• 有知情者告诉辞职了

    Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.


  • 对该国未来统治者来说,摆脱首都高高在上的氛围十分重要。

    It is important for the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.


  • 当权者欺骗营运良好的银行接管银行越来越

    It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.


  • 我们艰巨任务激励那些投票者鼓励他们加入我们的事业

    Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.


  • 不是划定社会研究者能够采用方法的界限。

    This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


  • 还有4那些领先者并驾齐驱

    With four laps to go, he kept pace with the leaders.


  • 数百要开走驾车者堵住了风暴最猛烈关闭了那些公路

    Hundreds of departing motorists jammed roads that had been closed during the height of the storm.


  • 他们的价格比竞争者要优惠。

    Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors.


  • 仰慕者们可能接受保安人员的搜身

    Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.


  • 赌成瘾者要同情,少些谴责

    Compulsive gamblers are more to be pitied than condemned.


  • 租房者要缴纳酒店吗?

    Will room renters be subject to hotel taxes?


  • 如此丰富沟通方式经理应该如何选择最好方式——特别是你要传递消息接收者来说消息或是不受欢迎的消息时?

    With so many ways to communicate, how should a manager choose the one that's bestparticularly when the message to be delivered is bad or unwelcome news for the recipient?


  • 为什么那位演讲者要选择这种两栖动物作为公众生物代表呢?

    Why does the speaker choose that amphibian as her representative of a public creature?


  • 对于单个武士统治者来说增加他们的收入很困难的,因为农民可以用来纳税的大米数量不是无限

    It was difficult for individual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited.


  • 反过来这必然意味着消费者要支付更多食品杂货账单在那些食品短缺问题已经关乎生死存亡的国家也会导致数百万人将面临更大困难

    This, in turn, inevitably means bigger grocery bills for consumers, and greater hardship for the millions in countries where food shortages are a matter of life and death.


  • 莉娅回忆起感到恐惧的事情,当时,她的投资者威胁着关闭公司

    Leah reflects on one incident that triggered her fears when her investors threatened to shut her down.


  • 亚回忆起感到恐惧的事情,即她的投资者威胁关闭她的公司。“当时的恐惧可能遇到厉害的一次了。”

    Leah reflects on one incident that triggered her fears, when her investors threatened to shut her down. "I was probably up against the most fear I've ever had." she says.


  • 感谢Shirley Tilghman ,这位有远见的领导者,感谢她邀请回到普林斯顿教学

    I want to thank Shirley Tilghman, a visionary leader, for inviting me back to Princeton to teach.


  • 同一项研究表明减少消费需要聚焦提高消费者意识改善消费行为

    According to the same study, efforts to reduce consumption should focus on improving consumer awareness and behaviour.


  • 项研究发现乐观程度最高参与者85以上可能性

    That study found that participants who reported the highest levels of optimism were far more likely to live to age 85 or beyond.


  • 如果致富不是让自己成为全球性变革受害者,重要的一点就是要开发最强大的杠杆大脑

    If you want to become rich and not be a victim of global changes, it is important that you develop the greatest lever of all: your mind.


  • 我们不是指责批评任何人,也不是有意人戴上性别歧视者的帽子。

    We're not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone consciously sexist.


  • 现在旅行变得越来越容易了,但是远离人群越来越也许度假者困难事情

    It is getting much easier to travel nowadays, but increasingly harder to get away from people, and that is perhaps the most difficult thing for holiday makers.


  • 消费者积极情绪状态下对产品评价处于此种状态更好。

    Consumers in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a favorable manner than they would when not in such a state.


  • 想象要难对吧就是音乐家尤其是打击乐演奏者,必须具备的能力

    It's harder than you think, right, but that's the kind of thing that musicians, particularly percussion players, have to be able to execute.


  • 指出Machiavelli 总结说: “一个人应该让人敬畏又让人爱戴由于两者很难同时存在,因此让人敬畏让人爱戴要安全得多。”

    Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved."


  • 教学十分重要,因此教师应该其他职业一样工资良好工作条件表现不良者几乎没有就业保护

    Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions, with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers.


  • 解释睡眠营养之间因果关系还有一个挑战,那就是可能第三因素它们两者都影响

    As yet a challenge to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between sleep and nutrition, there may be a third factor that impacts both of them.


  • 如果政府消费者征收销售税,消费者通常要自己负责向政府缴纳销售税,大多数人并没有意识到他们应该缴纳销售税,只有少数人缴纳了。

    Customers were generally responsible for paying the sales tax to the state themselves if they weren't charged it, but most didn't realize they owed it and few paid.


  • ROWE参与者可以自由决定何时何地以及如何工作——唯一重要他们工作完成

    The ROWE participants were allowed to freely determine when, where and how they workedthe only thing that mattered was that they got the job done.


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