• 针筒大批回收可以在这里看到规模,按大小分类,全部市场上去所以回收再使用。

    And they are collected en massyou can see the scale of it here — and sorted out, by hand, back into the right sizes, and then put back out on the street.


  • 乘客营救人员担架离事故现场,现场营救人员梯子重型设备切开列车残骸营救其中的乘客。

    Several passengers were carried off on stretchers, and rescue crews used ladders and heavy equipment to cut into the wreckage and get to passengers stuck inside.


  • 期待原谅想对方送的礼物表示感谢

    Expecting to be forgiven is like asking someone to say thank you for the gift.


  • (一些自然现象已经证实一构想的正确,例如在火山喷发的时候,富含大量硫酸盐烟流平流层,从而暂时改变全球气候)。

    Nature has already shown that this concept can work, since volcanic eruptions that send sulphur-rich plumes into the stratosphere can temporarily alter the world’s climate.


  • 来自英国乡村诺尔庄园的银质家具放置在一张瑞典旁边,床上织物极其奢华,张床有可能是路易十五所送的礼物

    Silver furniture from Knole, an English country house, stands near a Swedish bed with rich fabric that was possibly a gift from Louis XIV.


  • NASA再次宇航员月球但是在去年取消了成为缩减预算牺牲品。

    While NASA had wanted to send astronauts back to the Moon, its program was canceled last year, a victim of budget cuts and shifting priorities.


  • 外卖的工作人员摆放好汤勺红色布,红色围布是用来保护用餐者的衣服以免火锅汤汁溅到。

    The delivery man lays out soup ladles, and red aprons to protect the diners' clothes from oil splashes.


  • (巴西的)里约热内卢贫民窟附近,一载有圣诞老人”的直升飞机遭到贩毒分子的枪击。这架直升飞机圣诞老人”去参加圣诞晚会显然贩毒分子当作警察直升机了。

    In a Rio DE Janeiro slum, drug traffickers opened fire on a helicopter carrying Santa Claus to a Christmas party, apparently mistaking it for a police helicopter.


  • 使用连续管柱情况下,在含气油井条件安全工作能力使得流体任何时刻而与位置移动方向无关

    The ability to work safely under live well conditions, with a continuous string, enables fluids to be pumped at any time regardless of the position or direction of travel.


  • 一点指出这位门徒选择了需要在室内的工作,曾有一段时间户外邮件,而现在正给食品连锁店面包

    This was pointed out, and this individual opted for a job that does not require being indoors and delivered mail outdoors for a time, and is now delivering bread to grocery store chains.


  • 中国想向一个国家表示友好的时候,通常只大熊猫不过缅甸得到的却是一份特殊的礼物:一颗视为圣物佛牙舍利。

    When China wants another country to feel all warm and fuzzy, it sends a panda. But Myanmar gets something special: A sacred Buddha tooth.


  • 这里我们可以看出调查当中有38%人认为花钱孩子出国留学接受更好教育值得,将来可以得到回报

    From it we can see that 38 percent of those surveyed think it is worth the money letting children study abroad to get a better education so that they can get pay in return in the future.


  • 贾森父亲没有接受贾森进监狱的劝告留在了家里不料警告说可能由于使另一个儿子受到威胁起诉

    Jason's father rejected the advice and kept him at home, only to be warned he could be charged with endangering his other son.


  • 被送美元翻筋斗公告引起通货膨胀的恐惧可以一张微弱美钞恶化

    The announcement sent the dollar tumbling and set off fears about inflation, which can be exacerbated by a weak greenback.


  • 如何手表上弦?上弦表冠产生能量传至发条弹簧发条盒内堆积

    And how was your watch winders? The crown generated energy is sent to the spring, spring accumulation in the box.


  • 这些密封平面一个较软,两平面间外,直接接触

    These seals consist of two flat faces, one extremely hard, the other softer, in direct contact except for a thin film of the oil being pumped.


  • 内拉达古老圣人很可能水者的化身),认为是之间使者拥有梵天前额的根源。

    Narada, an ancient sage (probably a personification of the cloud, the water-giver), is considered as the messenger between the gods and men, and as having sprung from the forehead of Brahma.


  • 槽液粘度(大约等于粘度),容易也利于车身的沥干。

    The low paint bath viscosity (approximately equal to that of water) results in ease of pumping and allows drainage of the coated vehicle.


  • 如果理解正确附加最终不能改变第一个初始化。”

    If I understand true you are sending "s" to append buts is final valued can't be changed after first value initialized.


  • 假如区段使用网路实体网路媒体状况,视为全体网路的部分或区域之一

    If segment is being used in the context of physical networking media in a routed network, it would be seen as one of the sections of the total network.


  • 中国广州清平市场袋装的海乌龟被送餐桌

    Bagged turtles at the Qingping market in Guangzhou, China, are destined for the dinner table.


  • 右脚应该保持地面一直被送力量收杆位置。

    The right foot should remain on the ground until it's pulled up y the power of the club swing past the body.


  • 应用程序启动时候,选择一个响应

    Choose a response you want to send when the application is activated.


  • 应用程序启动时候,选择一个响应

    Choose a response you want to send when the application is activated.


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