• 应该什么样视觉手段辅助陈述认为我应该用幻灯片吗?

    What kind of visuals should I use to support the presentation? Do you think I should use powerpoint?


  • 视觉手段表现“非可视世界绘画再现的作业欧洲的幻想主义系谱同派相承

    To depict "Wind" by visual method is the work to take the unvisible things in to shape by painting, which originates from the imaginism in Europe.


  • 好的网页设计师个屏幕空间股票经纪人,他们开始动手应该信息层次有一个清晰认识能够合适的视觉手段传递正确的信息,把每一个像素点都卖个好价钱。

    They should have a very clear idea of the hierarchy of information well before starting and be able to distribute the right amount of visual attention to the right messages.


  • 回顾当时,觉得自己单纯视觉设计手段解决内容问题的想法很有意思

    Looking back, I find it fascinating that I was trying to solve a content problem using visual design alone.


  • 越来越多的心理健康专家各种艺术包括视觉艺术、舞蹈、写作,看作是病人康复重要手段戏剧当然例外

    More and more, mental health professionals are viewing the artsvisual arts, dance, writing — as key tools in patients' recovery, and theater is no exception.


  • 即使的观点内容本身那么富有逻辑,但视觉层级化仍然使你内容易于被读者消化最好手段

    Even though the content may not be linear, per se, visual hierarchy is the best way of making content digestible in the order you want.


  • 视觉辅助手段可以帮助听众长久记住信息也意味着他们更长久地记住。这无疑未来提升以及源源不断的机会一大利好。

    Visual AIDS will help your audience remember your message longer, which means they will remember you longer, which is better for promotion and future opportunities for you.


  • 自然光之于建筑空间绝非仅仅照明手段更多带给人们视觉心理独特体验

    To architecture space, daylight is not only the means of lighting, it can take more special experience on visual and mentality for people.


  • 此基础讨论如何通过视觉设计或者说是美学手段改进改善城市形象,增进城市的吸引力,为城市注入新的活力

    Based on that, discussion is made on how to make use of vision design or improvement of aesthetics means to improve city image so as to improve attractiveness and vigor of the city.


  • 图像作为人类感知世界视觉基础人类获取信息表达信息传递信息的重要手段

    Image is vision basic that people can apperceive the world. It is a important method that human can achieve, express and communicate information.


  • 针对横向偏差传统测量手段不足提出了一种智能车辆横向偏差的视觉测量方法

    To overcome the shortcomings of traditional measurement methods for lateral deviation error, a new measurement method based on machine vision is proposed.


  • 图形创意视觉传达艺术设计创造性思维训练有效手段

    Graphic creativity is an effective way of creative thinking training in visual transmission art design.


  • 他们的主要工作就是不断创造新的方法手段使电影更好有趣具有视觉冲击力。

    And they are basically creating the means to make movies better and more interesting and more visually spectacular.


  • 通过客户调研沟通结合庞大国际国内方法手段展开猫咪童装”的品牌视觉形象设计

    Through the investigation of the customer, communicate, international and domestic program with huge ways and means of children, launched "cat" brand visual image design.


  • 人类传递信息有70%视觉信息,图像信息传递信息重要媒体手段

    The 70% of the human's information changing is passed by vision information, and the image information is a very important media for information changing.


  • 木材提供先进研究手段丰富计算机视觉领域关于颜色分析分类方法

    It provides advanced research tools for wood and enriches classification methods of color analysis on the field of computer vision.


  • 介入态度不是目的,是针对问题一种手段是以行为视觉方式呈现出来

    Intervention is an attitude, a method aiming at problems instead of an objective. It is put forward in the way of behavior and visual form.


  • 现代营销知识告诉我们视觉营销作好营销必不可少营销手段之一

    Modern marketing knowledge tells us that the visual marketing is essential to prepare marketing of one of the means of marketing.


  • 采用机器视觉处理手段,使得对带送料器输送元件位置精度检测变得非常简单。

    It is simple to test the transfer accuracy of a feeder by using the method based on machine vision.


  • 视觉轮式移动机器人重要感知手段之一。

    For Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR), acquiring information by vision is one of the most important sensing methods.


  • 作为艺术家来讲采用怎样的“视觉模式”、怎样的绘画手段才能准确把握住越来越纷繁复杂的视觉真实才是艺术家需要解决迫切问题

    Says how as the artist USES "the visual pattern", how drawing method, can more accurate grasp the more and more complex complex vision really is the urgent question which the artist needs to solve.


  • 设计作为核心策略作为动力运用高度品牌策略、视觉营销手段品牌理念、平面视觉卖场空间网络世界四者有机整合。

    We take design as the core and strategy as motivation, use high and strategy and visual marketing means to organically integrate and scope, graphic vision, store space and network.


  • 作为视觉文化传播手段之一动画越来越受众所喜爱显示出日益强大的吸引力亲和力感召力

    As one of the means of visual culture transmission, animated cartoon becomes more and more popular and in the meantime it gradually shows great appeal, affinity and impelling force to the audience.


  • 具有视觉艺术设计主要基本要素的设计理念表现手段技法较之其他广告媒介典型性代表性

    It has the visual art and design the most important basic elements of its design philosophy, performance means and techniques than any other advertising medium is more typical and representative.


  • 设计艺术已不是简单视觉传达手段已经成为一种文化。

    Graphic design is no longer a simple way of visual communication and it has become a culture.


  • 企业形象设计系统并非一种简单视觉表现手段,它是将企业信息进行概括、提炼、抽象顺利转换成企业的视觉符号的过程

    The CI design system is not just a simple visual expressing measure, but a process of generalizing, abstracting and visualizing the corporate information into visual codes as well.


  • 借助电视一系列现代手段传统文化进行改造,通过视觉呈现实现传统文化当代历史语境下传播

    It achieve the communication of traditional culture By modern means on the TV, it made reforms and Visual representation in modern history context.


  • 包装设计现代艺术重要组成部分,是视觉传达重要手段

    Pack the design is a modern art of importance constitute the part, is a kind of important means that the sense of vision inform.


  • 包装设计现代艺术重要组成部分,是视觉传达重要手段

    Pack the design is a modern art of importance constitute the part, is a kind of important means that the sense of vision inform.


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