• 结果表明降水减少地区主要位于我国北方西北东部、华北东北;在南方,西南的降水减少趋势上述地区具有类似特征。

    The results indicated that the annual precipitation reduced in North China, Northeast China, the east part of Northwest China, and Southwest China, while the SAT generally increased in these regions.


  • 留在西北尽管测试的结果俄勒冈州东部怀俄明州西部之间一些地方里具体的。

    She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming.


  • 然而,曾阻挠扎尔·达里提议巴基斯坦将军们却战位,将数千军人西北调往东部边境

    Yet Pakistan's generals, having scotched that offer, leapt to battle-stations. They shifted several thousand troops from the north-west to the eastern border.


  • 过去25年里大西洋西北减少83%,太平洋东部印度洋西南部则减少了70%。

    In the past 25 years, certain hammerhead sharks have declined 83% in the northwest Atlantic and up to 70% in the eastern Pacific and southwest Indian Ocean.


  • 石油主要蕴藏西北地区其次东北、华北地区东部沿海浅海大陆架。

    Petroleum reserves are mainly in northwest and also in northeast China, north China and the continental shelves in east China.


  • 庆元县划分北部稳定区”、“东部基本稳定区”、“西北部不稳定区”西南部极不稳定区”等四个“环境”。

    The county was divided into four zonations, as "north stable region", "east rough stable region", "north west unstable region" and "south west highly unstable region".


  • 柴达木盆地位于创省西北大部分为戈壁、沙漠东部多沼泽盐湖我国地势最高典型内陆高原

    Qaidam basin, located in the provincial Northwest, most of the Gobi Desert and over the eastern marshes, Salt Lake, the terrain is typical of the highest plateau inland basins.


  • 该区气候演化处于我国东部季风西北边缘相邻地区有一定的可比性,也具有自身区域特色

    The palaeoclimate with self characteristics in this area is the same as that in the adjacent areas, which belong to the northwestern edge of eastern monsoon.


  • 中国东部城市,位于南京西北人口425,000。

    A city of eastern China northwest of Nanjing. Population, 425,000.


  • 别拉亚:苏联东部欧洲部分河流,发源于乌拉尔山流程1,416公里(880英里),总体西北住注入卡马河。

    A river of eastern European U. S. S. R. rising in the Ural Mountains and flowing about 1,416 km (880 mi) generally northwest to the Kama River.


  • 西边不列颠哥伦比亚省东部萨斯喀彻温省,它的南部美国蒙大拿州接壤北部则与西北地区相连

    To its west is British Columbia while to its east is Saskatchewan. Its south borders on the U. s. state of Montana while its north borders on the Northwest Territories.


  • 利用实时资料数值预报产品建立多种数据库为支撑西北地区东部重要天气预报业务系统

    By using of actual data and numerical forecast products, the significant weather forecast system in east north west China, based on various data base, is built.


  • 澳大利亚东部新西兰发现自己不仅海拔升高了,同样也倾斜了个角度,向西北方向漂移

    Eastern Australia and New Zealand may find themselves with more than an increase in elevation, they may find themselves likewise skewed at an angle, shifting to the southwest.


  • 苏联东部欧洲部分河流,发源于乌拉尔山流程4'公里(880英里),总体西北住注入卡马

    A river of eastern European U. S. S. R. rising in the Ural Mountains and flowing about , 4' km (880 mi) generally northwest to the Kama River.


  • 加拿大西北领地东部,位于哈得孙湾海湾——切斯特菲尔德湾的附近

    A lake of eastern Northwest Territories, Canada, near Chesterfield Inlet, an arm of Hudson Bay.


  • 西北与黑山接壤东北与科索沃东部是马其顿南部东南部希腊

    It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast.


  • 首次中国西北地区东部小麦品种资源发现了28个具有高温锈性的冬小麦品种

    For the first time, 28 varieties with high temperature resistance to stripe rust were discovered from wheat variety resources in eastern growth area in China North west.


  • 预料环高将沿东部副热带高压脊西北逐渐转向东北移动,移速将会加快

    VAMCO is expected to recurve in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge, and is expected to accelerate.


  • 美国衣阿华州东部西达上达文堡西北偏西城市重要商业工业交通运输中心人口108,751。

    A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 108,751.


  • 美国衣阿华州东部西达上达文堡西北偏西城市重要商业工业交通运输中心人口08,75。

    A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 08, 75.


  • 中国东部城市,位于上海西北西京运河农业区中的工业中心人口425,000。

    A city of eastern China on the Grand Canal west-northwest of Shanghai. It is an industrial center in an agricultural region. Population, 425,000.


  • 美国宾夕法尼亚州东部城市,位于费城西北偏北利哈伊河畔。重要钢铁生产中心人口7,428。

    A city of eastern Pennsylvania on the Lehigh River north-northwest of Philadelphia. It is an important steel-producing center. Population, 7,428.


  • 墨西哥西北城市临近加利福尼亚洲界,位于提华纳东部灌溉农业区的分配制造中心人口341,559。

    A city of northwest Mexico near the California border east of Tijuana. It is a distribution and processing center in an irrigated agricultural region. Population, 341,559.


  • 墨西哥西北城市临近加利福尼亚洲界,位于提华纳东部灌溉农业区的分配制造中心人口34,559。

    A city of northwest Mexico near the California border east of Tijuana. It is a distribution and processing center in an irrigated agricultural region. Population, 34,559.


  • 空间,海温降水的影响存在相关关系贡献西北地区大于东部地区。

    From the space point of views, there is teleconnection relationship between them and its contribution which is greater in Northwest China than that in East China.


  • 空间,海温降水的影响存在相关关系贡献西北地区大于东部地区。

    From the space point of views, there is teleconnection relationship between them and its contribution which is greater in Northwest China than that in East China.


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