• 愚妄人扎下根忽然咒诅住处

    I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation.


  • 一张长凳上坐一整天,一点东西都没到了晚上我请他吃饭——只须段街就到了馆子,他却回答说:‘麻烦老兄,给我买盒烟就行了!

    I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner - restaurant two blocks away - have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man.


  • 稍后拿破仑奥斯汀赞扬过的甜品

    The latter's dessert wine was praised by Napoleon Bonaparte and Jane Austen.


  • 欧洲大陆历史数据也显示积极财政政策导致居高不下的公共开支负债——这一点特里一针血地指出

    In continental Europe, the record suggests that activist fiscal policy brought permanently higher public spending and debt-a point Mr Trichet has been quick to note.


  • 新角色杰奎琳(夏洛特·兰普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎琳开门是不是“直男”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 你们旷野行的路上耶和华你们抚养你们,如同人抚养儿子一般,直等你们来到地方

    And in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.


  • 亨利·弗里人捎信儿钢铁大亨的安德鲁·卡内基,扔给后者一句诀别话:“告诉我们地狱!”

    Henry Frick's last message to his fellow steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie, was "Tell him I'll see him in hell, where we both are going."


  • 马克·吐温(Mark Twain)就撰文讽刺过——也许写的不是那么公平,说他驾着辆精致的四轮马车行像草一样把行人撞倒一大片(没关系罚款》一文)。

    Mark Twain lampooned him, possibly unfairly, for mowing down pedestrians in his fine horse-drawn carriage. (" No matter, I'll pay for them. ").


  • 悲剧前一天毕茜茜伦敦一个朋友后者注意到了脸上淤青

    Thee day before her death Bi Xixi traveled to London to see a friend who noticed bruising on her face.


  • 项调查发现,48%男性钟情,而自称有过一钟情经历的女性只有28%。

    A survey found that while 48 percent have fallen in love at first sight, a mere 28 percent of women could claim the same.


  • 怀疑他们一起许愿的是否已经又或许决定遗弃他们愿望因为昔日的承诺早已破碎不复

    He wonders if the star that they had wished upon together had had a change of heart, perhaps decided to abandon their wish, as it seems to be falling apart.


  • 这种“”,佛陀这么比喻说:无论黑色红色白色任何,只要得到阳光的抚缤纷绽开

    Thee Buddha once described seeing in this way: with flowers, black, red, white or whatever colour, they are all ready to bloom when touched by sunshine.


  • 沧海苍茫暮色中一小胡子,便知道是吴府总管费小胡子费晓生。

    The moment Tseng Tsang-hai saw that the man had a little tuft of beard under his chin, he recognized him as Fei Hsiao-sheng, better known as Fei little beard, Wu Sunfu's agent in the town.


  • 正如巴尔扎克一针指出的:“巨富后必潜藏罪恶”,菲茨杰拉德没有忘却一点。

    "Behind every great fortune is a great crime, " Balzac once shrewdly observed, and this was not lost on Fitzgerald.


  • 是否想知道为什么有时候会某人钟情或者是否担心正和你说话突然变得冷酷遥远

    Have you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have just met? Or worried about why someone you were talking to suddenly became cool and distant?


  • 近日报道说奥巴马夏威夷认识许多韩国人,韩国人时韩语打招呼表示自己喜欢韩餐。

    South Korean media reported recently that Obama met many Koreans when he was in Hawaii and can say hello in Korean. He also reportedly expressed his fondness for Korean food.


  • 少数经过不良续发硬变支气管扩张等表现。

    Secondary fibrosis of the lungs and bronchiectasis were met with in a few cases with bad courses.


  • 相信时代引起一些论战

    I have seen it cause some controversy in my days, believe you me.


  • 有一忽然想起似乎了,记得后园拾枯

    One day, I suddenly remembered, seems much older not seen much of him, but I had noticed him picking up bamboo sticks in the backyard.


  • 有一忽然想起似乎了,记得后园拾枯

    One day, I suddenly remembered, seems much older not seen much of him, but I had noticed him picking up bamboo sticks in the backyard.


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