• 虽然组委会宣称使整个英国受益,但西南部苏格兰中部访问量分别下降了62%和72%,对组委会是个打击

    In a blow to the claims of the organizing committee that the Games would benefit the whole country, traffic from the south-west was down 62 per cent and that from central Scotland down 72 per cent.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,一年一度的"南瓜"赛正在德国西南部城市路德维希堡如火如荼展开,你能看到王室宫殿遗址,人们划着这些臃肿自制"南瓜舟"在水中博弈。

    The Kürbis Regatta at the annual Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival, in southwest Germany, saw a host of bloated specimens being paddled in front of a former royal palace.


  • 上周他们英国西南部乡村拍摄魔幻》(MagicalMystery Tour),这是一个小时电视专访,圣诞节假期全世界范围内播出

    Last week they careened through the southwest English countryside filming Magical Mystery Tour, an hour-long TV special, for worldwide broadcast during the Christmas season.


  • 过去那个周末里丈夫开车去英国西南部Cornwall

    This past weekend, my husband and I drove out to Cornwall in Southwest Britain.


  • 特大学位埃克塞特,这里人口大约10万英国西南部重要商业中心

    The University of Exeter is located in the City of Exeter, which is the commercial center of south-west Britain with a population of 100,000 people.


  • 2007年英国西南部爆发洪灾时候,人们破坏了许多废弃汽车,窃取很多包免费瓶装

    During the 2007 floods in the West Country abandoned cars were broken into and free packs of bottled water were stolen.


  • 亚当先生出生于切尔滕纳姆(英国英格兰西南部城市),澳大利亚海军度过了12看到这么多澳大利亚士兵丧生时他无法掩饰激动情绪。

    Mr Adams, who was born in Cheltenham and spent 12 years in the Australian Navy, could not disguise his emotion at visiting the site of where Australians suffered a severe loss of life.


  • 英国西南部各郡技术实力工程技能方面一次胜利凯旋

    It is a triumph for West Country technical prowess and engineering know-how.


  • 英国男子法国杀害妻子湖中的指控进行上诉评审团在法国西南部城市图卢兹进行复审后,判定其有罪

    A British man who appealed against his conviction for killing his wife and dumping her body in a lake was tonight found guilty by a jury at his retrial in Toulouse, south-west France.


  • 信用卡盗窃使用,他正在英国西南部参见一个假日。

    At the time the card was used o 'shea was at a festival in the south-west of England, Saltrese said.


  • 自己父母位于农村家中一位姑妈直到他的父母将到了格洛斯特(英国西南部的港市)他才会到自己家,同时他还附近的屠宰场里找工作

    He moved from his parents’ rural home to live with an aunt until the Wests moved his family to Gloucester, where he took a job in an abattoir.


  • 科学家们追踪调查了出生于1991年1992年1.4万名儿童长期健康富裕状况,这项调查是面向英国西南部各郡的“文亲子纵向研究”中的一部分

    Scientists tracked the long term health and wellbeing of around 14, 000 children born in 1991 and 1992 as part of the West Country's Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and children (ALSPAC).


  • 科学家们追踪调查出生于1991年1992年1.4万名儿童长期健康富裕状况,这项调查是面向英国西南部各郡的“文亲子纵向研究”中的一部分

    Scientists tracked the long term health and wellbeing of around 14,000 children born in 1991 and 1992 as part of the West Country's Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and children (ALSPAC).


  • 如今英国西南部康沃尔郡的一家公司制造的非常逼真的人形机器人已经被美国宇航局(NASA)买下作为导游机器人

    And now this frighteningly life-like robot, built by a small firm in Cornwall, has been bought by Nasa to become a robotic tour guide.


  • 616日,Sawers任命当天贴出了夫妇二人朋友们英国西南部共度假日19张照片。

    On 16 June, the day Sawers's appointment was announced, she posted 19 pictures of the couple on holiday with their friends in the West Country.


  • 布拉瓦约辛巴威西南部靠近博茨瓦纳边界一个城市,1893年英国人建立,人口413,814。

    A city of southwest Zimbabwe near the Botswana border. It was founded by the British in1893. Population, 413, 814.


  • 虽然问题代人都曾过,但英国西南部内尔西中学代表学校决定时候斩草除根了。

    And while the problem is recurrent with every generation, some schools like the Nailsea school in southwestern England decided to eliminate the root of the problem altogether.


  • 英国西南部新建核电站成为地球昂贵物体

    A new nuclear power station in the south-west of the UK will be the most expensive object on Earth.


  • 这位英国西南部艾尔郡打电话报案的女士没有留下姓名

    The lady didn't give her name. She was calling from Ayr, southwest Scotland.


  • 广泛地分布英国各地,西南部最为普遍英格兰东部苏格兰地区只有少量分布

    Badgers are widespread in Britain but are most common in the South West, rare in East Anglia and thinly distributed in Scotland.


  • 根据到网搜集数百万评论英格兰西南部遭受风暴侵害里斯托尔基人气猛增,进入英国大旅游城市之列。

    There was also a boost for the storm-damaged south west of England with Bristol and Torquay making it in to the top 10 UK destination table compiled by TripAdvisor from millions of reviews.


  • 英国媒体报道,4日英格兰西南部M5高速公路上发生一起重大车祸,至少27辆车追尾引发起爆炸

    At least 27 vehicles crashed on the M5 motorway in southwest England Friday evening, causing several explosions, UK media reported.


  • 英国媒体报道,4日英格兰西南部M5高速公路上发生一起重大车祸,至少27辆车追尾引发起爆炸

    At least 27 vehicles crashed on the M5 motorway in southwest England Friday evening, causing several explosions, UK media reported.


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