• 拥有8000万美国用户YouTube视频站点的巨无霸,一直推出技术创新高清视频嵌入字幕

    It's still the largest of all the video websites, with around 80 million U.S. visitors alone, and it has been pushing out great innovations like HD video and in-video captioning.


  • 本文基于嵌入系统技术,设计和实现一个网络视频系统。

    In this Dissertation, Based on Embedded System Technology, we implement a Network Video System.


  • 数字水印技术信号处理方法声音图像视频数字化多媒体数据嵌入隐蔽信息的行为。

    Digital watermarking is the technology that embeds secret information into digital multimedia data such as sound, image or video by using signal processing technology.


  • 讨论嵌入系统使用动态电压调节技术降低视频解码功耗

    Dynamic voltage scaling is introduced to video decoding in the embedded system in order to reduce the power consumption.


  • 通过比较不同网络通信方式阐述IP组播技术嵌入视频监控系统网络传输方面的优势

    The paper explains the advantages of IP multicast technology in the network transmission of embedded video monitoring system through comparing three kinds of different network communication ways.


  • 本文开发嵌入网络数字视频系统背景,先介绍采用的MPEG4技术标准特点。

    This thesis, which takes the development of the embedded network digital video monitoring system as its background, introduces the MPEG4 technique standards above all .


  • 简要介绍PECOS技术及其特点之后,结合嵌入视频监控系统基本需求,定义了嵌入视频监控系统主要组件

    After discussing the characteristics of PECOS and the basic requirements for Embedded Video monitoring system, this paper proposes a new idea of componentization design for remote monitoring system.


  • 由于以前图像视频编码标准采用DCT编码,变换嵌入水印大多使用分块整体DCT技术

    Since the traditional coding technology for image and video is using of DCT, the blocked and whole DCT technology in frequency domain was used in order to embed watermarking.


  • 论文首先视频监控系统监控方式分析入手,将先进嵌入技术视频技术网络技术有效结合一起,提出系统的总体设计方案

    This paper starts with analysis of monitoring way of video monitoring system and shows the system design by effectively combined advanced embedded technology with the technology of video and network.


  • 论文嵌入远程视频监控系统实际中的应用为目的,视频压缩标准MPEG - 4媒体技术进行了比较深入的研究实现,具有实际应用的价值。

    This paper aims to study embedded network video surveillance system in practical applications. The MPEG-4 standard and Streaming Media technology are studied deeply and realized in our system.


  • 拷贝技术不仅提高了内存使用效率而且减少用于拷贝视频消耗的嵌入CPU资源

    It no only improves the efficiency of the usage of Memory, and also save the CPU resource of copying the Video Stream.


  • 随着超大规模集成电路嵌入软硬件技术迅猛发展嵌入网络视频通信终端成为新一代通信终端产品的主流

    With the development of VLSI and imbedded technologies, embedded video communication terminals are becoming the main steam of video communication products.


  • 目前一代嵌入网络视频监控系统更是先进图像压缩处理网络通信技术于一体。

    At present, the new generation of embedded network video monitoring system integrates advanced image compression processing and network communication technologies.


  • 随着视频会议技术日趋成熟PDA移动设备的普及和性能提升嵌入媒体通信技术成为研究的热点。

    With the video-conference technology becoming maturity and the increasing performance of PDA devices, embedded streaming media communication technologies become a hot research.


  • 随着网络技术视频编解码技术嵌入操作系统迅猛发展世界掀起股强大的视频数字化网络化浪潮

    With the rapid development of network technology, video codec technology and embedded operating system, the world will set off a powerful digital video, networking wave.


  • 因而基于嵌入技术实现视频采集压缩存储移动多媒体终端应用坚实基础,有着广阔发展前景。

    So capturing and compressing and storing video based on the embedded technique are the groundwork of applications about mobile multimedia terminal, and its perspective will be fine and wide.


  • 嵌入技术广泛应用使嵌入视频监控系统成为一个先进的,低廉的解决方案,具有体积小成本安装维护方便等优点。

    The widespread use of embedded technology has provided an advanced and low cost embedded solution. The embedded system is small, low cost, is more easily to fix and maintain.


  • 视频监控系统日常生产生活中的重要辅助设备提出研究设计了基于媒体技术网络化嵌入视频监控系统。

    The video monitoring system is an important assistant device in our life. A network embedded video monitoring system based on the stream media technology is presented and developed.


  • 视频监控系统日常生产生活中的重要辅助设备提出研究设计了基于媒体技术网络化嵌入视频监控系统。

    The video monitoring system is an important assistant device in our life. A network embedded video monitoring system based on the stream media technology is presented and developed.


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