• 另外使注意使粉沫完全溶解。在洗涤之前,先将衣服浸湿用清水漂洗次。

    Besides, when using, pay attention to dissolving the powder completely and soak the clothes before washing. Rinse clothes once or twice after washing.


  • 注意的是,绿豆不宜煮得过以免使有机酸维生素遭到破坏降低清热解毒功效。

    Beware that do not boil mung beanl too rotten, lest make organic acids and vitamin destruction, reduce heat clearing and detoxicating effect.


  • 注意为了使模型对于开发更加有用,需一些迭代

    Note that several iterations might be needed to make the model most useful for development.


  • 如果愿意使它们继续有效,请随意只是注意集成没有处理这些动作代码

    Feel free to leave these enabled if you like; just be aware that there is no code in the integration that will process these actions.


  • 在接受奖项的时候,:“尽量避免获得这种荣誉因为使人对对号入座,其实我的工作就是人们注意到我正在一种稍微负责任方式做事。”

    Accepting the award, she said: "I try to avoid this kind of recognition because it can pigeonhole you. It's my job to make people not notice that I'm working in a slightly more responsible way."


  • 清单3要注意CityClass支持适配器类型使调用能够时获得更多信息

    In Listing 3, note the adapter types that CityClass supports so that callers can retrieve more information on demand.


  • 了解应用WS -RM要注意配置选项之后,我们介绍使我们Web服务客户机能够银行Web服务进行可靠对话过程

    Now that you understand the configuration options to consider when applying WS-RM, we'll walk through the process of making our Web service client talk reliably to the bank Web service.


  • 就是说注意因为进行人工流产术手术,而导致使细菌上行感染这样可以引起盆腔发生

    That is because the need to pay attention to abortion, was put for ring ring or surgery, in that bacteria infection, such upward can also cause pelvic inflammation occurs.


  • 注意健康,应适应生活中遇到尤其是男人也许使最好旳状态。

    Caring for your health and making adjustments to conditions of others in your life, especially men, may bring out the best in you.


  • 为了使事情简单化,我们特地总结了注意大“雷区”。

    To simplify things, we've found several landmines that you might want to watch out for.


  • 很重注意边缘临别工具为了使该线偏低

    It is important to note the the edge of the parting tool was to brought to the line on the low side.


  • 同时注意人物对白时加入适当修饰词语六大细节描写使人物形象更加鲜明

    At the same time, also pay attention to character dialogue, to join the appropriate word or six details, so the characters more distinctive.


  • 即便无法使你的心开朗起来,也注意说话的用词,显得冷淡心不在焉

    Even if you cannot keep your mood jolly, watch your words so you do not come across as standoffish or distracted.


  • 要注意,机箱改造不会带来性能的实质性提升,至多使机箱风道合理而已

    There is no real performance increase from modding, except maybe proper airflow, but the point really is just to make your case look nice.


  • 困难时期我们注意赋税限度使负担

    Even in difficult times we must take care to set a limit to taxation so that the burdens, though heavy, will not hurt the people.


  • 现金流量表注意资产负债表损益表相结合使企业获得更大利润

    It is the living basis for enterprise. notice the should be used with the assets debt list and profit loss list while using cash flow table. So the enterprise would achieve great benefit.


  • 因此注意合理膳食使之充分发挥作用。

    So pay attention to reasonable meal and it will have a positive result.


  • 为了使公司应用更加顺利本文在最后提出了公司进行资产证券化金融衍生工具操作要注意的问题。

    In order to make the company more successful applications, the paper discusses that a company must pay attention to the asset securitization and the financial derivatives operations.


  • 坚果注意每天适宜30克左右,多使人发胖

    Also note that eating nuts, suitable for eating 30 grams a day, eat fattening.


  • 注意不断使传动跟随弯曲部分破碎的延伸输送带

    Care must be taken continually to enable the driving chain to follow the curved and partly broken extension of the conveyor.


  • 如果帽子使自己看起来更高那么要注意Moncler Veste Homme,你更有可能看起来又

    If you want to take a hat of tall crest to make you look to be higher, Moncler, so you must notification, you extra probably look high and fat.


  • 稿本编写注意适合多媒体表现使主题明确条理清晰。

    In addition, we must ensure that the writing of manuscripts should be fit for multimedia demonstration, make the topic clear and the contents well organized.


  • 这种环境下如何使中国的专业音乐立足使保持旺盛的生命力,则我们注意并且努力的方向。

    Under such circumstance, how to make Chinese music have a foothold and keep its great vitality is where we should work for.


  • 因此地区注意建设恢复植被使尽快起到水土保持作用,近而减少土壤养分流失

    So the grass, and arbor vegetation should be rehabilitated and developed quickly in order to decrease soil erosion in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau, and then decrease soil nutrients loss.


  • 因此地区注意建设恢复植被使尽快起到水土保持作用,近而减少土壤养分流失

    So the grass, and arbor vegetation should be rehabilitated and developed quickly in order to decrease soil erosion in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau, and then decrease soil nutrients loss.


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