• 使用xml形式表示SQL数据(具体而言就是以及视图查询结果)规范反之亦然

    Specifications for the representation of SQL data (specifically, rows and tables of rows, as well as views and query results) in XML form, and vice versa.


  • SQL数据具体而言就是以及视图查询结果XML形式表示或者相反)规范

    Specifications for the representation of SQL data (specifically rows and tables of rows, as well as views and query results) in XML form, and vice versa.


  • 这里使用套的循环连接方法连接来自每个仓库远程查询结果xml合成视图结果。

    The nested loop join method is used to join the remote query result from each warehouse and the XML composite view result.


  • 下面使用以上讨论相同示例数据,阐释使用使用查询统计视图情况下基数估计差别

    Using the same sample data just discussed above, the following illustrates the difference in cardinality estimates with and without the use of statistical view for the query.


  • XML任务创建维护具有XML数据视图;创建并调优xML索引查询查看XML文档存储管理XML模式文档。

    XML tasks: create and maintain tables and views with XML data; create and tune XML indexes; query and view XML documents; store and manage XML schema documents.


  • 有时程序员开发人员性能而言仅仅需要获取不同查询视图因此他们可以修改查询,以获得更高的效率

    Sometimes, programmers and developers just want to get a different view of their queries in terms of performance so that they can modify the query for higher efficiency.


  • XML任务创建维护具有XML数据视图;创建并调优xML索引查询查看XML文档存储管理XML模式文档。

    XML tasks: creating and maintaining tables and views with XML data; creating and tuning XML indexes; querying and viewing XML documents; storing and managing XML schema documents.


  • 统计视图REOPT使优化器可以计算精确基数估计而后选择一个最佳查询执行计划

    Both statistical views and REOPT allow the optimizer to compute a more accurate cardinality estimate and consequently choose an optimal query execution plan.


  • 清单5演示如何查询这个视图从而了解关系XML数据压缩分别节省空间百分比

    Listing 5 shows how querying this view produces information about the percentage of space saved due to the compression of relational data and XML, respectively.


  • 指定内容包含刚才创建查询、FPML数据模型CREDITV视图

    Specify that the contents of the package will include the query you created, the FPML data model, and the CREDITV view.


  • 同时支持各种高级功能多个XML查询的联合,使用xml类型视图模式验证

    Advanced features, such as joins across several XML queries, views with XML types, and schema validation are supported.


  • 现在考虑清单10 中的SQL语句,它通过查询视图选择办公室R344所有职员的ID名字

    Now consider the SQL statement in Listing 10 that queries the view to select the ID and the first name of all employees that occupy office R344.


  • 另外根据XML数据视图定义报告生成后续查询可能会出现运行时性能问题

    Furthermore, runtime performance concerns can arise, depending on the volume of XML data, the definition of the view, and the subsequent queries that are generated for the report.


  • 可以数据库视图存储过程作为查询主题添加Cognos中。

    Database tables, views, and stored procedures can be added to a Cognos package as query subjects.


  • 视图一个具有额外属性DerivedTable比如查询表达式检查类型

    A view is a DerivedTable with extra properties, such as query expression and check type.


  • 可以通过DB 2编目视图syscat .TABLESSYSCAT . TABLESPACES执行查询来确认一点。

    This can be verified by executing a query against the DB2 catalog views SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.TABLESPACES.


  • 视图展开之后itemsitem_supplied视图查询合并如图12所示。

    After the view expansion, the items and item_supplied views will be merged in the query as shown in Figure 12.


  • 现在DB2可以使用SQL/XMLXQuery语言通过视图创建别名来查询数据

    Now DB2 can query this data using SQL/XML and XQuery languages by using the nicknames created for the view.


  • VisualExplain工具提供了一个sql语句图形化视图这样可以分析查询优化它们性能

    The Visual Explain tool provides a graphic view of your SQL statements so that you can analyze your queries and tune them for better performance.


  • 针对某些API操作(查询业务流程任务相关对象)的数据库查询优化(使用物化视图存储查询)(请参见参考资料部分)。

    Database query optimization for some of the APIs' operations like querying business process and task related objects (usage of materialized views or stored queries) (see the Resources section).


  • 查询概要功能可以提供更加简单数据视图

    Lookup and summary functions can provide simpler views on your data.


  • 然后这些信息包括进来,用于帮助优化那些符合条件查询(这些查询需要直接引用视图)的选择性估计基数估计计算成本做决定

    This information can then be included as part of the optimizer decision during costing for selectivity and cardinality estimates for qualified queries which do not need to reference the view directly.


  • 就允许数据联合服务器接收集成视图查询计算执行优子操作数量类型

    This allows the data federation server to receive queries against the integrated view and to calculate the optimum number and types of sub operations to perform.


  • 对于这些搜索表单,由一个数据库视图列出查询发起者、查询提交日期时间以及查询所包括的关键词

    A database view of these search forms is provided that lists the author of the query, the date and time the query was submitted and the keywords used in the query.


  • 查看者视图创建了视图导航集合视图详细信息视图视图查询定义文件

    The definition files for the perspective, the Navigation Tree, the Collection View, the Detail View, and the View Query were created for the Viewer perspective.


  • 通过扩展收缩复杂SQL一部分,来深入获取详细查询部分例如引用视图查询

    Drill into parts of the query in more detail, such as referenced views and sub-queries, by expanding and collapsing sections of a complex SQL.


  • 查看者视图导航视图查询定义分别显示清单45中。

    The Navigation Tree and View Query definitions for the Viewer perspective are shown in Listings 4 and 5, respectively.


  • SQL管理例程视图使得DBA应用程序开发人员更易于查询修改DB 2系统状态

    SQL administrative routines and views make it easier for both DBAs and application developers to query and modify the state of their DB2 systems.


  • 除了需要编程的情况下生成发出搜索查询外,xfy可以在不需要编程的情况下定义视图

    In addition to generating and issuing search queries without programming, xfy also enables views to be defined without programming.


  • 使用YQL查询可以合并来自多个Web服务数据呈现新的有用第三方数据视图

    Using YQL queries, it is possible to combine data from multiple web services to present new and useful views of third-party data.


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