• 埃伦打了电话,安排

    She telephoned Ellen, but made no arrangements to see her.


  • 莎拉非常危险,具体(啥? 别告我俩反派是被医生人一枪解决的!)

    Sara is very dangerous with a gun (see above).


  • 田纳西如故,很快打火热,到有一次香烟差点房子烧了。

    Tennessee and I got on like a house on fire – and he nearly burnt the house down once with his cigarettes.


  • 坦尼娅一个拥抱雷公一样怒气冲天,便迅速把她拉私人派对房里

    He gave Tanya a hug and, seeing that her face was like thunder, whisked her into the private party room.


  • 兰迪开门山地承认诊断结果,并将CT扫描展示观众看。

    Randy addressed his diagnosis head-on by showing slides of his CT scans to the audience.


  • 希腊最初努力并没有市场邻国信心本周发布第三个紧缩方案(文章)。

    Greece was forced to announce a third austerity package this week, after its initial efforts failed to reassure either the markets or its neighbours (see article).


  • 在降息天,英国中央银行抛弃顽固派立场,货币市场加了点油()。

    A day later the Bank of England abandoned its hard-nosed attitude to greasing the money markets (see article).


  • 悟空三人发现没有了师父,便追无底洞,悟空只小虫飞往洞中,女妖正唐僧劝酒,逼唐僧成婚,又忙变成一只老鹰,直扑过去,掀翻桌子,女妖吓得胆颤心惊

    He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himself into an eagle to turn the table upside down.


  • 宾馆去了电话告诉她我住的宾馆,准备第二上她一面。

    I called her from my hotel, told her where I was, and arranged to meet her the following day.


  • 如果这种行为加克制,那么健康带来的后果“立竿影”、令人担忧

    The health consequences, if the behavior is unchecked, can be swift and worrying.


  • 比如,知道哪个流量来源主页带来最多的流量,只需要点击主页选择来源即可(以下截图)。

    want to know which traffic sources are bringing the most traffic to your homepage, just click on the homepage and select source. (see screenshot)


  • 亨利·弗里克曾叫人捎信儿钢铁大亨的安德鲁·卡内基,扔后者一句诀别话:“告诉我们地狱!”

    Henry Frick's last message to his fellow steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie, was "Tell him I'll see him in hell, where we both are going."


  • 比如知道哪个流量来源主页带来最多的流量,只需要点击主页选择来源即可(以下截图)。

    If you e.g. want to know which traffic sources are bringing the most traffic to your homepage, just click on the homepage and select source. (see screenshot).


  • 图释:善良甘露(Milk ofhuman kindness注):乔治亚·布朗自己母乳父亲服用,帮助提高免疫对抗癌症病魔

    Milk of human kindness: Georgia Browne is giving her father Tim her breast milk to boost his immune system in the fight against cancer.


  • 如果希望shelve加注释,可以提供- m选项清单5

    If you want to annotate a shelf, provide the -m option again, as shown in Listing 5.


  • 已经雅各祝福,而且打发但亚,在那里,并祝福的时候嘱咐他说:“不要南的女子为妻”。

    Now Esau learned that Isaac had blessed Jacob and had sent him to Paddan Aram to take a wife from there, and that when he blessed him he commanded him, "Do not marry a Canaanite woman,".


  • 已经雅各祝福,而且打发但亚,在那里祝福的时候嘱咐他说:“不要南的女子为妻”

    Now Esau learned that Isaac had blessed Jacob and had sent him to Paddan Aram to take a wife from there, and that when he blessed him he commanded him, "Do not marry a Canaanite woman, "


  • 死皮赖脸,常深更半夜打电话并威胁说要是不答应,就放把火烧掉她家农舍

    He repeatedly called her late at night, threatening to torch her family's farmhouse unless she agreed to meet him.


  • 否则警察打电话了。《张道真英语语法》第。

    Give me back my money, otherwise, I'll ring the police.


  • 脸色煞白。循着他的目光,看到餐厅那边有个女人端着托盘客人上饮料。

    I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers.


  • 惟妙惟肖观音菩萨山峰一月好运平安

    Vividly the Goddess of Mercy Seat of the summit in the mountain, see the generation of luck to you in January, thanks to protect you for one year after the peace.


  • 顺便上。一会儿

    By the way, I have to brew a pot of tea.


  • 然而痛苦并未因此减轻,因为天主公审判已经来到身上自己已无希望,于是哀恳言词犹太人下面一封信

    But his pains not ceasing (for the just judgment of God was come upon him) despairing of life he wrote to the Jews in the manner of a supplication, a letter in these words.


  • 自己生育就把使女悉帕雅各

    When Leah saw that she had left bearing, she took Zilpah her maid, and gave her Jacob to wife.


  • 仲裁员项目的要职他们裁判评分如果裁判存在被吊销执照。

    The referees, a powerful position in this sport, grade judges, and can suspend them if they show national bias.


  • 数据系列产品通用型号的性能指标,具体每一种产品的性能指标相关数据。

    All data listed in the chart were for the generalized item in the series; please refer to the related datasheet for special items.


  • 介绍一位漂亮女子后,他们似乎钟情

    He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.


  • 介绍一位漂亮女子后,他们似乎钟情

    He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.


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