• 在巴勒莫大学的历史老师罗塞拉·西拉说:“他的故事表明,梦想可以成真,如果你培养兴趣,你可以保持年轻——不是在年龄上,而是在精神上。”

    "His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain young—not in age but in spirit—if you develop interests," said Rosella Cancila, his teacher of history at the University of Palermo.


  • 下周前往西班牙挑战巴塞罗那之前西本周末面对拉齐奥的挑战。

    The San Siro giants will take on Lazio's challenge at the weekend before travelling to Spain for the encounter with Barcelona at Camp Nou on Tuesday evening.


  • 目的研究替沙坦西心血管肥大作用

    The objective is to study the effect of candesartan cilexetil on cardiovascular hypertrophy.


  • 手机电池凉快时候确实使用时间要长一点,”电池大学网站编辑西多·

    "Cellphone batteries do indeed last a bit longer if kept cool," says Isidor Buchanan, editor of the Battery University Web site.


  • 比尔·佩里,约翰·多伊奇米基·特,鲍勃·赖克,黑兹尔·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 论文作出贡献其他耶鲁大学研究人员丹尼尔·西富恩特斯薛惠玲大卫w·泰勒希瑟·帕诺德施里特·梅恩

    Other Yale researchers contributing to the paper were Daniel Cifuentes, Huiling Xue, David, W. Taylor, Heather Patnode and Shrikant Mane.


  • 某些邦,比如比哈尔邦西孟加拉邦拉贾斯坦德邦大多数19岁女孩已婚

    In some states - Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Jharkhand - a majority of 19-year-old girls had already been married.


  • 如今西喝彩几乎也成为球场固定风景

    Now, for Messi cheers almost become a fixed scenic Camp Stadium.


  • 大多数失物被遗落运输安全检查站被转交机场的,麦卡伦机场发言人蒂丝·西

    Most are left at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints and turned over to the airport, says McCarran spokeswoman Candice Seeley.


  • 一个关于盖茨比的故事是个有钱有势亿万富翁西·

    This is the story of Jay Gatsby, very wealthy and powerful billionaire, who is in love with Daisy Buchanan.


  • 可以毫不夸张地今年属于艾丽西卡•维德的一年。

    It's no exaggeration to say that this year belongs to Alicia Vikander.


  • 不过家乡英国西约克思利,这位书虫阿姨奇怪打扮对于当地人来说可是新鲜事儿。丽芙的家乡正好距离勃朗特家族牧师居所所在地霍沃斯不远

    But the bookworm's bizarre look is a hit with locals in her hometown of Keighley, West Yorkshire - near the parsonage in Haworth where the Bronte family lived.


  • 特纳去年给了阿森纳一个惊喜领先,但是西随后接管了比赛,温格认为球员可以去年比赛中汲取教训。

    Nicklas Bendtner gave Arsenal a shock lead at the Nou Camp last year before Messi took over and Wenger thinks his players can learn lessons from that encounter.


  • 伯恩矿业学院教授弗朗西沃尔开采这些替代矿藏消除目前金属供应垄断现象”。

    Professor Frances Wall of the Camborne School of Mines said that mining these alternative deposits would "take away the monopoly of current suppliers of these metals".


  • 尽管仍然怀疑塞努西是否被捕,莫里诺·珀还是11月23认可利比亚法庭卡扎菲体面的听证会

    But on November 23rd-though doubting whether Mr Senoussi really had been arrested-he accepted that Libyan courts could give the younger Qaddafi a decent hearing.


  • 与此同时米兰律师塔梅萨声称选择评论最新谣言声称舍甫琴科将会回到西

    Meanwhile, Milan lawyer Leandro Cantamessa has declared that the Rossoneri prefer not to comment on the latest rumours regarding Andriy Shevchenko's alleged return to the San Siro.


  • 20年后,西·约翰斯顿(Lucy Johnston)领导一个伯雷大学研究小组西对此想法进行有力测试

    Two decades later, a research group led by Lucy Johnston of the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, performed a more robust test of the idea.


  • 法布可能返回普的谣言联系了一起,但是觉得埃米尔生活愉快,西现在在诺普的状况一样。

    Cesc has been linked with a possible move back to the Nou Camp, but he is thought to be happy with life at the Emirates, just as Messi is at the Camp Nou.


  • 西尔维斯特坚信红魔球迷一如既往地指出这位21的新星,就像当年他们支持被公众大肆讨伐的贝克·汉姆、通纳基恩一样

    Mikael Silvestre is confident Reds supporters will belligerently back the 21-year-old, as they have with the publicly vilified David Beckham, Eric Cantona and Roy Keane in recent years.


  • 如果说西埃托奥还有亨利搭档的话,那么罗纳尔迪尼奥看来最有可能离开普了。

    If Lionel Messi is to be used as a supply line for Eto 'o and Henry, then that means Ronaldinho is more likely to depart the Nou Camp.


  • 西希望法布雷加斯在诺并肩作战梅西希望有一阿森纳中场法布雷加斯站成一

    Barcelona forward Leo Messi hopes he will one day line up alongside Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas with the Blaugrana.


  • 沿地中海边界南部阿尔梅里亚(Almeria)北部塔拉戈纳(Tarragona)90%以上的地区危险的。阿利西地区,这个比例攀升到了100%。

    More than 90% of land bordering the Mediterranean from Almeria in the south to Tarragona in the north is considered to be at high risk. But that figure climbs to almost 100% in Alicante and Murcia.


  • 西丈夫汤姆·(Tom Buchanan)是个几乎瞧不起所有人的恶人。

    Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, is an unkind man who looks down on almost everyone.


  • 西丈夫汤姆·(Tom Buchanan)是个几乎瞧不起所有人的恶人。

    Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, is an unkind man who looks down on almost everyone.


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