• 当时北方改革者威廉·劳埃德·加里森塞缪尔·蔡斯,把美国宪法制定者描绘个人自治资本主义价值支持者

    At this time, Northern reformers, such as William Lloyd Garrison and Samuel Chase, portrayed the framers of the United States Constitution as proponents of individual autonomy and capitalist values.


  • 巴勒斯坦方面作出大努力,促成球员联盟形成培养公平比赛道德年轻缺乏经验球员提供指导

    Greater attempts must also be made to form a playersassociation, such as to foster an ethic of fair play and provide guidance for the young and inexperienced.


  • 防卫机制认为成熟”,甚至世故”的,幽默远见主张里,内利他联系

    There are defense mechanisms that are thought of as "mature" and even "sophisticated", such as humor, foresight, assertiveness, self-observation, altruism and affiliation!


  • 书店塞满了各种标题的书,《一生的1000个地方》,《一生必的1001幅画》,还有高尚人士准备——《一生必去50地点》。

    Bookstores brim with titles such as 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die andfor the high-mindedFifty Places to Go Birding Before You Die.


  • EclipseRichClientPlatform (RCP)有着许多优势开发迅速自然可扩展性平台支持

    The Eclipse Rich Client platform (RCP) has a lot of advantages, such as rapid development, native look and feel, extensibility, and multiple platform support.


  • 佛陀曾经所说,止两者对证良好有力诸种定境都是必要的。

    As the Buddha once said, both tranquility and insight are required for getting good strong states of absorption.


  • 其他国家葡萄牙荷兰荷兰),西班牙,仅举一个宽松开明教育个人

    Other countries such as the Netherlands (Holland), Spain and Portugal, to name but three, have a more relaxed and enlightened view towards personal cultivation.


  • 确信自然界简朴性这是西方科技依据某些领域(热力学基本粒子)的许多研究成果动摇。

    The belief in simplicity of Nature, which founded western scientific and technological optimism, was shaken by numerous findings, be it in fields such as thermodynamics or elementary particles.


  • 分析传统几种正义功利主义契约主义德性正义等,可以知道它们保护自然界方面的不足

    Analysing several kinds of traditional justice views, for instance utilitarianism, contract doctrine and virtue theory, can help us know their deficiency in protecting the nature.


  • 历史上曾形成几种不同课程知识课程知识作为制度化知识,作为文化资本,作为法定文化等等

    There are some different knowledge views of curriculum in history, such as regarding curriculum knowledge as institutional knowledge, as cultural capital, and as legal culture, etc.


  • 那时所说的话拿到今天来看,也当时一样正确从中我们也可以管窥到的人生

    What he said back then is just as true today as it was when he wrote it. We can see his view on life from that.


  • 克里·普克其他思想历史因果命名理论本质理论无不与这种必然密切相关

    Kripke's other thoughts, for example, the theory of naming and the theory of essence, have close relation to this kind of inevitability.


  • 认知将想蕴的印象转化为真实栩栩、有层次立体的影像;这些来自智慧处于深层觉知的成果。

    Mind's Eye - Perception of noting mind converted into a real, vivid, dimensional picture of image; which comes from the merit of insight at deep awareness.


  • 这里刺激的冒险体育活动飞翔风筝滑板(Kiteboarding)、潜水等等

    There are exciting adventure sports, such as the rope down, fly, flying skateboards (Kite boarding), shark diving, etc. concept.


  • 已有一些进行尝试广东紫云南亚海啸撰写针对性祈祷文。

    We have already experimented with this in some of the Daoist temples - for instance, in the Purple Cloud temple in Guangdong we have written prayers for the causes of the tsunami in South Asia.


  • 可以参加多项户外活动划艇等。

    You can take part in outdoor activities from canoeing to bird watching.


  • 文化旗下全体餐饮同仁致敬我们既往要求自身全力以赴只为您能享受水准服务完美愉悦心情感受

    Bo's concept of culture, all catering colleagues to pay tribute to you, we will continue to demand their own and go all out, only you can enjoy a high standard of service and pleasure to feel perfect.


  • 再次,说明魏晋这个特定文化背景下出现的人才现代人才悖逆当时所崇尚的空谈、放诞、怪异等,今天就是相适应的。

    In the end, it explained that the rebellion such as prattle and erriness that survived in that particular social and culture background didn't suit for modern time.


  • 后羿优美老婆嫦娥对的暴行再也不克不及作壁上于是偷走了后羿的天保九药,玉轮上躲避后羿的狂怒

    Chang-Er, his beautiful wife, could no longer stand by and watch him abuse his power so she stole his Elixir and fled to the moon to escape his angry wrath.


  • 金刚经曰:『一切有为法,皆为梦幻泡影电,。』

    According to the Diamond Sutra, "All conditioned occurrences. Are like a dream, a bubble, a shadow. Like the morning dew, or like lightning. You should do as you see."


  • 金刚经曰:『一切有为法,皆为梦幻泡影电,。』

    According to the Diamond Sutra, "All conditioned occurrences. Are like a dream, a bubble, a shadow. Like the morning dew, or like lightning. You should do as you see."


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