• 作为文化历史学家,工作就是关注视觉图像是如何改变激励推动公众舆论的”此次展览的发起人莫里斯·伯格如是说。

    "My work as a cultural historian has been concentrated on how visual images can alter and inspire and move public opinion," said Maurice Berger, curator of the exhibition.


  • 一项研究表明视觉工作记忆可以影响我们感知所以记忆中的心理影像可以改变我们感知事物方式

    A new study now shows that visual working memory can influence our perceptions, so that mental images in the mind's eye can alter the way we see things.


  • 第一改变新的视觉识别系统献给那些组织付出重要贡献志愿者们

    The first change is a new visual identity that celebrates the volunteers who make the group possible.


  • 因此遗失痛苦可能带来视觉冲击观点改变

    So, the flipside of loss or pathos can be a freshness of vision or a change of perspective.


  • 说:“《阿这样电影中,需要拍摄改变演员视觉效果。”

    "In films like Avatar, there was a requirement for visual effects that change the appearance of an actor after they have been filmed," he says.


  • 通过简便方法改变视觉相关基因研究者们可能能够更深层次理解大脑部分怎么工作的。

    With an easier way to modify genes related to vision, researchers may be able to gain an even higher understanding of how this part of the brain works.


  • 这部根据克拉克短篇故事改变的电影最终荣膺了奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。

    The film, based on a short story by Arthur C. Clarke, won an Oscar for visual effects.


  • 根据科学》(Science)期刊在网上发布项研究负面八卦实际上改变我们视觉系统特定的人的响应

    Negative gossip actually alters the way our visual system responds to a particular face, according to a study published online by the journal Science.


  • Web 2.0时代实时数据用于信心的视觉化,改变人们行为他们生活得环境

    In the Web 2.0 era, real-time data has mostly been used to power fancy visualizations. It hasn't been used extensively yet to change peoples behavior or their environment.


  • 虽然似乎相信我们看到我们所感知的一致的但是下面这些视觉上的错觉可能使我们改变自己的感知。

    Although it might be tempting to believe that what we see and what our minds perceives is identical some of the following optical illusions might make us change our mind.


  • 这样改变需要同时涉及数据结构视觉结构。

    This included the data structure and the visual structure.


  • 人们完全可以改变一个基于CSS设计网站视觉效果而不改动网站内容

    You can change the entire look of a CSS-based site without ever having to touch the content.


  • 当然成功展人往往致力于视觉刺激,这种刺激可以改变艺术地点时间思考方式

    Of course, the most successful curatorial is one that features visual impulses that can change the way you think about art, place, and time.


  • 这些控件改变整个视觉显示外观,即正常视图页面布局大纲视图。

    These controls change the appearance of the entire visual display-normal view, Page Layout view, and Outline view.


  • Unity以往一样许多视觉改变比如新的界面——点击ubuntu标志看到第一东西

    Unity got many visual changes as usual, such as a new home screen - this is the first thing you see when you click the Ubuntu logo.


  • 改变皮革服装面料触觉视觉肌理两个方面入手,阐述了现代皮革服装的种装饰设计方法。

    Based on the change of touch texture and visual texture of leather clothing lining, various decoration designs for modern leather clothing were elaborated.


  • 随着这部改变电影行业面貌划时代意义的视觉大片《阿达》上映,这位身兼编剧,导演二职的詹姆士喀麦隆(James Cameron )可以卫冕虚拟世界之王

    With the game-changing, magnificent visual spectacle that is Avatar (* * * out of four), writer/director James Cameron can be crowned king of the virtual world.


  • 灵感来自视觉资源比如海岸线地质印记景观时间的坐标来探索其中改变

    My inspiration is drawn form visual sources such as coastlines and geological markings in landscape, exploring the shifts and changes marked by time.


  • 窄带成像技术将结肠镜常规发射白光改变蓝光,以此提供一个较窄波长加强结肠表面结构视觉对比度

    NBI changes the white light normally emitted by the colonoscope to a bluish light, providing a narrower wavelength and enhancing visual contrast of the surface structure of the colon.


  • 一方面可以改变一个GTK +主题如何在GTK +应用程序窗口按钮条目标签所有其他部件gtk视觉风格的主题。

    GTK + theme on the other hand can change how things look inside the window of a GTK + application: buttons, entries, labels and all other widgets get their visual style from the GTK theme.


  • 但是回应指导注意力暗示时,受试者改变视觉注意的方向。

    But only in response to attention-directing cues did participants also Orient their visual attention.


  • 不断改变祈祷时间里作为催化剂使人们关注于太阳运动轨迹,这种不断运动成为日常循环视觉反射

    It serves to call attention to the movement of the sun as a catalyst in the changing prayer times, the constant motion becoming a visual reflection of their daily cycle.


  • 基于人眼视觉特性加权因子改变编码位序不是编码算法更快编码速度以及较好的压缩效果

    The human visual weighting factor change the order of coding rather than the value of coding. The algorithm has much faster coding speed and better compression effect.


  • 为了提供丰富视觉反馈可以改变输入字段颜色反映输入数据有效性判断

    To provide rich visual feedback, the entry field could change colors to reflect its estimate of the validity of the entered data.


  • 图像观察窗图像增强处理一种方式,即灰度变换改变图像的视觉印象

    It is a transformation of the gray level and can change visual perception impression of the image.


  • 如果角膜骨髓干细胞引入人类角膜能够改变它们功能我们也许能够修复由于突变造成视觉敏锐性丧失

    If we can change the function of non-corneal bone marrow stem cells by introducing them into human corneas, we can possibly repair the loss of visual sharpness caused by mutations.


  • 这种粗糙表面导致对光散射改变原有影像对光的吸收反射特性,从视觉让人感觉到黑白照片影像变得模糊、淡化。

    This coarse surface causes light scattering and changes original properties of the light absorption and reflection, which makes original image become fading and mildewing.


  • 下周回归星球大战克隆人战争》在视觉上将巨大改变因为克隆人士兵穿上我们西斯复仇》中见到他们所穿的

    Star Wars: the Clone Wars returns next week with a big visual change, as the Clone Troopers transition into the Phase 2 armor we saw them wearing in Revenge of the Sith.


  • 下周回归星球大战克隆人战争》在视觉上将巨大改变因为克隆人士兵穿上我们西斯复仇》中见到他们所穿的

    Star Wars: the Clone Wars returns next week with a big visual change, as the Clone Troopers transition into the Phase 2 armor we saw them wearing in Revenge of the Sith.


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