• 我们美国一些角色代理几次面,我们感觉上是要作为两个人

    We've had a few meetings with casting agents in the States but there is a perception that we come as two.


  • 先进的开发工具可教代理”——计算机化学习、尝试犯错提问角色一个真实世界的学生

    But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the "teachable agent"— a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil.


  • 正在开发最前沿工具可教代理”——一个计算机化角色,它现实世界中的学生一样学习尝试犯错提问

    The most cutting-edge tool under development is the "teachable agent"— a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil.


  • 这样情况下网关代理服务假设最终接收者角色并且返回结果(不是错误)发送者

    In such a case, the gateway Proxy service would assume the role of the ultimate receiver and return an empty result (not a fault) to the sender.


  • 服务目的履行上面勾勒出商业流程旅游代理角色

    The intent of this service is to fulfill the role of the travel agent in the business process outlined above.


  • 需要管理员角色才能向管理代理注册取消注册基本节点

    The administrator role is required for you to register or deregister a base node with the administrative agent.


  • 这个体系架构如下1所示,需要三个服务角色个服务提供者、一个服务客户一个服务代理

    This architecture, as shown below in Figure 1, requires three service roles: a service provider, a service client, and a service broker.


  • 代理分配给一个域角色或者当分配删除时,业务组件通知

    Business components can be notified when a principal is assigned to a domain role or when the assignment is removed.


  • 考虑节点代理应用服务器启动自检中扮演角色希望节点代理时间不可用。

    Given the role the node agent plays in bootstrapping application servers, you wouldn't want a node agent to be unavailable for an extended period of time.


  • 处理管理代理本身,管理代理需要与所执行操作相关特定管理角色

    When working with the administrative agent itself, the specific administrative roles related to the operation being performed are needed for the administrative agent.


  • Manager——扮演活动对象模型代理角色通过使用EventMessage实例,Manager确定放入激活队列中的服务调用请求

    Manager - plays the role of Proxy of the active object model; using instances of EventMessage, the Manager determines service invocation requests that are placed into an Activation Queue.


  • 2中心展示TivoliWebSEAL产品产品充当代理角色提供安全机制控制网络中的文档以及Web对象访问

    In the center of the diagram in Figure 2 is Tivoli's WebSEAL product, which serves the role of a proxy and provides a security mechanism to control access to documents and Web objects in the network.


  • 完全完成VM实例化之后,位于VM中的特定于WorkloadDeployer代理开始行动VM配置应用程序部署将要扮演角色

    Once the VM is fully instantiated, the Workload Deployer-specific agent residing inside the VM initiates the action to configure the VM for the role it will play in this application deployment.


  • 建立一条入站通道—以前称为远程转发—proxyhosttargethost角色将被反转:目标本地机器代理是远程机器。

    When establishing an inbound tunnel-formally called a remote forward-the roles of proxyhost and targethost are reversed: the target is your local machine, and the proxy is the remote machine.


  • 一方面,Quartz能够使得OSWorkflow某些特定时间担当活(active)动代理角色例如每天启动新的工作流触发流程中特定的步骤、再或者小时进行一次分支。

    On the other hand, Quartz enables OSWorkflow to be an active agent on certain periods of time, such as starting a new workflow every day or triggering certain steps or splits every two hours.


  • 因为容器创建对象扮演代理角色所以Spring容器来说,确定bean已经创建而且需要配置件轻而易举的小事

    Because the container both creates beans and plays the role of broker, it is trivial for the Spring container to determine that a bean has been created and needs configuring.


  • 代理角色通常轻量级容器扮演的,例如Spring框架

    The broker role is often played by a lightweight container such as the Spring framework.


  • 编写代理添加,并对拥有[proddev]角色拥有[hr]角色用户进行了测试一切看起来正常。

    You write an agent to append that value, you test with a user who has the [ProdDev] role, but not the [HR] role, and everything looks great.


  • 推荐系统扮演着一个公司销售员代理角色他们可以顾客进行一对一接触

    Recommenders play the role of the salesperson, the agent in the company who has one-on-one contact with each shopper.


  • 经常协助大型企业组织变更过程帮助领导变更代理理解变更过程以及他们这个过程中的角色

    He frequently works in large-scale enterprise transformation efforts, helping leaders and change agents understand the process of change and their role in it.


  • 显示消费者商店代理经销商配送角色交互销售网络

    Distribution network showing off the interaction of the roles of consumer, store, distribution broker, and distributor.


  • 罗伯马歇要求洛杉矶代理挑选那些拥有自然曲线美身材演员来饰演电影中的角色

    Rob Marshall has sent out a request to casting agents in Los Angeles insisting only those with natural curves should apply for roles.


  • 每一个人格——不论是比利还是莎利——都共用同一人格代理以及同一群执行者行为模块,却产生显著相异的角色

    Each personalityBilly vs. Sally — USES the same pool of personality agents, the same community of actors and behavior modules to generate visibly different personas.


  • 1990年代末网景公司代理角色,竭力把比尔·盖茨及其同伴描绘成一群贪得无厌的恶棍。

    As an attorney who represented Netscape in the late 1990s, she was instrumental in painting Bill Gates and company as overeager bullies.


  • 1.显示客户商店代理经销商配送角色交互销售网络

    Figure 1. Distribution network showing off the interaction of the roles of customer, store, distribution broker, and distributor.


  • 1中,可以看到专利代理具有多个角色

    In Table 1, you can see the patent attorney has a number of roles.


  • 代理程序角色一般遵循uddi标准注册中心表示

    The role of the broker was typically represented by a registry following the UDDI standard.


  • 专利代理挑选现在正在扮演角色(例如律师角色)。

    The patent attorney picks which role she's now playing (for example, a lawyer role).


  • 专利代理挑选现在正在扮演角色(例如律师角色)。

    The patent attorney picks which role she's now playing (for example, a lawyer role).


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