• 很多认为设计”是视觉媒介所以戴安娜·设计进入个很少有人涉足领域满足盲人对设计需求

    Most people consider "design" a visual medium, so Diana Chang's project to address the needs of the blind set her wandering into nearly untouched territory.


  • 第一销售人员可以视觉判断顾客需求

    For one, the sales person can visually evaluate the guests needs and wants.


  • 平面设计遵循功能需求充分利用空间隐私视觉连接的关系被动设计原则

    The resolution of plan follows a purely functional approach to use of space, privacy, visual connection and passive design principles.


  • 通过分析虚拟环境自身以及视觉光线需求等问题互动作用寻找建立虚拟环境视知觉元素,以完善虚拟环境设计方式

    By analyzing the interactions among the environments themselves and the vision, lights, demands, we can find a way of improving the design of the invented environments.


  • 如果作为一个艺术教师自信不会站这里,我相信能力满足严格标准,我相信你有能力满足所学校IB视觉艺术需求

    You wouldn't be here if the art faculty didn't feel confident that you were capable of meeting the rigorous standards that IB Visual Arts at this school demand.


  • 传统CBIR技术试图通过分析图像视觉特征相似性检索图像,这不能满足普通人按语义检索图像的需求

    Traditional techniques of CBIR try to retrieve images through analyzing the similarity of image visual features, but CBIR cannot meet the requirements of semantic image retrieval.


  • 本文依据零件制造厂商检测需求详细地介绍台达dMV视觉系统零件尺寸测量中的应用

    According to the test requirement of parts manufacturers, this paper introduces the application of delta DMV vision system in the size measurement of parts.


  • 适合电视转播需求电视转播中要有良好视觉效果

    The emblems should satisfy the requirements for TV broadcast and produce ideal visual effects in TV broadcast.


  • 所以25FPS足够满足视觉需求快速移动物件除外,更高的FPS得到改善。

    So 25 FPS should be enough for a visually pleasing experience, but for fast moving objects, we can still see a improvement when doing more FPS.


  • 针对电子制造设备元件定位对准需求提出基于半透半反飞行视觉系统设计方案。

    A new vision on the fly system is proposed based on the beam splitting lens according to the demand of component picking and placing in the electronic manufacturing equipments.


  • 服饰形式美内在美相统一使得视觉语言得以反映审美需求共同传达美的讯息。

    The unity of garment beauty in terms of form and content makes it possible for the aesthetic demand to be reflected by visual sense, conveying a beauty sense.


  • 介绍网页设计审美需求基础上,视觉传达角度阐述了网页设计中的视觉设计原则

    Based on introducing the aesthetics of the homepage design, this paper expounds the visual design principle in the homepage design from the Angle of the visual communication.


  • 本文针对工厂实际需求提出了一种基于机器视觉光纤插芯端面缺陷检测系统设计实现方法

    This paper will proposed a machine vision-based optical fiber ferrule end face detection system design and implementation to satisfy the actual demand inside the factory.


  • 凭借需求量身定制的高水平制图设计工具,让每次收获丰富视觉效果和骄人的成绩。

    With high-caliber drafting and design tools that are customizable to your needs, you'll have visually rich and impressive results every time.


  • 只有主动向影视突围影视合作,自觉符合形象化视觉化潮流,自觉考虑社会受众精神需求文学才能走出目前的困境。

    Literature must explore a path for survival via cooperation with film and TV arts. It should take into account the image, visualization and the spiritual demand of the audience.


  • 而当功能需要得以解决之后,作为满足场地需求视觉需求心理需求形式的介入也是必须的

    When the functional needs have been resolved, form is also necessary, as to meet the space requirements, visual needs and psychological needs.


  • 对此,一家视觉系统厂商研制出一种易用、单装置不仅用起来简单填补终端用户需求空白

    With that in mind, one vision-systems manufacturer has developed an easy-to-use, single-focus device that is not only simple to use, but also fills a gap in end-users' needs.


  • 为了可以阅读特定细节扩大浏览范围的需求说明我们之前所提到当要看树形结构时会遗漏掉一些视觉内容形情。

    The requirement to magnify the view in order to read specific details introduces the same loss of visual context mentioned above in our discussion of large tree structures.


  • 随着社会公共安全需求提高智能视频监控技术逐渐成为计算机视觉领域一个新兴的应用方向和备受关注的前沿课题。

    With the increasing demand of social security, the technology of Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) is becoming one of new arising high-tech application fields.


  • 我们结合企业的需求,加上创造性的解决方案,配合市场策略视觉元素,从而把客户收益达至最佳的效果。

    We maximise our customer's brand value by combining creative solutions, optimal strategies and visual impacts.


  • 我们结合企业的需求,加上创造性的解决方案,配合市场策略视觉元素,从而把客户收益达至最佳的效果。

    We maximise our customer's brand value by combining creative solutions, optimal strategies and visual impacts.


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