• 东部毗邻省会郑州接南阳西连三门峡邻济源

    It borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the east, Nanyang to the south, Sanmenxia to the west, and Jiyuan to the north.


  • 江苏省山东接壤西安徽浙江上海毗邻。

    Jiangsu borders Shandong in the north, Anhui to the west, and Zhejiang and Shanghai to the south.


  • 山东省渤海湾东南黄海西河南江苏西河北交界。

    Shandong borders the Bohai Bay to the north, Hebei to the northwest, Henan to the west, Jiangsu to the south, and the Yellow Sea to the southeast;


  • 公司所在位置浙江省中心城镇上海西杭州靠苏州环境优越交通便捷

    The company is located in town of Chongfu, center town of Zhejiang Province, Shanghai to the east, Hangzhou in the west, Suzhou in the north, with superior environment and convenient traffic.


  • 自然地理苏里南位于南美洲东北部海岸法属圭亚那西西圭亚那西洋。

    Location: located on the northeast coast of South America suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east Brazil to the south Guyana to the west and the Atlantic ocean to the north.


  • 自然地理苏里南位于南美洲东北部海岸法属圭亚那西西圭亚那西洋。

    Location: Located on the northeast coast of south America, Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north.


  • 本市河北省西西北区西处于我国东部沿海经济发达地区西内陆经济欠发达地区之间。

    Hebei province, the city east, west and north-western Shaanxi province, in China's economically developed eastern coastal areas and economically underdeveloped inland northwest region.


  • 西科塞斯最佳导演提名也没有耻辱啊!) ,《洛奇》斩最佳影片考虑到比获得提名的《惊天大阴谋》烂,从某种程度来说,这个真是个壮举)。

    Scorsese didn't even receive a nod for Best Director(shame!), and Rocky won for Best Picture (which considering it's also worsethan fellow-nominees Network and All The Presidents Men is somefeat).


  • 我们这些毁灭了,从前待实本王西宏一样,把有人烟女人孩子,尽都毁灭。

    And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.


  • 以后中心的科学家们注意到洛杉矶出现相似的一被称为“卡西氏肉瘤的罕见癌症他们怀疑一些奇怪严重的什么东西正在发生。

    When, a few weeks later, its scientists noticed a similar cluster of a rare cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma in San Francisco, they suspected that something strange and serious was afoot.


  • 冠冕归希(就是黑玳),多比雅,耶大雅,西儿子(贤就是约西亚),放在耶和华殿记念

    And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the LORD.


  • 丹东从未亲手杀过人,而且冷酷无情马克·西•罗伯斯庇尔标准看,无疑可以被视为一位天使

    Danton never killed anyone personally, and by the standards of the merciless Maximilien DE Robespierre he was doubtless an angel.


  • 甚至缝制了一面国旗西·罗斯也被第一个选举日抛弃。

    Even Betsy Ross who sewed the flag was left behind that first election day.


  • 西的体重时,助产妇震惊了。

    Even the midwife was shocked when she weighed Daisy.


  • 凯文·史派西、扎克瑞·昆图、保罗·贝坦尼,甚至黛咪·摩尔都有上佳表现

    Great performances by Kevin Spacey, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, and even Demi Moore.


  • 1889年,经历了打击后(西结婚反应,要么多了酒?),普罗旺斯圣雷精神病院待了

    In 1889, after a series of crack-ups (in reaction to Theo's marriage or perhaps just too much absinthe?), he spent a year in the asylum at saint-remy-de-provence.


  • 五月廿三日名七十报社老闆德古西加帕遭人侥幸保住了性命上周电视台的一位大股东遭人杀害

    On May 23rd a 70-year-old newspaper boss was shot six times in Tegucigalpa, but survived; the previous week, the owner of a television station was murdered.


  • 它们聚集中获得好处要比制造商法国国家科学研究中心的弗朗西斯•基波罗克斯(FrançoisGipouloux)表示“服务公司提供的服务是一个的”。

    They also benefit even more than manufacturers from agglomeration: “Service firms serve one another, ” observes François Gipouloux of France’s National Centre for Scientific Research.


  • 约瑟子孙以法:有亚米儿子以利沙玛;属玛拿西的,有比大蓿的儿子迦玛列;

    from the sons of Joseph: from Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud; from Manasseh, Gamaliel son of Pedahzur;


  • 字符理由特雷西·麦克格雷迪、德维恩·韦德德隆·威廉姆斯、德里克·罗斯杰森·基德拥有大致相同绰号

    Hyphenates: There is no earthly reason that Tracy McGrady, Dwyane Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, and Jason Kidd should all have basically the same nickname.


  • 西病情已经宣告进入晚期从头一个家属没有出现过

    Lucio's condition has been declared access to advanced, from start to finish, even a family have not appeared.


  • 没人曾经。 ----马克西。比尔伯姆。

    Nobody ever died of laughter. ----Max. Beerbohm.


  • 在闷平桑德兰以及2 - 2踢和西之后他们英超平。

    It was their third consecutive league draw, following a stalemate with Sunderland and a 2-2 against West Bromwich Albion.


  • 美国国土主要部分位于北美洲中央加拿大,西濒大西西太平洋

    The main landmass of the United States lies in central north America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


  • 美国国土主要部分位于北美洲中央加拿大,西濒大西西太平洋

    The main landmass of the United States lies in central north America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


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