• 自民党同时有部分人要求利率再次归零

    In the meantime, some within the LDP call for rates to be cut to zero again.


  • 借出不能完全收回的风险越大,我所要求利率越高,补偿风险。

    The greater the risk that my loan will not be paid back in full, the larger is the interest rate I will demand to compensate me for that risk.


  • 拉丁美洲准备基金答应提供4.8亿美元,中国利率7.25%(IMF要求利率提供10亿美元贷款交换未来石油供应

    The Latin American Reserve Fund has provided $480m. China has offered $1 billion at 7.25% (three times the rate demanded by the IMF) in return for future oil shipments.


  • 许多商业团体一直施加压力要求联邦储备局放宽利率

    Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates.


  • 不仅仅只是财政紧缩面临通胀不断下降失业率居高不下状况,大家一致要求提高利率

    And not just fiscal austerity: there were also widespread demands that interest rates rise in the face of falling inflation and high unemployment.


  • 出借人要求更高购买力回报风险溢价导致利率大幅上涨

    Interest rates significantly increase due to the higher purchasing power and risk premiums demanded by the lenders.


  • 要求信用卡公司有责任告诉客户,公司计划什么时候提高利率或者其他费用

    Require credit card companies to tell customers when they plan to increase rates or other fees.


  • 拟议法规要求放贷给予贷款者宽裕还款时间调整未来贷款利率时应更多地提醒贷款者。

    The proposed rules would also require lenders to give borrowers more time to pay their bills and more notice of changes to interest rates for future borrowing.


  • 中国已经开始实施一些紧缩措施——上个月提高利率并且提高存款准备金要求

    China had already begun to implement tightening measures when it raised interest rates and increased reserve requirements last month.


  • 另每个人欣喜的银行开始降低担保要求从而实质上低于市场利率的条件提供信贷

    To everyone's delight, Banks begin reducing collateral requirements and thereby offering credit for sale at below-market rates.


  • 与此同时,存在响亮的一致声音,要求美联储及其国外伙伴提高利率避免所谓通货膨胀威胁发生

    Meanwhile, a loud chorus is demanding that the Fed and its counterparts abroad raise interest rates to head off an alleged inflationary threat.


  • 印度需要一个低水平的增长周期减少这些没有节制的增长。要求更高利率

    India needs a period of slower growth to reduce these excesses and this requires higher interest rates.


  • 就像拥有张低利率信用卡挥霍惯了的消费者意大利习惯了一要求提高信贷额度

    Like a profligate spending consumer with several low-interest credit CARDS, Italy just kept requesting larger and larger credit line increases when it needed quick cash.


  • 市场利率更高因为这些银行要求中央银行一样存储60%活期存款,这其中也的因素。

    But market rates are higher because the Banks are required to lodge up to 60% of their sight deposits with the Central bank and because of taxes.


  • 但是由于许多家庭没有能力贷款其他的家庭强烈要求降低债务以及企业大量流动资金和利率可能有些间接影响

    But with many households unable to borrow, others keen to pay down debt and many businesses swimming in cash, lower interest rates are likely to have only a modest effect.


  • 这两条建议好处在于即便通胀率超过了2%,它可以阻止市场要求更高利率水平。

    The advantage of both proposals would be to dissuade markets from pricing in higher interest rates even if inflation topped 2%.


  • 如果没有这种存款担保,储 蓄者要求提高储蓄利率银行交易武器反映出与市场有关损失风险

    Without such guarantees, savers would have wanted higher interest rates from banks with trading arms to reflect the risk of a market-related loss.


  • 紧接下一步就是要求欧元区各国部长协商希腊贷款利率而且这个利率同期公开市场8%很多。

    The next immediate step will be for eurozone ministers to agree an interest rate for loans to Greece - which will be considerably lower than the 8% they are facing on the open market at the moment.


  • 房地产泡沫严重时,即使贷款人符合利率要求,房产中介为了获得暴利而兜售成本贷款

    During the housing bubble, brokers often earned more by selling high-cost loans, even if borrowers qualified for lower rates.


  • 整个年代最低长期利率,对达不到固定承保要求不会筹备贬值财产的民众来说作用不大

    The lowest long-term rates in a generation are of little help to homeowners who cannot meet toughened underwriting criteria or refinance a depreciated property.


  • 要求银行预留更多准备金央行提高了一年期票据利率

    It ordered Banks to set aside more reserves, and its central bank raised interest rates on one-year bills.


  • 各家银行已经大大收紧了贷款要求提高首付提高了抵押贷款利率

    Banks have significantly tightened lending, requiring bigger down-payments and raising mortgage rates.


  • 本周Lacker金融市场内部自身波动并不要求改变联邦基金利率目标值

    Financial-market volatility, in and of itself, does not require a change in the target federal funds rate, ” said Mr Lacker this week.


  • 这些措施要求短期抵押贷款(目前利率)申请者符合5年期固定利率贷款较高收入标准

    The measures will also require applicants for short-term mortgages at today's low rates to meet the higher income standards needed for a five-year, fixed-rate loan.


  • 周二印度央行(ReserveBank of India)维持利率不变出人意外地要求银行增加债券作为储备,从而开启了非常规刺激措施的回收之路。

    On Tuesday, India's central bank held interest rates steady but — in a surprise move — began unwinding extraordinary stimulus measures, by requiring Banks to set aside more bonds as reserves.


  • 周二印度央行(ReserveBank of India)维持利率不变出人意外地要求银行增加债券作为储备,从而开启了非常规刺激措施的回收之路。

    On Tuesday, India's central bank held interest rates steady but — in a surprise move — began unwinding extraordinary stimulus measures, by requiring Banks to set aside more bonds as reserves.


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