


  • 不能角色只能同一服务器角色转移

    No. Characters can only be transferred between realms and accounts within the same region.


  • 现代城市入口不但具有界定标志作用的一面,而且扮演着城市外部环境之间进行物质能量信息交换过渡角色

    Modern urban entrance ACTS not only as a boundary and landmark, but also as an important role in the communication between inner and outer city in terms of material, energy and information.


  • 迪士尼可以获得商品餐饮销售收入相应份额,收取管理度假的费用,以及使用迪士尼角色版权费用。

    It also will receive a fee for its role in managing the resort and royalties for the use of its characters.


  • 伊朗埃及致力于巩固科学文化、与经济合作关系预计扮演关键性角色

    Iran and Egypt endeavor to strengthen its scientific, cultural and economic ties, which are expected to play a vital role in the region.


  • 我们希望鼓励玩家之间的交易发现这一物品价值即使那个物品他们不能使用。你可以给你的朋友,给另外一个游戏角色使用,卖掉他们或者和其他玩家交换等等。

    We want to encourage trading and encourage people to see worth in items even if they can't use them - give them to friends, use them for other characters, sell them, trade them, etc.


  • 英文看过了…令人惊讶的角色XD

    Have seen that in English Channel... very amazing character XD.


  • 相信未来日本这一战略角色与日俱增因为经济工业生产供应链已经与该深入整合在一起了。

    I believe that Japan's strategic role in the region will only increase, because its economy and industrial production chains have been regionally integrated.


  • 结合坐标变换能控微分对策方法本文提出较为细缀处理双机格斗“二重角色问题的方法。

    A method of dealing with two-target problem in terms of coordinate transformation and qualitative differential game was presented in this paper.


  • 根据每一的参加者所担任特定领导角色,下表重点列出讨论会小组讨论可能题目

    The following possible topics for workshops and/or group discussion sessions are based on the specific leadership roles in each district.


  • 德国看起来不大可能很快屈服扩大欧洲央行角色压力所以欧元看起来再次成为波涛汹涌的大海里一叶无助的扁舟。

    But it seems unlikely that Germany will save into pressure to expand the ECB's role any time soon, so yet again the Eurozone seems to be a rudderless ship on stormy seas.


  • 德国看起来不大可能很快屈服扩大欧洲央行角色压力所以欧元看起来再次成为波涛汹涌的大海里一叶无助的扁舟。

    But it seems unlikely that Germany will save into pressure to expand the ECB's role any time soon, so yet again the Eurozone seems to be a rudderless ship on stormy seas.


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