• 勒布喜欢情况规划因为人们办法跳出去思考

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb: I don’t like scenario planning, because people don’t think out of the box.


  • 勒布喜欢情况规划因为人们办法跳出去思考

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb: I don't like scenario planning, because people don't think out of the box.


  • 土地类型划分进行总体规划基础,是确定每块土地合理利用行之有效办法

    The classification of land types is the foundation of general planning and an effective method to use land reasonably.


  • 办法适用环城绿带规划建设养护及其相关管理活动

    The present Procedures apply to the planning, construction and maintenance of the round-the-city greenbelt and related administrative activities.


  • 利用现有卫生信息网络资源,以国家计划免疫管理办法技术规范为需求,研制免疫规划智能化网络信息系统

    According to national immunization management measure and technique norm and current health resource, the network intelligent management system on immunization program was developed.


  • 半导体晶圆厂的设备非常昂贵,对设备利用率要求较高设计一套简单实用的办法进行产能规划十分必要的。

    It is necessary to design a simple and useful approach for capacity planning due to requirement for high equipment utilization.


  • 一种相对可行办法随机性方法本文作者说明随机性规划方法理论一些具体实施方法。

    A contingency planning approach was proposed to deal with the problems of implementation. Theory of contingency planning and relevant methods were discussed in the paper.


  • 最初降出略粗信做化体解工程建设规划及其保证办法。');

    Finally proposed the concrete information systems engineering construction plans and its safeguards the measure.


  • 使用IOCP-这种办法缺点许多实际棘手规划问题必须加以解决

    Using IOCP - the disadvantage of this approach is that there are many practical thorny programming problems that must be solved.


  • 目前区域性城镇体系规划实施中遇到很大困难希望在区域性空间管理上能出台切实可行的管理办法

    Current regional planning of cities and towns encountered great difficulties in the implementation of hope in the regional space management to introduce practical management approach.


  • 分析编制抗震防灾规划必要性提出了抗震防灾规划编制的主要内容编制办法

    This paper analyse the necessity of anti-earthquake and relief work planning. Puts forward its major contents and drawing methods.


  • 问题可行解决办法海洋空间规划》,种针对海洋城镇规划

    One possible solution to this problem could be "Marine Spatial planning", a kind of town planning for the seas.


  • 为了企业广泛应用PD M系统条件下快速构建工艺分工规划系统,提出了种基于PD M系统的工艺分工规划设计管理解决办法

    In order to construct a process assignment and planning system quickly according to the situation of an enterprise, a method for process assignment based on PDM (Product Data Management) is presented.


  • 项目规划实施办法完成进度等是企业战略实施全过程如果战略不能得到很好的实施,战略毫无意义的。

    The planning, managerial methods and completion schedule constitute the whole process of strategic execution. If they fail to be carried out smoothly, strategies do not mean anything.


  • 本市行政区域内民防工程规划建设使用维护及其相关管理活动适用办法

    These Procedures shall apply to the planning, construction, use and maintenance of civil defense projects and related management activity thereof in this Municipality's administrative area.


  • 这个发现令人沮丧,不失为一堂好的职业规划:一定要未雨绸缪,想办法避免走上不愉快的职业道路。

    I found that very discouraging, but also a good lesson in career planning insofar as thinking ahead about how to avoid ending up in an unhappy career path.


  • 因此做了很多身心准备工作,医生探讨其他办法研究替代性药物规划雌激素和孕激素代替物。

    So I was readying myself physically and emotionally, discussing options with doctors, researching alternative medicine, and mapping my hormones for estrogen or progesterone replacement.


  • 提供重新规划通过自我反思而不是战略性问题进行辩论,以环保园林建筑之间遇到新的办法

    This volume provides a fresh approach to encounters between environmentalism and landscape architecture by reframing the issues through self-reflection instead of strategic debate.


  • 概括当前县级土地利用总体规划特点分析了其中存在四个问题,然后提出了改进办法

    The four problems of general land use of counties in present are analyzed after the characters of it are generalized. Then the ways to resolute the problems are brought forward.


  • 目的了解佛山市外来流动儿童免疫规划疫苗接种率水平影响因素探讨加强外来流动儿童预防接种管理办法

    Objective to know the vaccination level of floating children and its related affecting factors in Foshan City, and to explore the methods of vaccination management of floating children.


  • 第三条(适用范围)办法适用于保护区规划建设保护及其相关管理活动

    Article 3 (Scope of Application) These Procedures apply to the planning, construction, protection, and their related administrative activities of the Reserve.


  • 第三条(适用范围)办法适用于保护区规划建设及其相关管理活动

    Article 3 (Scope of Application) These Procedures shall apply to the planning and construction of the NR, as well as the related management activities thereof.


  • 城市规划过程中的公众参与办法今年上海推进中心控制性详细规划编制工作主要课题之一

    Public participation in city planning is a major topic for the promotion of controlled detailed planning of the central areas of Shanghai City in 2006.


  • 第二办法适用于城市规划区内市政排水规划建设市政排水设施的运行维护管理

    Article 2 These measures shall apply to the planning and construction of municipal drain as well as the operation, maintenance and administration of municipal drainage in the city planning region.


  • 第二矿产资源规划实施必须遵守办法

    Article 2 These Measures must be observed in the implementation of mineral resource planning.


  • 第二城市规划区国有土地范围从事房地产抵押活动应当遵守办法

    Article 2 Whoever engaged in the activities of real estate mortgage within the scope of the state-owned land in the planned urban areas shall observe these Measures.


  • 第三城市规划区范围协议出让国有土地使用权最低价确定按照办法规定执行。

    Article 3 Determination of minimum prices for agreed transfer of the use rights of State-owned land in areas covered by urban development programmes shall follow stipulations in these Rules.


  • 这次设计目的原有规划基础办法提升购物公园商业价值

    The purpose of this project is to promote the commercial value of the shopping garden based on its former structure.


  • 这次设计目的原有规划基础办法提升购物公园商业价值

    The purpose of this project is to promote the commercial value of the shopping garden based on its former structure.


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