• 关于有关公差准确要求问题

    It discusses about the problem of allowance requirements.


  • 飞机设计角度分析了过失速机动飞行的操纵要求问题

    From the viewpoint of aircraft design, a topic on control design requirements for post stall maneuvering is tackled.


  • 返回报告显示客户要求问题概述以及收到应答,如图31所示。

    Back on the main report, a summary of the questions asked to the client, as well as the answers received, are displayed, as shown in Figure 31.


  • 所以仅仅因为脸书免费的,我们可以要求问题解决???拜拜拜拜托!

    So, just because fb is free we shouldn't want to get the issues fixed??? Pu-leeze!


  • 它们优点是能够针对某个特定主题获取信息但是仍然要求问题提出者继续控制谈话

    They have the advantage of focusing on a topic and obtaining information, but the burden of guiding the talk remains on the speaker.


  • 他们君主制主义者一起添加了一个条款要求问题进行全民投票表决。

    They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.


  • 要求他们不要当着的面讨论这个问题

    She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence.


  • 第一问题要求一系列大胆改革促进就业经济增长

    The first question requires a swathe of bold structural reforms to boost jobs and growth.


  • 要求愿意提出问题尝试方法

    It requires a willingness to ask new questions and try new approaches.


  • 只要符合系里要求并且按时交表格,你就不会任何问题

    As long as you've met the departmental requirements and you submit the form on time, you shouldn't have any problem.


  • 这些问题一系列答案,这些答案经验物理要求可用空间限制提供的,不仅仅形式

    Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form.


  • 他们可能好,而且水平薪资要求的更高,但是他们大多数很少从不涉及道德判断人类问题进行独立思考

    They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.


  • 与此同时第二要求通过相互合作解决同样问题没有任何来自他们导师提示

    Meanwhile, a second group was directed to solve the same problems by collaborating with one another, without any prompts from their instructor.


  • 解决问题一项较为保守计划要求未来50年内减少250亿吨碳排放

    One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 50 years.


  • 意味着要求学生利用他们个人经验想出普遍性问题答案

    That means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions.


  • 也许他们只是不想太多问题因为他们甚至要求查看我们证件就把房间租给了我们

    Maybe they just didn't want to ask too many questions, because they rented us a room without even asking to see our papers.


  • 要求看到问题两面然后做出理性决定

    He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision.


  • 任何希望讨论人权问题要求都被视为该国内政无端干涉而被拒绝了。

    Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.


  • 关于毕业论文要求有些问题想问我是吗?

    You've got some questions about your senior thesis requirement?


  • 他们认为实验仍然太多问题这些问题可能导致积极的结果。他们起草份清单要求未来研究制定新的标准

    They also agreed that there were still too many problems in the experiments which could lead to positive results, and they drew up a list demanding new standards for future research.


  • 工作要求得时时聚精会神、小心谨慎,不能注意力放在机器上因为家里一些问题

    It is a job that required attention and caution, but he cannot keep his attention on the machines, because he has problems at home.


  • 他们要求组人就制定恢复计划所需重要事项提出问题

    They asked both groups to generate questions about important issues needed to create recovery plans.


  • 几个小时告别时,家人要求解决他们一直在争论问题,即她到底什么建议

    A few hours later, when she came to say goodbye, the family asked her to settle an argument they've been having over exactly what advice she had given.


  • 人们改变对环境问题的态度。

    People are asked to change attitudes towards environmental problems.


  • 实地说明这个问题,并要求邻居把音乐声音调低,或不要开派对开到凌晨三点。

    Explain the problem in an honest way, and ask the neighbor to turn down the music, or not to hold parties until 3 a.m.


  • 育部非常关注这一问题,并要求小学生每天至少睡10个小时,初中生至少睡9个小时,高中生至少睡8个小时。

    The Ministry of Education has paid more attention to this problem and required that students in primary schools should sleep at least 10 hours a day, 9 hours for junior high and 8 hours for senior high.


  • 二组的孩子们被要求用第三人称问自己同样的问题,如“萨姆工作努力吗?”

    In Group Two, the children were told to ask themselves the same question in the third person—as "Is Sam working hard?"


  • 要求问题作出明确的答复

    I want a distinct answer to my question.


  • 所有这些问题最终要求服务创建流程进行控制

    All these issues ultimately demand regulation of the service creation process.


  • 所有这些问题最终要求服务创建流程进行控制

    All these issues ultimately demand regulation of the service creation process.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定