• 第二部分村级土地利用规划理论构架

    The second chapter, the theory frame of village land use planning.


  • 第三部分主要强调培训规划理论指导培训实践

    The third part focuses on theoretical instructions and training practices of training planning.


  • 尝试构建一套符合城市森林公园游憩规划理论方法

    And we will try to build the theory and methods for urban forest park recreation planning.


  • 本文区域经济规划理论原则内容方法进行了研究阐述

    This paper studied and expounded the theory, principle, content and method of the regional economical planning.


  • 认为景观生态学可以作为自然风景区旅游资源规划理论基础之一

    The article regards landscape ecology as one of the theory bases in tourism resources planning of natural landscape district.


  • 回顾建国以来不同阶段我国城市交通规划理论方法以及实践历程。

    This paper reviews urban transportation planning theories, methodologies and practices in different stages of transportation development since the founding of the People's Republic of China.


  • 目前城市电网规划领域有关协同规划理论方法研究处于空白。

    At present, the study of synergetic planning theories and methods in the the city network planning field is still in the blank.


  • 无论是对于吉林省还是全国乃至世界范围村镇体系规划理论实践经验十分有限

    But disregarding being a province be still the whole nation to Jilin and even world range, theory and practical experience that urban-village system planning are all very limited.


  • 本文系统介绍了山西省1991~2020年公路网规划理论方法主要成果,可供参考。

    The paper introduces theoretical method of Shanxi provincial highway net planning and main achievements from 1991~2020.


  • 了解生态环境规划理论方法程序基础上,对呼伦贝尔市生态环境规划进行实证研究

    On the basis of the understanding of the these theories, methods and procedures, empirical research of zoology environment layout in the Hulunbuir city.


  • 20世纪80年代以后产生并盛行城市主义”当代城市规划理论实践有着深刻的影响。

    The new urbanism that came into being in 1980s of 20th century has been the big influence on the theory and practice of urban planning.


  • 文章首先轨道交通线规划理论进行探讨总结普遍性规律技术要点,明确轨道交通规划的思路

    This paper firstly discusses the theory of rail transit network planning, summarizes the universal rules and the technical points, and indicates the mentality of rail transit planning.


  • 对偶理论数学规划理论基础其中各种约束条件下对偶定理研究是对偶理论研究重要组成部分

    The duality theory is the basic theory for mathematical planning in which the study of weak duality theorem under different controlling conditions is an important part of duality theorem research.


  • 第三通过研究双层规划理论基础特性优点等分析了双层规划在港口与航运企业费收博弈系统中的适用性

    Chapter three researches the theory foundation, characteristics and advantages of bi-level programming model, analyzes its applicability to the port-shipping cooperative game charging system.


  • 群体生灭复杂随机过程,但是具泊松性质马尔科夫过程,因而可以马尔科夫决策规划理论方法研究

    A colony "birth-and-death" process is complicated stochastic process, a Markovian process with the nature of Poisson. And it cak be studied by the theory and method of Markovian decision programming.


  • 本文首先回顾国内国外景观规划研究现状基础分析了区域景观空间规划的视角并概述规划理论方法原则

    Based on the review of domestic and abroad studies on the landscape planning, this paper analyzes the new view on regional landscape planning, summarize the planning theory, method and principle.


  • 本文首先简述二次规划基本知识,包括二次锥规划理论算法研究现状然后介绍了二次锥规划的算法方面所一些工作,具体如下。

    In the paper, firstly the theory, algorithm, and recent research of the second-cone programming is summarized, then our some work in algorithms is introduced.


  • 该部分首先介绍了线性规划理论提出成品半成品库存量分配的线性规划模型。仿真实例表明模型降低成品库存,从而进一步降低库存成本。

    After introducing theory of Linear Planning, it gives inventory distribution models for products and semi-finished products, which can further reduce the products inventory.


  • 采用先进交通信息技术改进交通规划理论方法

    How to use transportation information and advanced technology to advance transportation planning theories and methodology?


  • 评价公路网规划理论一个重要组成部分

    Evaluation is an important component of the theory of highway planning.


  • SWOT分析模型一个用于企业战略规划指导理论工具,用以帮助咱们更好地了解我们企划或是创业计划中的实际情况跟作为。

    SWOT analysis is a working theory and a tool that is used in corporate planning to help us better understand our position in a project or business venture.


  • 但是至今理论没有统一有说服力现代区域物流规划基础理论

    But from theoretically there are still not uniform, persuasive foundation theories of modern district logistics programming.


  • 核心能力规划理论走向实践关键环节。

    The planning of core competence is a critical step that brings theory to practice.


  • 深化马克思和谐思想研究具有重大意义,主要表现三个方面日常社会生活层面,学术的社会理论层面,决策社会规划层面。

    It is in very significance to deepen Marx's idea of social harmony, which embody in three aspects as follows, the daily social life, the doctrinal social theory and the decision-making social plan.


  • 阐述城镇体系规划基础理论基础,本文以江苏省作为个例试图经济分析方法来探讨区域城镇体系规划的合理途径

    Based on fundamental theories of urban system planning, the paper studies Jiangsu province as a case and tries to discuss reasonable way of regional urban system planning by economic analysis.


  • 配电网理论计算配电网规划运行具有特别重要意义

    The calculation of theoretical network loss is of special important significance for the planning and operation of power distribution network.


  • 另外由于我国旅游规划还是新兴领域,旅游规划实践理论总结也明显滞后没有形成套完整规划体系

    In addition, as tourism planning is a new field, theory always falls behind practice and an integrated planning theory system has not been established.


  • 应用理论实践相结合研究方法,完成于家村保护旅游规划

    By combining practice and theory, the design of protecting Yujiacun and developing its tourism is fulfilled.


  • 本文正是基于这一考虑,对风电系统动态稳定进行较为深入研究,以期局域风电系统的规划设计提供一定的理论依据一种分析仿真方法

    In the thesis, wind power system 's dynamic stability has been deeply studied in order to provide academic basis and analysis method for layout of local wind power system.


  • 本文正是基于这一考虑,对风电系统动态稳定进行较为深入研究,以期局域风电系统的规划设计提供一定的理论依据一种分析仿真方法

    In the thesis, wind power system 's dynamic stability has been deeply studied in order to provide academic basis and analysis method for layout of local wind power system.


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