• 这部歌剧西方文明文化标志之一

    This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilization.


  • 莫斯科会谈提议标志先前西方立场一个重大转变

    The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous Western position.


  • 筷子西方高度赞扬古代东方文明标志

    Chopsticks are highly praised by Westerners as a hallmark of ancient oriental civilization.


  • 国外中国烹饪中国西方食物融合标志着中国变得越来越发达逐渐融入国际社会之中

    The mixing of Chinese cuisine abroad and Western food here in China is a sign that China is becoming more developed and integrated into the community of nations.


  • 这些最大新型经济体恢复迅速开始认为这次经济大萧条可能会标志全球范围经济实力西方转移

    The largest emerging markets are recovering fast and starting to think the recession may mark another milestone in a worldwide shift of economic power away from the West.


  • 双方的协议标志欧盟美国遇到挫折。欧盟美国敦促哈萨克斯坦越过里海石油天然气出口西方市场

    The agreement marks a setback for the European Union and the US, which have urged Kazakhstan to export oil and gas across the Caspian to western markets.


  • 赞助商可是西方一家公司——美国通用标志汽车雪佛龙,它乐于看见电影网络传播,老男孩只是他上投播的10网络短片之一。

    It was one of 10 short Web films to appear on Youku, sponsored by one very big Western company that delighted in seeing the films go viral online: Chevrolet, General Motors' iconic American car brand.


  • 同样这标志西方勇敢性格使得那些死亡受到尊崇那些地方变得丑陋

    And it is likewise a mark of courage characteristic of the Occident to have made so ugly the places where death thinks itself honored.


  • 标志一个重大进步改变认为西方饮食便是快餐观念

    This represents a significant improvement as it will change the perception that the height of western dining is fast food.


  • 箱子上总是西方国家标识,并用外语着搬运标志——西班牙语的“小心”、英语的“碎”等等。

    They always bore the stamp of a Western country and carried their instructions in a foreign language - "Cuidado," "Fragile."


  • 西方文化中,打嗝有声音行为被认为是不礼貌的,这是中国饮食一部分通常解释称赞标志

    Burping or slurping soup, actions considered impolite in Western culture, are part of Chinese eating, and are generally interpreted as complimentary signs.


  • 文章对比西方园林艺术不同风格分析园林组成要素曲折多变基础上,论证辩证关系,从而得出“曲”中国古典园林艺术的重要标志

    Compared with west garden art style, and based on analysis on the variability of each constitute part of gardans, the logical relationship between the bend and the straight ness is expounded.


  • 与此同时银行信用卡改变传统银行业竞争方式营销获利手段,成为西方众多商业银行的标志性业务。

    At the same time, it has changed the traditional ways of competing and profiting, and has become the sign of many commercial Banks in western countries.


  • 钢琴组曲《夜之幽灵》拉威尔钢琴音乐中的一部里程碑杰作同时也是近代西方钢琴文献中的一部标志优秀作品

    The piano suite Gaspard de la nuit is a masterpiece of the milestone type in Ravel' s piano music, it also is a symbolic works of excellence in modern time' s piano literature.


  • 匆忙西方头脑非常标志一个东西

    Hurry is something very symbolic of the Western mind.


  • 大多数西方国家都认为西方白人国家如伊拉克索马里不是白人国家塞尔维亚实行即刻惩罚,这任何标准上都是一个危险标志

    Most living outside see that the West will deliver swift retribution to nonwhite Iraqis or Somalis but not to white Serbians, a dangerous signal by any standard.


  • 西方传统哲学就是以这种超越为标志哲学。

    Transcendence has been the token of the traditional Western philosophy.


  • 西方哲学史上, 休近代怀疑主义主要代表, 怀疑主义是休谟哲学一个标志。休谟的怀疑主义是建立在经验论证的基础的。

    In the history of Western philosophy, David Hume is the chief representative of modern scepticism, and scepticism is the symbol of Hume's philosophy, which is based on empiricism.


  • 中国风格”是钢琴音乐中国文化特征集中体现也是中国钢琴音乐区别西方钢琴音乐的主要标志

    Piano music of Chinese style reflects the Chinese musical culture, which also marks the differences between the Chinese and the western piano music.


  • 西方媒体经常把龙用作中国标志

    The dragon also often appears in the publications of Western media as the symbol of China.


  • 然而白色却不一样,西方认为白色象征纯洁高尚的品德,而中国将白色看做死亡标志,白色用于葬礼的着装和装饰。

    While for white, it is used to symbolizing death in china. So unlike its purity in west, white can be seen mostly in funerals.


  • 我们不会忘记曾经是中国重要标志之一因此西方人称中国人为“蓝色蚂蚁”。

    No one would forget that was one of the important marks of China then, therefore, Chinese were called "blue ants" by occidental.


  • 本文时间探讨西方经典叙事学理论重要组成部分之一,中国先锋小说一个关键标志就是它的叙述无时性”。

    The study of "Text time" is one of the important theoretical constituents of Classical Narratology. The "timeless" narration is a key symbol in the Avantgarde fictions of China.


  • 价值数亿欧元交易昨天宣布标志华为国际扩张中的一个重要里程碑西方竞争对手们一直密切关注华为的国际扩张。

    The deal, announced yesterday and worth hundreds of millions of euros, marks a substantial milestone in Huawei's international expansion one closely watched by its Western rivals.


  • 西方启蒙运动标志现代性内核可以简要概括理性

    The core of modernity marked by the Enlightenment can be summed up as "reason".


  • 海德格尔美学在存在维度上标志西方现代美学完成,而语言维度上又标志西方后现代美学的开始。

    Heidegger's aesthetics symbolizes the end of modern aesthetics from the view of being and the beginning of post-modern aesthetics from language.


  • 海德格尔美学在存在维度上标志西方现代美学完成,而语言维度上又标志西方后现代美学的开始。

    Heidegger's aesthetics symbolizes the end of modern aesthetics from the view of being and the beginning of post-modern aesthetics from language.


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