• 如果放纵自己感情里不得不要不然事实真相,的地位这两种后果同样糟糕不便

    If she abandoned herself to her feelings she would have to lie, or else to tell the truth, and in her position either would have been equally terrible and inconvenient.


  • 序列号随机获取要不然证书所有要素真的

    "The serial number is picked randomly; otherwise, all of the elements on the certificate are real for you," he said.


  • 泰勒:“你们最好要不然自己一家搏击会,因为下礼拜开始每个进来的人都要留下姓名只有五十名单的人才能进来。

    Tyler says, "Well, you better stop talking or you'd better start another fight club because next week you put your name on a list when you get here, and only the first fifty names on the list get in.


  • 其三,长话短要不然就要错过党组织的基层会议了!

    And third, be short — otherwise, I'll miss my party cell meeting!


  • 千万别跟别人明天逃学了要不然我就有麻烦了

    It mustn't get out that I'm missing school tomorrow otherwise I'll really get in trouble.


  • 要不然怎么做呢他们,难道树电网吗,或者横跨大陆柏林墙

    What are you going to do, they say, put up an electric fence? Build a Berlin Wall across a continent?


  • 麦迪科特先生:“我们力劝那些很想偷看礼物人收起他们的好奇心抵制住诱惑要不然不但惊喜被破坏了,还会心生内疚很可能会使你的圣诞节得索然无味。”

    "We'd definitely urge anyone who's curious to try and resist temptation as the spoilt surprise and feelings of guilt are likely to take the fun out of Xmas day," Mr Maddicott said.


  • 我们会对客人:“吃完时候把罐子关上而且来这里不要衣服上喷太多的的香水要不然这里的蜜蜂把你当成是一朵鲜花,”Moncelli

    "We say 'close the jars when you're done and avoid wearing lots of perfume or the bees may think you're a big flower,"' Moncelli said.


  • 肯定是骗了,要不然这样一个小丫头可能犯下这样大的罪行(谋杀)的”艾希姨母

    It would be impossible for such a tiny person like her to do such a crime (as murder) if she was not manipulated, Aisyah's aunt said.


  • 但是颗星球我们多半描写成秃头的学究,额头鼓起,西瓜一样;要不然就被成是吃掉人类的巨型昆虫

    Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.


  • 首先我们需要一口大大的铁锅。”士兵。于是村民们找到他们找到最大一口铁锅。要不然怎么足够的东西呢?

    "First we'll need a large iron pot, " the soldiers said. The peasants brought the largeat pot they could find. How else to cook enough?


  • 除非天气要不然她们农作物没有位妇女如是所以在那里干旱是最大的问题。

    But without good weather they don't even have crops to sell, said one woman, so maybe drought trumps all.


  • 要不然,就是这种内疚感有好处。或许内疚感和不停地自己内疚会让你觉得自己是个好母亲? 思考一下,然后做出重要决定

    When they feel insecure, exhausted or overwhelmed, they may do things or make decisions that they later regret, or act in haste or anger, all of which lead to guilt.


  • 给自己制定一个规定:打折商品优惠票要不然东西。”塔利亚

    "Make it a rule to only purchase items on sale or with a coupon or don't buy it, " Taliaferro said.


  • 证据拿出来,”国王,“要不然我们砍了。”

    "Give your evidence, "said the King, or we'll cut your head off. "


  • 以后做事情一定经过大脑、要智慧、负责任等等要不然会绊倒人和羞辱的!

    I said: in future, when you do something, please use your brains and wisdom and please be very responsible etc... otherwise you will stumble people and bring disgrace to God!


  • 然后所有歌曲,控制件事物,而且所有决策要不然拉倒

    Then I said you either let me write everything, control everything, and make all the decisions, or forget it.


  • 谢二酒馆里面喝酒撒气早晚自己拿到铁证,要不然自己难以解开心头之

    Two dogs and horses had a sword in the pub drinking inside to blow off steam, said sooner or later one day to get his backed up, or his guilt is difficult to solve hate.


  • 意思时机成熟你们而且正确方式那样才能理解。要不然你也不会独自后院了。

    I guess I was hoping to tell you at just the right time and just the right way, so you'd understand and not end up out here on the deck all alone.


  • 事实上这样做使我们自己不少事儿,要不然的话,我们还得动用辆卡车运输几次才能够这些粪便清理出动物园,所以一举措实际上具备了双重环保意义。

    We'll also save ourselves a lot of lorry journeys we'd otherwise have had to make to get rid of the manure, so it's doubly environmentally friendly.


  • '小淘气'最棒的是,“一个邻居”它没有意识到自己身体上有障碍要不然就是不介意有障碍。

    " The best thing about Scampy, " a neighbor said, " is that he doesn't know he's got a handicap.


  • Chan希望透露蹲守点要不然司机们就会知道怎样避开了。

    'I don't want to give away my location, or else drivers will know how to avoid me,' says Mr.


  • 于是小李赶紧回家告诉母亲小心骗子放心母亲:“要不然存折交给吧,省得小心人骗去。”

    So be careful liar hurried home to tell mother, xiao li said he is not at ease, the mother said: "if not, you give me your passbook, province which day accidentally be cheated."


  • 所以很多还是敢于尝试要不然可是失去很多机会呢!

    So, ah, many things still have to dare to try, otherwise it might lose a lot of opportunities for them!


  • 所以很多还是敢于尝试要不然可是失去很多机会呢!

    So, ah, many things still have to dare to try, otherwise it might lose a lot of opportunities for them!


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定