• 西米罗吃饭饭后我们了一家酒吧聆听法多音乐。

    Casimiro invited me to dinner, after which we went to a bar for fado music21.


  • 介绍了里斯本朋友名叫西米罗诗人里斯本拜访他。

    She told me about her friend in Lisbon, a poet named Casimiro whom I should call when I returned there.


  • 希拉里坐车罗恩探望妻子阿尔玛和他的孩子特蕾西迈克尔以及迈克尔妻子塔米

    Hillary and I drove to Ron's house to see his wife, Alma, and his children, Tracey and Michael, and Michael's wife, Tammy.


  • 作为西米亚艺术家作家聚居地,格林威治罗莎蒙德·杜朵继续艺术事业理想之地,却不是抚养孩子的好地方。

    A gathering place of "Bohemian" artists and writers, Greenwich Village was the ideal place for Rosamond Tudor to pursue her career as an artist; however, it was not the ideal place to raise a child.


  • 丹东从未亲手杀过人,而且冷酷无情马克·西米连•罗伯斯庇尔标准看,无疑可以被视为一位天使

    Danton never killed anyone personally, and by the standards of the merciless Maximilien DE Robespierre he was doubtless an angel.


  • 完了树,多罗米大声说:“你们骑毛驴!”人讲好价钱以后,他们便凡沃尔和伊西回来

    After viewing the shrub, Tholomyes exclaimed, "I offer you asses!" and having agreed upon a price with the owner of the asses, they returned by way of Vanvres and Issy.


  • 那时巴比伦巴拉但儿子米罗达巴拉但,听见西痊愈就送书信礼物

    At that time Merodachbaladan, the son of baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah: for he had heard that he had been sick, and was recovered.


  • 有些妇女远远地观看内中有大拉马利亚,又有雅各和约西母亲马利亚有撒罗米

    40some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome.


  • 试想一下如果米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)西·杰克逊比较

    Imagine if Mitt Romney had made the Jesse Jackson comparison.


  • 超级皮波已经宣称愿意西结束自己职业生涯所以加泰罗尼亚球队不得不关注其他射手,这个可能是国米克鲁斯

    Super Pippo has already claimed he wishes to end his career at San Siro so the Catalans will have to look elsewherepossibly just across the San Siro corridors to Inter's Julio Cruz.


  • 这位西球场的主帅(梅阿查…垃圾新闻)今年的目标当然赢得意甲冠军。他国米意甲巨人签署新的合同

    The San Siro chief, whose side are on course to win Serie A this year, has yet to sign a new deal with the Italian giants.


  • 米高安哲罗先后创造件享负盛名艺术品,包括大卫像、梵蒂冈西汀教堂的天顶壁画,以及罗马圣彼得大教堂圆顶建筑

    Being the creator for three of the world's greatest icons: the statue of David, the painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican and the dome of St.


  • 虽然个子徐洋速度门前嗅觉灵敏,以致卡斯米罗“梅西”。

    Although the stature is not high, but the Xu foreign speed is quick, before the gate , sharp nose, so that Kasi Miluo said that he is Meysey.


  • 温格:“国米比赛我们一次伟大的胜利,我们对于西有着美好的回忆。”

    Wenger said: 'the Inter game was a great result for us and we have positive vibes from the San Siro.


  • 记得比赛末端斯科尔斯西球场的进球我们主场2:0击败国米以后,顺利进入下一轮比赛。

    I remember Scholesy scoring late on at the San Siro to put us through after we'd beaten them 2-0 at Old Trafford.


  • 米兰落后国米巴勒莫17,但是周六西罗主场对阵罗马比赛将会场很重大的比赛。

    Milan lie 17 points behind Inter and Palermo and will host Roma at the San Siro in Saturday night's big match.


  • 不喜欢西布丁旅馆领带婚礼福罗里达州、心肠不好的

    Dislikes: Tapioca pudding, hotels, wearing a tie, weddings, Florida, mean people.


  • 阿根廷人莱昂德罗 格里米今天早餐页参加了全队的训练,西米奇评价到:“没有看过比赛所以我还无法对他做出判断,不过已经很好的安顿下来了。”

    Argentine Leandro Grimi also trained with the team this morning and Simic commented: 'I haven't seen him play yet so I can't make a judgement but he has settled in well.


  • 意大利摄影师弗朗西斯科·吉斯偶然发现这家汽车旅馆,就在这个时候看到了安置在旅馆前面巨大古希腊雕像——米罗的维纳斯。

    Italian photographer Francesco Giusti stumbled across the motel by accident when he spotted the large ancient Greek statue of Venus DE Milo situated out the front.


  • 那时巴比伦巴拉但儿子米罗达巴拉但、听见西痊愈书信礼物给

    At that time Merodach-Baladan son of Baladan king of Babylon sent Hezekiah letters and a gift, because he had heard of his illness and recovery.


  • 西斯廷教堂屋顶壁画米凯朗基罗于1508至1512年所作,其中一些还闻名世界

    The ceiling was painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512 and includes some of the world's most beautiful frescos.


  • 西斯廷教堂屋顶壁画米凯朗基罗于1508至1512年所作,其中一些还闻名世界

    The ceiling was painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512 and includes some of the world's most beautiful frescos.


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