• 按照规定测试这些需求不能精确返回成功或者失败”,因为每一项复杂陈述需要一张判断

    Testing these requirements as stated could not return a precise "pass" or "fail" because each complex statement would require a decision table.


  • SAML允许就验证授权进行陈述但是没有规定如何进行验证建立授权

    SAML allows authentication and authorization statements to be made, but does not specify how authentications are done or how authorizations are established.


  • 注意只有下述规定期限之前递交书面陈述的代表才能听证会发表讲话。

    Please note that only those participants who have submitted statements in writing by the deadline stated below will be invited to make an oral statement at the hearing.


  • 我们发现潜在危害药物组合年长的有一定的法律规定。”Reuter的总公司的研究团队里的TamiMark陈述道。

    "We found a concerning degree of potentially harmful drug combinations being prescribed to seniors," Tami Mark of Thomson Reuters, parent company of Reuters, said in a statement.


  • 根据法律规定如实陈述提供证据义务配合我们工作

    According to the law, you have the obligation to provide evidence and factual presentation, please cooperate with our work.


  • 根据法律规定陈述申辩权利

    By the law, you have the right to present and defend.


  • 除了另有规定有关化学处理陈述包括电化学处理。

    Statements regarding chemical treatments, unless otherwise specified, are taken to include electrochemical treatments.


  • 美国违反WTO规定欧洲提供了一个途径使欧洲陈述它们那些WTO规定解释

    American violations of WTO rules are the route by which Europeans can assert their interpretation of those rules.


  • 课程纲要着重于英语语言知识语言技能缺少学生综合文化素养规定陈述

    Curriculum syllabus emphasizes linguistic knowledge and skills, lacking in provisions and descriptions about students' overall cultural literacy.


  • 仲裁庭应当依照仲裁规则规定开庭,给予双方当事人平等陈述辩论机会组织当事人进行质证

    The arbitral tribunal shall hold a hearing under the arbitration rules, offer both parties equal opportunities to make statements and arguments, and organize them to cross-examine the evidence.


  • 语义用上,“一概”和“一律”表示适用全体没有例外,“一律”主要表示主观规定“一概”主要表示客观陈述性。

    In the semantics and the pragmatics, "Yigai" and "Yilü"are suitable in all, with no exception, "Yilü" mainly expresses subjective stipulation, whereas, "Yigai" mainly expresses objective statement.


  • 董事应当公司债权人承担直接责任为基础,本文认为证券虚假陈述的性质应当界定为法律规定特殊责任。

    To the author, director should not bear liability to company creditor directly, so the falsely stating securities should be the special liability prescribed in the law.


  • 原告开场陈述进行适当限制规定适用于被告。

    What has been said as to the proper limits of the plaintiff's opening statement also applies to that of the defendant.


  • 等准则规定本行在策划进行审核工作时,必须财务是否存有重大错误陈述作出合理之确定。

    Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.


  • 弥补了我国证券民事赔偿方面立法部分不足,前者相比拓展了“虚假陈述”的外延,诉讼时效的起算、虚假陈述揭露方面的有关规定还有待于完善。

    Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.


  • 对本协议第二第三规定任何陈述保证(总称为“保证”)的违反视为对协议的违反。

    In the event of breach of any of the representations or warranties set forth in Article 2 or Article 3 of this Agreement (jointly the "warranties"), this shall be deemed as breach of contract.


  • 任何交付货物卖方服务代理买家完全符合陈述。保证。契约或其他义务的规定

    Any GOODS DELIVERED by SELLER or SERVICE AGENT to BUYER that are not in full compliance with any representation.


  • 我国刑事诉讼法规定犯罪嫌疑人被告人侦查机关尽“如实陈述义务

    According to our country's Law of Criminal Procedure, the guilty suspicion person and the defendants have the obligation of "stating as things really are" to investigation apparatus.


  • 对于概念第二环节陈述,亦即对普遍事物的规定作为特殊化加以陈述就是根据某一外在的观点去进行分类。

    The statement of the second element of the notion, i. e. of the specific character of the universal as particularizing, is given by Division in accordance with some external consideration.


  • 虽然本人口头陈述对获得签证一定帮助,但是根据美国法律规定凭口头保证不能证明符合非移民签证条件

    Statements indicating that the applicant intends to return to China are helpful, but under the requirements of U. S. law the statement alone is not adequate to show that they qualify for a visa.


  • 经依行政程序法第一百零四条规定通知处罚者陈述意见,而期限陈述意见。

    Where the person to be punished has failed to present his views within the specified period despite a notification given in pursuance of article 104 of the Administrative Procedure Act.


  • 经依行政程序法第一百零四条规定通知处罚者陈述意见,而期限陈述意见。

    Where the person to be punished has failed to present his views within the specified period despite a notification given in pursuance of article 104 of the Administrative Procedure Act.


- 来自原声例句

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