• 但是查尔斯私底下计划揭露政府肮脏秘密,这个计划一旦实施,凯西事业就毁了,甚至可能性命

    But when Charles' hidden agenda threatens to expose the government's dirty little secrets, what started out may cost Kathy her career and even her life.


  • 比如印度比哈尔受淹西大片地区我们计划免疫工作队可能多达七个小时才能接触到远处村庄最后名儿童

    For example, in the vast, flooded Kosi River Area of Bihar State in India, our vaccination teams can travel for up to seven hours to reach the last child in the furthest village.


  • 正在纽约弗朗西斯科的一些会面有什么点子以及下一步计划

    I'm meeting with people in New York and San Francisco to look for ideas and see what to do next.


  • 船员将会遵循一个精心计划从东西跨越赤道,希望可以尽可能多获取更多宝贵的阳光

    The crew will follow a meticulously planned east to west route across the equator to capture as much valuable sunshine as possible.


  • 西这个计划艺术、“真人”、新闻报道娱乐的结合体,肯定不是维护治安的手段。

    Pasik said the project is part art, part reality show, part journalism and part fun. But it is definitely not vigilantism.


  • 西上海大约大约425英里武汉是座省会城市,她的计划也许过于奢华,异常之处

    The plans for Wuhan, a provincial capital about 425 miles west of Shanghai, might seem extravagant. But they are not unusual.


  • 西尔万也是上周规划委员会通过大规模具争议建设计划中的一处。

    Silwan is also the site of a large and controversial building plan adopted last week by the municipality's planning committee.


  • 已经开始回到年前战争中被废弃的位于西三角洲地区设施中的壳牌公司没有目前紧张局势是否影响计划发表评论

    Shell, which had started returning to facilities in the western delta abandoned amid fighting three years ago, wouldn't comment on whether recent tensions have affected its plans.


  • 这份计划一位陆军心理战部门服役的吐尔逊·西塞克上校签署,它要求潜伏于AK党内特务用语言和行动在该党内部挑拨离间。

    Signed by Dursun Cicek, a colonel serving in the army's psychological warfare unit, the plan calls for “mobilising agentswithin AK to discredit the party through their actions and words.


  • 计划至关重要秋冬销售时,零售商应当消费者的语气中得到鼓舞,”德勒美国零售项目部的负责人史黛西• 詹尼亚克

    Retailers should be encouraged by consumers’ tone as they plan for the critical fall and winter selling seasons,” says Stacy Janiak, who heads Deloitte’s retail practice in America.


  • 上个月刚过完70岁生日的弗朗西·福特·科波拉:《泰特罗》年轻时就开始计划的一部影片,当时还没有名气运气也没降临到他身上。

    FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, who turned 70 last month, says that "Tetro" is the kind of film he set out to make as a young man, before fame and fortune sidetracked him.


  • 现在菲亚特500款失败车型可能为时过早,不过惨淡开局CEO西尔·吉奥·马基·奥尼扩张美国市场的计划上了阴影

    It may be too early to call the 500 a flop, but a lackluster start has cast a shadow over CEO Sergio Marchionne's grand plans to expand in the U.S..


  • 西违反了自己的潜水计划

    Sean also violated his own dive plan.


  • 计划提议建立地区性银行筹备建造一座横跨西西里岛意大利本土西海峡大桥

    The plan proposes the establishment of a regional bank, and a development of plans to build a bridge over the Strait of Messina, between Sicily and mainland Italy.


  • 世界粮食计划的希拉·西苏鲁项目旨在打破导致农民一直饥饿循环

    Sheila Sisulu from the World Food Program says the project aims to break a cycle that keeps people hungry.


  • 如果西特卡的计划成功其他的多水城市争相效仿

    If the Sitka plan succeeds, other water-rich cities may soon follow.


  • 未来计划不周的压力来源于没有同情心父亲的登门,担心费利西没有认真地对待生活

    The pressure of not having her future planned out is compounded by a visit from her unsympathetic father, who fears Felicity isn't taking her life seriously.


  • 有时候西摩先生知道怎么打发空闲时间,他的休假计划明确

    Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn't know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague.


  • 计划林顿西结婚这样就可以继承画眉山庄。

    His plans are for Linton and Cathy to marry so that he would inherit Thrushcross Grange.


  • 西百货,百思以及柯尔百货都计划感恩节当天的午夜开门营业

    Macy's, Best Buy and Kohl's plan to be open at midnight on Thanksgiving.


  • 第一次听说这个计划,”全国教育委员会的亚丽克西斯·赖斯

    "This is the first we've even heard of it," said Alexis Rice, a spokeswoman for the National School Boards Association.


  • 但是对沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯柯布西其他伟大的建筑师来说历史他们乌托邦计划并不仁慈

    But history has not been kind to the Utopian schemes of Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and other great architects.


  • 瓦瑟斯坦转向著名耶鲁计划梅丽尔斯特里普克里斯托弗杜朗西格妮•韦弗一道学习

    Wasserstein made her way to the prestigious Yale programme, studying with Meryl Streep, Christopher Durang and Sigourney Weaver.


  • 最后一站是西·杰克逊、众议院议长哈斯特尔特一起到芝加哥他们已经决定了支持这个计划

    The tour ended in Chicago with Jesse Jackson and Speaker Hastert, who had decided to support the initiative.


  • 动物园计划年内扩大场地并且引进更多的西的同类。

    The zoo plans to expand the elephant compound within two years and introduce new animals that will provide companionship to Susi.


  • 事实上就像联合国开发计划报告所披露那样纳米比亚博茨瓦纳乔贝河(赞比西支流)岛屿争端上已化干戈为玉帛,二者均接受了国际法院的仲裁。

    Indeed, as that UNDP report came out, Namibia and Botswana amicably accepted an international court ruling over an island in the Chobe river, a tributary of the Zambezi.


  • 事实上就像联合国开发计划报告所披露那样纳米比亚博茨瓦纳乔贝河(赞比西支流)岛屿争端上已化干戈为玉帛,二者均接受了国际法院的仲裁。

    Indeed, as that UNDP report came out, Namibia and Botswana amicably accepted an international court ruling over an island in the Chobe river, a tributary of the Zambezi.


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