• 西森斯失礼不是英国广播公司第一身陷来自皇家压力,2005年威切尔滑雪胜地克罗特进行新闻访问时,查尔王子大骂记者也非常出名。

    Sissons' gaffe is not the first time the BBC has come under fire from the royals, with Prince Charles famously caught slating Witchell during a press-call at the ski resort of Klosters in 2005.


  • 弗朗西·克里克发现DNA结构是所有生物遗传信息载体

    Watson, together with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA, the genetic information carrier of all living organisms.


  • 克莱大学心理学西·普里认为,派故事证明一点勇气并非来自无畏而是来自道德义务

    According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.


  • 完成返回加拿大的整段旅程,帝王蝶可能会经历四到五代。”薛西戈灰蝶协会濒危物种项目的负责人萨琳娜·杰普说道。

    "It might take the monarchs as many as four to five generations to complete the journey all the way back up to Canada," says Sarina Jepsen, who directs the endangered species program for the Xerces Society.


  • 10月,出版了自己著作《维索·西》。

    In October he published his book " Versos Sencillos".


  • 同意进行交换安德烈指示亚历克西送到格兰特大街一个地址处。

    Mason agrees to the trade and Andre instructs him to bring Alexis to an address on Grand Avenue.


  • 同意进行交换安德烈指示亚历克西送到格兰特大街一个地址处。

    Mason agrees to the trade, and Andre instructs him to bring Alexis to an address on Grand Avenue.


  • 德拉克首席执行官德西·汤普承认电厂可能最终需要安装CCS设备,但是没有什么时候安装可行或者合算

    Dorothy Thompson, chief executive of Drax, accepted that the plant might eventually need to fit CCS but did not say when this would be feasible or economic.


  • 纽约洛克·菲勒大学弗朗西·科利用电脑模型调查叶片上的存在原因

    Francis Corson of Rockefeller University in New York used computer models to examine why these loops exist.


  • 伊丽莎白·纳什抵达反恐组告诉杰克,她与亚历克西间酒吧结识的。

    When Elizabeth Nash arrives at CTU, she tells Mason and Jack that she met Alexis in a bar.


  • 动身医院亚历克西出来,进行交易

    Mason goes to the hospital to claim Alexis for the trade.


  • 罗莎琳德富兰克林詹姆士弗朗西克里克跳跃到了下一步DNA变异和遗传结构机制

    Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick bestowed the next leap: DNA, the structure and mechanism of variation and inheritance.


  • 薛定誉为激发了DNA发现者詹姆·佛朗西·克里克迈入分子生物学领域

    Schrodinger's book is credited with inspiring James Watson and Francis Crick, the discoverers of DNA, to enter the field of molecular biology.


  • 懂得了弗朗西·瓦雷拉、文·汤普莉诺罗奇(具身心)语言之后,我们就开始学会脚踏实地走在路上

    In the language of Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch (the Embodied Mind), we learn to lay down the path beneath our feet by walking.


  • ”系列今天开始,以火鸡狂热派西女士爱好者莫金女士之间一场感恩节对战揭幕。

    Eat Well starts today, with a Thanksgiving smackdown between Ms. Severson, a Turkey fan, and Ms. Moskin, a believer in side dishes.


  • 喜欢两个社会项目:1993- 2010西·迪利亚(美国人)发起朱莉项目(丹麦人)发起维多利亚项目。

    I also liked the two social projects, the Julie project 1993-2010, by Darcy Padilla (the United States) and the Name of Victoria by Mads Nissen (Denmark).


  • 范佩西不会在不会在与迪·内的比赛中引领受到了足联停赛场的处罚。但是在周六利物浦比赛中取回他的袖章

    Van Persie will not lead Arsenal out against Udinese - he serves a UEFA one-match suspension on Tuesday night - but will reclaim the armband when Liverpool visit north London on Saturday.


  • 查看亚历克西健康状况返回反恐组

    Mason returns to CTU after checking in on Alexis Drazen's health.


  • 西·尔邮购目录带来订单是,沃尔德将交易重组提高顾客服务体系的速度。

    While Sears's catalogs brought in orders, Rosenwald reorganized the business, speeding up the customer service system.


  • 西.女发言人特雷西没有最新的细节透露不管是乔布还是埃塞克没有对此发表评论

    Spokeswoman Tracey Guest of Simon &Schuster said no further details were available and that neither Jobs nor Isaacson would be commenting.


  • 宇航员特蕾西·考德威尔·启动程序,关闭工作中的机器,同时同伴道格拉·惠洛克安装跨接电缆保持所有房间有较低温度

    Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and, with crewmate Douglas Wheelock, installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.


  • 至右分别是:主演《大地惊雷》的杰夫·布里奇、主演《社交网络》的西·艾伯格、主演《国王演讲》的科林·菲尔、主演《美错》的、主演《127小时》的詹姆·弗兰科

    From left are Jeff Bridges for 'True Grit', Jesse Eisenberg for 'The Social Network', Colin Firth for 'The King's Speech', Javier Bardem for 'Biutiful' and James Franco for '127 Hours'.


  • 上周三,《自然》杂志发表了佛朗西·克里克博士来往书信片段,他是分享了半个诺贝尔奖的赢家,也是发现双螺旋的两人(詹姆·)(博士)克里克中的后者。

    Last Wednesday, Nature published excerpts of letter correspondences of Dr. Francis Crick, one half of the Nobel Prize-winning and double helix-discovering duo (James D.) Watson and Crick.


  • ——本周五联盟号宇宙飞船成功地将NASA宇航员特蕾西·考德威尔·戴俄罗宇航员亚历山大克沃尔·佐夫以及米哈伊尔科尔尼杨科送上国际空间站

    HOUSTONNASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Kornienko safely launched to the International space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft on Friday.


  • 引用詹姆·弗朗西·克里克的名言来说,埃龙•不是一个惯于谦逊的人。

    ELON MUSK is not, to paraphrase James Watson's bon mot about Francis Crick, a man given to modest moods.


  • 角色安排:乔纳·希尔(Jonah Hill)饰苹果工程师格雷·鲍威尔(Gray Powell),约翰·赵(JohnCho)饰Gizmodo编辑·Jason Chen),凯文·西(Kevin Spacey)客串饰演乔布一角。

    Dream casting: Jonah Hill as Apple engineer Gray Powell, John Cho as Gizmodo editor Jason Chen and, in a cameo, Kevin Spacey as Steve Jobs.


  • 我们是否真正了解DNA值得商榷,1953年的一天弗朗西·克里克(Francis Crick)詹姆·d·发表系列论文第一篇,阐述了DNA的双螺旋结构

    Whether we really understand DNA is debatable, but Francis Crick and James D. Watson published the first of many papers describing the double helix structure on this day in 1953.


  • Rutgers大学研究立法机构阿兰塔尔(Alan Rosenthal)说道,塔拉哈西立法会议期间总是一派繁忙景象,除此之外的其他时间便是死气沉沉的了。

    Alan Rosenthal, who researches state legislatures at Rutgers University, says the town was always hopping during legislative sessions and sleepy the rest of the year.


  • 朱詹娜·帕西尔宾卡-威尔Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson ),aka@huddlesuz,负责Huddle.net市场营销其它一切美差

    aka @huddlesuz, is in charge of marketing and everything nice at Huddle.net.


  • 朱詹娜·帕西尔宾卡-威尔Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson ),aka@huddlesuz,负责Huddle.net市场营销其它一切美差

    aka @huddlesuz, is in charge of marketing and everything nice at Huddle.net.


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