• 有鉴于或许最好的方式是招聘后期进行考察要求人力资源部门帮忙网上搜索相关信息

    In light of this, it is probably best to look later in the process and ask human resources for help in navigating it.


  • 如果将来要求支持各种符号类型,那么提供令牌符号类型信息连同消息格式中的相关版本变更信息一起添加消息头中。

    If there is a future requirement to support various token types, information about the type of token provided can be added to the header along with a related version change in the header format.


  • 爱沙尼亚议会考虑公共信息法案之时,议会将相关要求附加纳入法案

    When parliament of Estonia was deliberating the Public Information Act, it attached the relevant requirement to the bill.


  • 要求提供一个电子邮件地址,这个地址用来发送续订通知、新闻通告相关广告其他信息

    You also ask him to provide an E-mail address to receive subscription renewals, newsletters, relevant advertising, and other information.


  • 预订过程要求Bob表单填写相关信息

    The booking process requires Bob to fill out a primary form with relevant information. For example, to book a flight, he must specify.


  • 密切相关活动中秘书长要求世卫组织促进关于妇幼健康信息制的一个高级别委员会。

    In a closely related undertaking, the Secretary-General called on WHO to facilitate a high-level Commission on information and accountability for women's and children's health.


  • 这个项目需要获得来自团队相关信息整理企业要求格式。

    The project needs to get relevant information from the teams and consolidate it into the form the enterprise requires.


  • 《卫报》今天披露了琼斯是如何无视信息法律自由要求隐瞒相关信息的。

    Today the Guardian reveals how Jones withheld the information requested under freedom of information laws.


  • 版权相关法律没有要求博客作者或是评论者他们对原文的引述中加入原始标签信息

    Nothing in copyright law requires a blogger or commenter to include the meta-tags if they use an excerpt in a blog post.


  • 仔细阅读工作招聘信息根据职位要求匹配技能提及相关信息面试准备。

    Prepare for the interview by reading through the job Posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements and relating only that information.


  • 有人提出真半假诉讼,公司要求律师们使用软件——不是昂贵人手——来收集大量相关信息

    They are pressing them to use software, rather than expensive eyes, in the collection of vast amounts of information for anyone who files a semi-plausible suit.


  • 2003年加利福尼亚州初创法律要求商业公司信息安全漏洞危及人们的个人信息安全时则公司必须通知相关人员,条法律迫使商业公司增加了对信息安全防范的投入。

    A pioneering law in California in 2003 required companies to notify people if a security breach had compromised their personal information, which pushed companies to invest more in prevention.


  • 受试者预先得到一些相关信息然后要求分别对一些简单复杂购买行为做出决定,所购买的商品洗头家具再到汽车不等

    The participants were provided with information and asked to make decisions about simple and complex purchases, ranging from shampoos to furniture to cars.


  • 注册成立企业问题更为突出,不论是在岸还是离岸,对注册成立企业相关信息披露要求都极其,注册成立一家企业非常容易

    Companies are an even bigger problem, as they can be set up easily either onshore and offshore without much disclosure.


  • 提供以下工作教育培训相关信息要求解释问题要提供完整准确的解释。

    Provide the following work, education, or training related information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation.


  • 影子大臣乔治·斯伯恩(George Osborne)要求提供贷款利息情况相关信息

    The shadow chancellor, George Osborne, has also been asked to provide copies of his mortgage interest statements.


  • 旅行社大都要求打折优惠,有所值,因为他们可以维系良好关系的客户而且预先相关信息提供给游客。

    Tour companies usually demand a group discount, but it is worth it, as they can be good customers, and will give their customers some information in advance.


  • 一方面,纽约首席检察官安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)AIG经过提供分红详细信息最后期限,他在星期一的时候正式发出传票,要求AIG提供分红的相关信息

    On a separate track, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Monday he would issue subpoenas for information on the bonuses after AIG missed his deadline for providing details.


  • 奥本海默博士招募了28年龄1840岁之间志愿者要求他们通过阅读一些文字资料学习三类外星人物种”的相关信息每种外星人都7个特征

    Dr Oppenheimer recruited 28 volunteers aged between 18 and 40 and asked them to learn, from written descriptions, about three "species" of extraterrestrial alien, each of which had seven features.


  • 要求更新的其他处方信息包括纳入TNF阻滞剂使用相关银屑病报告

    Additional required updates to the prescribing information include incorporation of reports of psoriasis associated with the use of TNF blockers.


  • 买方要求并由其承担风险费用卖方必须提供给买方需要办理保险相关信息

    However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer's request, risk and expense (if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.


  • 资产减值会计确认计量以资产能带来未来经济利益为基础满足提高会计信息相关性质量要求结果

    The recognition and measurement of impairment of assets accounting based on the future benefit assets can bring out, which is the result of to increase the relevance of accounting information.


  • 确实金融业发送着混杂信息首先要求好的财务结果,并且金融界的某些地方——特别是与私有资产相关的——人们CSR极度怀疑。

    True, the finance industry sends mixed signals: it demands good financial results above all else, and in parts of the financial world-notably the private-equity part-scepticism on CSR still runs deep.


  • 代表提出关于信息或者相关行动要求

    A request raised by a delegate for information or for an action relating to that delegate.


  • 申请下述标记“*”的项目时,根据公司要求填写相关人员信息健康告知。

    It you select items marked with a "*" below, please fill out the relevant personal information and health declaration according to the applicable requirements.


  • 许多应用要求相关信息进行综合查询,因此必须解决这些异构数据源语义操作。

    Meanwhile, many applications require the integrated query from related information resources, which arises the problem of semantic interoperation in heterogeneous information resources.


  • 玛利亚轻轻敲门来回应安德森女士要求帮助了安德森女士并且提供了船上服务相关一些信息

    Maria knocks quietly on the door in response to Ms Anderson's request. She offers help and provides some information about the services offered on board.


  • 玛利亚轻轻敲门来回应安德森女士要求帮助了安德森女士并且提供了船上服务相关一些信息

    Maria knocks quietly on the door in response to Ms Anderson's request. She offers help and provides some information about the services offered on board.


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